I mean he tricks the I.O into thinking Ghost and Shadow are seperate factions, would've succeeded in breaking the loop if it weren't for the storm turning into water which it's unclear how he would've known could happen, he's learned how to control his golden touch unlike most versions of Midas as he didn't end up accidentally killing his daughter in this (Jules is still alive), and escaped from the underworld. Now while he does end up falling off his raft end getting eaten by a shark that likely was just a snapshot of him since he's still able to do things after that. The Imagined Order are also worse than him so it adds to his magnificence. He's a baddie though because he is shown to have killed multiple people in a cutscene, started a war on the island and flooded it, although unintentional nowhere does it say he feels remorse over this. He isn't too much of a baddie since these things aren't touched upon as villainous deeds that much, not to mention that other Fortnite villains do worse. Now it does say he is arrogant on his page but that really doesn't make him do anything stupid since the only 'stupid' thing he does is fall off his raft which is definitely not due to arrogance and that likely isn't even him. Even if it actually was him, he survived it anyways. Although it says he's obsessive over his minions this really isn't touched on much in game and one of his minions says he's sweeter than he appears. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Midas_(Fortnite)