This is NOT a proposal. However, I just wanted to see if my OC can qualify given the criteria.
Also, sorry for my past of suggesting obvious non-qualifiers. I now have higher understanding of the criteria and will try not to let this mistake happen again.
Ferret'howl is a warrior of WindClan and one of my Warriors OCs, I recommend the books, they are honestly super great, but I can understand why some people don't like them. I can tolerate furries as long as they're not a specific z word, but calling fans furries is unacceptable. Anyways, back to the discussion.
Ferret'kit and his sister, Aurora'kit have always had a strained relationship. Ferret'kit was intelligent but rather mischievous, while Aurora'kit was a bossy rule-stickler. Eventually, the medicine cat got a sign from StarClan that his sister was destined to kill him. After getting this message, Aurora'kit was shunned by most of the Clan. Ferret'kit tried to talk her into a friendship, but their rivalry had grown too strong to fix it. This was when Ferret'kit decided that StarClan couldn't control him, and he wanted revenge. Please note that I don't think this is too petty, but you can decide.
Ferret'paw was apprenticed to Badger'star, who was secretly corrupt himself. Despite having a mentor who was secretly a Bluebeard (Man who killed his girlfriends), Ferret'paw didn't let Badger'star's harsh temper get past him. He was intelligent and strategic, being an apprentice like no other. This caused Aurora'paw, who was falling behind in her training, to hate him even more. One day, Ferret'paw managed to manipulate Aurora'paw into faking a bond so the Clan can think the prophecy is false. Now, MBs can't be too magnificent, so I decided to give Ferret'paw a slip-up. Anyways, one day, Ferret'paw and Aurora'paw let it slip when they started making mean jokes about each other on patrol. However, Ferret'paw made a "apology", and, as part of the deal, Aurora'paw "forgave" him.
Warrior Life:
Ferret'paw became Ferret'howl at 10 moons due to his exceptional skill, while Aurora'paw was made a warrior known as Aurora'shine two moons later. Ferret'howl was a charismatic warrior who was loved by all, and no one knew of his dark intentions. He kept his deal with Aurora'shine, until one day, when he murdered Aurora'shine on the border with ThunderClan. The scene wasn't overly disgusting and Aurora'shine was simply killed with a bite to the throat. This caused a war between ThunderClan and WindClan. One day, the leader, Fennec'star, who killed Badger'star to defeat him, interrogated him, as she was asked by the RiverClan leader to interrogate her Clanmates after she found WindClan scent on a patch of gray fur near the corpse. Ferret'howl didn't break down or cowardly beg for mercy, but rather calmly and coldly confessed to the murder. He was blinded and exiled as punishment, but that didn't stop him.....
Exiled Life and Death:
Ferret'howl stayed calm and accepted being exiled. He decided to lay low and wait for the time to strike. He manipulated some rouges into joining him, occasionally sending some rouges to WindClan camp to get reports. He told them to pretend to be old, friendly loners, and most of the time his former Clanmates bought it. This is when I decided to give him another slip-up. Once, however, when a rouge was chased out for trying to take a kit for himself, he attacked him. However, he recovered from this slip-up by realizing what he did to a rouge he truly cared about and took him to a traveling loner he knew to heal him. When a rouge reported back to him that WindClan had an outbreak of Greencough, he devised a plot to kill both of their medicine cats. While he knew he would die achieving this, he decided that the revenge he would get would be all worth it. He got the rouges to break into the WindClan camp and threatened to kill the medicine cats. When Fennec'star ordered a group of cats to kill him, he pretended to beg for mercy, but when the cats started to suggest letting him go as they thought it was genuine redemption, he attacked them. While he was distracted, Fennec'star pounced, and threatened to kill him herself. He simply said that he didn't care and that he knew he was gonna die anyways, so Fennec'star followed through. In the Dark Forest, he truly cares for his fellow Dark Forest cats, seeing them as his found family.
His image for anyone who cares (Credit to Felidaze on Picrew. Also, it's perfectly OK to propose him as long as you credit me first!)