Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

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  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Abra Kadabra is a minor antagonist in the Arrowverse as a recurring antagonist in The Flash, serving as a minor antagonist in Season 3 & 7 and a posthumous character for the rest of the series. He is a sophisticated time-criminal from the 64th century who augmented himself with futuristic tech to appear as if he was a magician and got stuck in the 21st century and sought to steal parts to build a timeship for himself and return home.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is a genius who augmented himself with large amounts of nanotechnology to perform feats indistinguishable from magic and styled himself as a dashing magician.
  • He speaks in a sophisticated and polite tone even if it isn't geniune.
  • He goes on a robbing spree, knowing the Flash would confront him, and used "magic tricks" to effortlessly evaded him and Gypsy to escape capture.
  • He goaded most of Team Flash into confronting him at Mercury Labs only to reveal that it was a hologram and he tricked them all while he actually broke into S.T.A.R Labs to steal more tech.
  • After being captured, he convinces Joe to agree to his deal to let him go in exchange for revealing Savitar's identity to him and was actually going to honor the deal until Gypsy ruined it and tried to attack him.
  • He stole the power source from S.T.A.R Labs' time vault and successfully escaped from Team Flash.
  • He successfully and singlehandedly constructs a timeship using the materials he stole and nearly succeeding in his goal to go back to his own time, only being stopped at the last second by Barry.
  • Even after being captured by the Earth-19 Collectors, he managed to escape execution from them and get away.
  • Following the Anti-Monitor crisis, He suffered a rather sympathetic tragedy where he deduced his "dreams" were actually his pre-crisis memories and family who were erased from existence due to crisis and Flash not dying like he was supposed to and swore vengeance against Barry.
  • He returned to the 21st century with a wand to match his magician persona, creating two obelisks and purposefully getting himself captured by Team Flash and A.R.G.U.S so he could get into the A.R.G.U.S facility to obtain the final obelisk for his plans.
  • He activates all three obelisks to create the anti-matter bomb he would use to destroy Central City and teleported constantly to successfully charge the bomb and evade Team Flash. By the time Barry found him, Team Flash couldn't stop the bomb.
  • After Barry sympathizes and apologizes to him for what had happened to him, he redeems himself and deactivates the bomb, saving Central City before revealing his real name and respecting Flash for his compassion.
  • He ulitmately died standing in the way of a mysterious monster to protect the Flash with Team Flash agreeing he died a hero.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He killed several people including through drowning or sharp metallic "cards"
  • He robbed numerous facilities and stole their technology.
  • He attempted to destroy Central City.


           Arrowverse Magnificent Baddies

Leonard Snart | Damien Darhk | Mar Novu | Grodd | William Tockman | Eobard Thawne (Flashpoint)

Deathstroke | Floyd Lawton | Talia Al Ghul | Vincent Sobel | Tommy Merlyn (Earth-2)

The Flash
Hartley Rathaway | Abra Kadabra | Music Meister | Goldface

Manchester Black | Rick Malverne
