Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

You didn't change a damn thing.
~ Barry's last words to Mike before he's killed

Barry Norris is the main antagonist of the 2016 American action psychological horror film The Belko Experiment. He was the CCO of a non-profit company named Belko Industries. He was one of the eighty victims who were trapped inside of the building due to the Voice’s experiment. Unlike most of the other employees, Barry chose to follow through with the Voice’s orders, doing anything to survive and see his family.

He was portrayed by Tony Goldwyn.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is played very well and charismatically by Tony Goldwyn.
  • When the experiment begins and most people are in a panic, he proceeds to calm everyone down in the lobby in a very affable and well-mannered way, showing that he doesn't immediately resort to violence.
  • He quickly deduces that the explosions are coming from their heads and not from the outside.
  • It is later confirmed that in the past before working at Belko, he was with the special forces and was trained to kill.
  • He has a few funny lines like when Leandra ask does he have a better idea and he responds with he thinks jerking off into a cup is a better idea.
  • He's able to manipulate Terry, Bradley, and Antonio into joining him in killing 30 people and further pushes Terry to recover from his weeping mood and kill Michael.
    • He also decides to do the killings himself so everyone else (save for Wendell) doesn't have to live with killing someone.
  • He ambushes Mike's group once he recruits more allies and smartly knocks Mike unconscious in order to confiscate the only gun from him.
  • Despite his fall to villainy, he maintains his authority and standards. He chastises the bloodthirsty Wendell for brutally killing Evan and orders him not to harm Leandra for a petty reason.
  • He is an anti-villain and can be seen as a extremist due to him only killing 30 people (mostly the elderly) so the other 30 can go home to their families like him. He also spares anyone with children under the age of 18.
    • While he does reject Terry's idea of a lottery, it was only due to having less than 20 minutes before phase 2 ended. He also attempts to be as impartial with the rest of employees and selects them at random.
  • While he does get thwarted when Dany turns out the lights and everyone escapes, to which he screams in anger, he does recover from this as he quickly accepts his possible death when he just closes his eyes and sits in silence.
    • Plus the scream also shows that he was mad that more people had to die which shows he didn't want to kill all the people and his attempts to save the majority by killing 30 people was ultimately all for nothing.
  • When his co-worker tries seducing him, he tricks her into coming closer to him, only to snap her neck and kill her without wasting a bullet.
  • He completely dominates the experiment with nobody else coming close to his kill count of 16 mainly due to his special forces experience, gunman skills, and manipulation.
  • He manages to spot Roberto and Dany hiding on top of the elevator and smartly kills Roberto by crushing him with the elevator and the ceiling.
  • When he gets stuck in the elevator he is able to free himself by breaking the handlebars on the elevator and leveraging the door open.
  • Beats Michael up to a pulp and almost kills him if Mike didn't get lucky.
  • He accepts his death with gratitude not fighting when he is already beaten and instead just reminds Mike that his methods didn't change the outcome.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He attacks Mike in the stairwell by knocking him unconscious with a fire extinguisher.
  • He ultimately led the execution of 30 people and killed several good-hearted characters like Leandra, Dany and Roberto (Roberto especially having a brutal death by being crushed to death by an elevator), even if he shows 0 sadism in his kills and shows heavy amounts of remorse.

External Links[]
