Magnificent Baddie Removal: Optimus Prime (Bayformers)
Alright, here's a reevaluation one of mine, who after revisiting many of his key scenes, may not really be shady enough for the trope anymore. I'll admit I might've been partially biased when proposing him because I did not (and still do not) like the direction these films approached his character. So let the trial commence.
Transformers is a series of live-action action films that is based on the '80s toyline, and honestly, not a very good series at that. It follows the Transformers, okay, no, that's the other incarnations, it follows some humans, pretty annoying ones most of the time at that, as they somehow intertwine themselves with the war of the race of high-tech aliens from the planet of Cybertron, the Transformers, allying with the …
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Aeolus (EPIC: The Musical)
So this was someone who I just thought of in a random listen of the song and then it hit me... "Hey... maybe they can actually count" and it's always good to just somehow make a discussion on Epic so... as a not I'll be importing this from my EP on Troper's Hub here, some adjustments here and there none withstanding. So let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Aeolus
- 3 Are They Magnificent?
- 4 Are They a Bastard?
- 5 Final Verdict
EPIC: The Musical is an appropriately titled musical created by Jorge-Rivera Herrans. Serving as an adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey, it follows Odysseus, King of Ithaca, who was on his way back home to reunite with his wife and son, Penelope and Telemachus, who he had to leave behind as he went to fight the Trojans…
MB Proposal: Mr. Verne and Iker (Michael Clayton)
Alright onto the second pair from Michael Clayton
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who are Mr. Verne and Mr. Iker?
- 3 Are They Magnificent?
- 4 Are They Baddies? Too much?
- 5 Verdict?
Michael Clayton is a 2007 legal thriller created by Tony Gilroy and starring George Cloony. This film is about a man named Michael Clayton, who is a “fixer” for a law firm. Michael’s firm works for a company named U/North, whom one of their lawyers, Arthur, ends up having a public freakout with and accuses them of pushing a deadly weed killer. When Michal is sent to handle things, he soon realizes Arthur is right. Two candidates from the film, second one are these pair of antagonists.
Mr. Verne is contacted by Karen through a code, given to her by Don Jefferies. Verne asks her if she ha…
MB Proposal: Michael Clayton (Michael Clayton)
Alright got a duo from a lawyer movie I recently watched, since I like Ace Attorney.
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who Is Michael Clayton?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
Michael Clayton is a 2007 legal thriller created by Tony Gilroy and starring George Cloony. This film is about a man named Michael Clayton, who is a “fixer” for a law firm. Michael’s firm works for a company named U/North, whom one of their lawyers, Arthur, ends up having a public freakout with and accuses them of pushing a deadly weed killer. When Michal is sent to handle things, he soon realizes Arthur is right. Two candidates from the film, first one is the man himself.
Michael drives his son, Henry, to school then heads to an auction, where he meets a man injur…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Mara-El-Utha & Dirk Manus
So now that I am done with the G1 cartoon, here are 2 candidates from Season 3 that I feel should be really easy keepers. Let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who are They? What Have They Done?
- 2.1 Mara-El-Utha
- 2.2 Dirk Manus
- 3 Are They Magnificent?
- 3.1 Mara-El-Utha
- 3.2 Dirk Manus
- 4 Are they Baddies?
- 4.1 Mara-El-Utha
- 4.2 Dirk Manus
- 5 Final Verdict
The Transformers. It is an 1984 TV series by Sunbow Studios, in which alongside a seperate comic series published by Marvel that ran alongside it, gave birth to the Transformers brand, perhaps the most successful of all the 80s toylines with loads of new comic series & manga, cartoons & anime, video games, films, and it really needs no further introduction than the Autobots, robots in disguise, who have to figh…
MB Proposal: Robot Claus (Futurama)
Alright, so got a very late Chirstmas special that got delayed because of a surprise vacation, but better late than never!
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who is Robot Claus?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
Futurama is a 1999 adult animated cartoon created by Matt Groening. The show revolves around a pizza delivery man named Fry who after accidentally falling in a cryogenic chamber in 1999 new year eve, wakes up in 2999 new year’s eve, when promptly turns into 3000. Fry ends up finding his ancesntor, a professor named Farnsworth and gets a job at his company, Planet Express. Together with his coworkers Bender, Leela, Hermes, Amy, and…… Zoldberg, they go on several adventures and meet several enemies. One of them being a not so jolly …
MB Proposal - Jafar from Aladdin
Here I am yet again with a diamond in the rough sort of candidate to offer, here in a collab with Batman129, hello! Nice to have you on the show! Can we call you Bat, or maybe just man129? Or how about Atma? Sounds like a karate kick move, like "Atma! I'm coming at you!" Or could also be a whole new acronym for ATLA, except instead of Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's Avatar: The Main Airbender, anyway yeah welcome.
And we are aware Jafar has a page on the ED Wiki, so here is a notice towards voters. We will invalidate votes that:
- Downvotes solely because they are listed on that wiki.
- Blindly uses the logic listed on that wiki to downvote the proposal without taking in account for what the proposal says.
- Mentions the ED Wiki. All discussions re…
MB Proposal - Bok-su Go from Married in Red
Got another character from a short but good indie game, so let’s get straight to it!
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who is Bok-su Go? What Has She Done?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie? Is She Too Much of One?
- 5 Final Verdict.
Married in Red is a short indie visual novel and point and click game made by RachelDrawsThis under Studio Investigraves, released in 2024. The story follows Bok-su Go, a women visiting the wedding of her former best friend from university, Dajeong Choi and her fiancé, Myeong-hoon. The game quickly turns into a thriller as Bok-su Go enacts a revenge plan against her former friend.
Bok-su go was a former student studying at university to become a doctor. She had no friends and focused soley on her grades until she met Dajeong, who …
MB Proposal: Cyrus Wadel
Returning to the S.W.A.T. proposals in this new year.
- 1 What's the work?
- 2 Who is the candidate?
- 3 Is he magnificent?
- 4 Is he a baddie? Too much?
- 5 Final verdict
S.W.A.T. is an action-drama police procedural series focussing on an LAPD SWAT team, and specifically team leader Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson who must deal with the struggles of being a black officer in modern-day America. Other major characters include Hondo's second-in-command Deacon Kay, third-generation SWAT veteran Dominique Luca, officer Christina "Chris" Alonso, and new recruit Jim Street who often causes problems due to his impulsive behavior and sometimes bad judgement. The series was based on another series of the same name from 1975.
Cyrus Wadel is introduced in the season three episode …
MB Proposal: Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad Isekai)
After watching this anime, I honestly wasn't expecting my favorite DC girl to be magnificent. And here we are.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Harley Quinn? What Does She Do?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie?
- 5 Verdict
Suicide Squad Isekai is a DC anime focusing on everybody's favorite Jester Girl Harley Quinn as she and a bunch of other criminals are sent to a fantasy world by Amanda Waller.
We all know the story of Harleen Quinzel. Initially an ordinary therapist who tried to rehabilitate the criminals in Arkham before eventually becoming one herself, courtesy of the Joker. This occurs when she is thrown into a vat of acid by the psycho clown, turning her into his right hand woman, Harley Quinn. As far as she was concerned, he had successfully bra…
MB Proposal: Jericho Swain from League of Legends
OK back with a Proposal that is in honor of the Season of Noxus in League of Legends, and what better way to honor it than by looking at Noxus' leader for MB, so let us begin
- 1 What is the work?
- 2 Who is Jericho Swain and what has he done?
- 3 Is he Magnificent? Can he think on his feet?
- 4 What makes him a baddie? Is he too much of one?
- 5 Verdict
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena Video game set in the world known as Runeterra. It stars multiple Champions around the globe who each have their own stories and regions to tell. Today, we look at one of the most important regions: Noxus, Empire of the Strong, currently led by the man who bent a Demon to his will, that being....
Jericho Swain was born to a patrician family in Noxus who rev…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Odysseus (EPIC: The Musical)
So just like that, after nearly 12 long years, okay, 4 years, Mr. Jalepeno's (yes, this is actually a stagename Jorge accepts) passion dream is now complete and thus, 2 weeks after the Ithaca saga finally releases, finishing the series, I can finally make this quite big discussion. Of course, let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Odysseus? What Has He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie?
- 5 Final Verdict
Epic: The Musical is an appropriately titled musical made by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, adapting from Homer's famous epic, The Odyssey. Following King Odysseus returning from 10 years of war against the Trojans, everything all went down when they went upon a cyclops' cave, leading to a chain of events that provoked the wrath of Poseidon …
MB Proposal: Luthic from Dungeons and Dragons
Hello all and welcome to my second D&D MB proposal! Since my proposal for Fraz-Urb'luu went well, I figured that I should propose another character from my favorite tabletop game. I believe I have found another potential candidate: Luthic, the Cave Mother.
- 1 What's the work?
- 2 Who is Luthic? What has she done?
- 3 Is she Magnificient?
- 4 Mitigating factors?
- 5 Is she a Baddie? Is she too much of one?
- 6 Final verdict?
Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. The players and the DM work together to create a narrative of heroes going on grand adventures.
Luthic is the orc goddess of fertility and healing. The wife of Gruumsh, the head of the orc pantheon, she officially is the lowest-ranking orc deity. However, she is actually the cornerstone …
MB Proposal - Dr. Albert Krueger from Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger
I've just been whitelisted so here's my first proposal on the wiki. I figured I’d start small with a short but nice little obscure indie game.
P.S: Parts of the ‘who is he’ section is taken from his Villains Wiki page, but that page and the information written in it was done entirely by me.
- 1 What’s the work?
- 2 Who is he? What has he done?
- 3 Is he Magnificent?
- 4 Is he a Baddie? Is he too much of one?
- 5 Final Verdict.
Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger is a horror visual novel created by indie developer Dino999z in 2020. The game follows college student Taylor Lee, who finds themself stuck in a strange corporate building forced to undergo ‘therapy’ by the titular Dr. Albert Krueger. Over the course of the game, they’re forced through increasingly st…
MB Proposal - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come from A Christmas Carol (2009)
Well, it appears a ghost has come to haunt these wikis for a spot amongst the candidates past and present, this time in the form of one that is yet to come... by me!
Yeah, admittedly not the most effective way of making an introduction for a character like this, but we work with what we've got, right? Who knows? Maybe I could use a lesson from the three Ghosts of Christmas in being better at this type of stuff lol. Anyway, have rewatched A Christmas Carol (2009) lately, the one made by Disney (the second one to be specific lol) and as someone who personally likes that movie even while aware of its major flaws and totally gets why some don't like it much, I figured I'd tackle a candidate from it, that being the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come…
MB Proposal: Klaus
HO HO HO! Merry Christmas, you little shets!
Today, good ol' stupidass Uncle Jackie Pinkmen is here to tell you the tale of how this iteration of Santa Claus came to be, in an original and well-written retelling. You see, this merely looks like an average Netflix animated Christmas film for the holidays until chances of this becoming an instant classic soon rocked streaming services a few years back and for a very long time, I'd never come to expect some claim that this beloved Jolly St. Nick from a heartfelt origin has a place here. But even for a children's film animation, I wasn't sure till I rewatched it again and as the people asked for this Christmas, I'll deliver.
Gather around children, it's time to discuss the tales of how J.K. Simmm…
MB Proposal: Grand Admiral Blackadder
Merry Christmas everybody. I'm here with a festive Christmas proposal in honour of the season. If this guy gets approved he might be the MB with the least screentime overall due to having only appeared once for a couple minutes.
- 1 What's the work?
- 2 Who is the candidate? What has he done?
- 3 Is he magnificent?
- 4 Is he a baddie?
- 5 Is he too much of a baddie?
- 6 Final verdict
Blackadder's Christmas Carol is a 1988 TV special which parodies Charles Dickens' book A Christmas Carol. It takes place in the universe of Blackadder, one of the greatest and most famous comedy shows in British history. Blackadder focusses on the Blackadder dynasty, most of whom are named Edmund and all of whom are identical and portrayed by Rowan Atkinson. Each series takes place during …
MB Proposal:LeBlanc from Arcane
Just like with the previous Arcane candidates we are not taking the Word of God statement about Arcane being canon into account due to the number of contradictions in the lore, therefore League of Legends LeBlanc will need a separate proposal as we will not be taking her action there into account.:
Ok here with the final Arcane candidate so let us begin without further ado.
- 1 What is the work?
- 2 Who is LeBlanc and what has she done?
- 3 Is she Magnificent? Can she think on his feet?
- 4 What makes her a baddie? Is she too much of one?
- 5 Verdict
Arcane is the recent hit Western animated series based on League of Legends. Focusing relationship between Sisters Violet and Powder, the two suffer a great tragedy that results in the sister's separation and the f…
MB Proposal: Arthur Ketch
When it comes to researching Supernatural MBs this one was probably the most surprising, since the character originates from what is arguably the show's most disliked season, but this is in my opinion a great example of a one-note villain being improved significantly as a character in later seasons and becoming a solid MB.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Arthur Ketch? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a 2005 CW monster hunting series, following hunters Sam and Dean Winchester, brothers that became aware of the supernatural after their mother was murdered by a demon, resulting in their father training them for years to hunt so that they could get revenge.
Arthur Ketch at some point as a child atte…
MB Proposal: Cain
Supernatural is just the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to MBs candidates, but as I've said in previous proposals I guess it's not too surprising for a show with 15 seasons and two spinoffs.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Cain? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a dark fantasy CW series which follows the journey of monster hunting brothers Sam and Dean Winchesters, who were trained by their father to hunt the supernatural following the death of their mother at the hands of a demon.
Cain is the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, the first human beings created by God in the early days of the world. Cain would eventually take notice of the fact that his younger brother Abel, was speaking with …
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Nightbird
Okay, it's 5 days since the last of my Arcane proposals, let's do this.
So I was recently rewatching the original Transformers cartoon for a certain big discussion. Now when it comes to MBs... I could maybe see a case for Soundwave when it comes to his first few episodes but generally the recurring Decepticons fall into the usual trappings of an 80s cartoon where they would regularly shoot themselves in their foot, where it's usually the one-shots that have more of a chance. And lo, I have a few potentials to discuss on. Let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Nightbird? What Has he Done?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie?
- 5 Final Verdict
The Transformers. It is an 1984 TV series by Sunbow Studios, in which alongside a seperate comic se…
MB Removal: Donny (The Simpsons)
So I got this character approved as an MB over two years ago but I recently started having some doubts over him and I'm now convinced he doesn't count.
Thanks to Batman129 for giving me permission.
I don't think I need to explain what The Simpsons is, but here goes. The Simpsons is a long-running cartoon series about the misadventures of the Simpsons family, including the bumbling dad Homer, the housewife mother Marge, the prankster son Bart, the preachy daughter Lisa, and the baby Maggie.
Here's his proposal:
Why Doesn't He Count? Simply put, I don't think he's enough of a baddie. His actions amount to helping Skinner and Chalmers stop Bart's pranks, then prank them by filling the e…
MB Proposal: Leslie (Supervillain persona) from Word Girl
Note: This proposal is not for Leslie's character as a whole, just for her supervillain alter-ego who appears in this one episode.
I remember watching this episode as a kid and being impressed with how capable Leslie is as a supervillain, so it's an honor to be able to propose her on this wiki.
- 1 What is the work?
- 2 Who is Leslie and what has she done?
- 3 Is she Magnificent?
- 4 Mitigating factors?
- 5 Is she a Baddie? Is she too much of one?
- 6 Conclusion?
Word Girl is an educational cartoon meant to teach children various words and when to use them. Each episode has two featured words which the characters say throughout the episode, including the titular character who directly gives the definitions of the words.
For the majority of the show, Leslie is a suppo…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Ambessa Medarda
Since the end of Arcane, I decided that I wanted to take some part in discussing its characters. I will not doubt that there are a plethora of complex individuals in this show, but I find this one to be the biggest badass among them, and I personally respect some of her personal beliefs. That said, I will not deny that this will be one of my greatest honours in the years I have and will spend on these sites, and doubt I will get stuff much more impactful than this.
I will also note that I was not expecting this to happen halfway through the season, but even if it did, I am definetely not disappointed. I love this character and I have come to listen to her song over the past few weeks. Funnily, one of the characters I plan to propose, alongs…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Sevika
With the glorious evolution of a proposal also being up, here is one to follow up, someone I had overlooked when the first season was out, whose status still remains firm with the release of the second season. So let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Sevika? What Has She Done?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie?
- 5 Final Verdict
Arcane is a great 2021 animated series released by Netflix that recently had it's second and final season concluded, and created by Riot Games as expanded material to their famous(ly self-contradicting) 2009 game, League of Legends. In the world of Ruterra, there exists the region of Piltover and it's undercity, the downtrodden region of Zaun, with 2 sides of the coin explored as the falling out between 2 si…
MB Proposal: Jeff Hope
Taking a break from S.W.A.T. proposals for a bit, there are more people from that series I plan to propose but I have other candidates who I want to get out of the way first.
- 1 What's the work?
- 2 Who is Jeff Hope? What has he done?
- 3 Is he magnificent?
- 4 Is he a baddie?
- 5 Is he too much of a baddie?
- 6 Final verdict
Sherlock is a British TV series that serves as a modern-day retelling of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It consists of four three-episode series, only three of which are really worth bothering to watch, and this proposal discusses the first ever episode: season one, episode one, "A Study in Pink". It was based on the original Sherlock Holmes novel A Study in Scarlet.
Jeff Hope is a cab driver loosely based on Jefferson Hope from the origi…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Viktor (Arcane)
- Note: Just want to say that as we did with Singed for PE and MB, we are gonna be disregarding Word of God that these 2 are canon to each other due to the massive continuity drift between them that LoL is simply soft-rebooting in favour of Arcane, and thus treat Viktor from the games and the show as seperate characters. That means even if also another qualifier, Viktor from the games will need a seperate proposal, and I am only proposing from the show.
So, I have now caught up with the second season of Arcane and boy is there a massive pool for MB. 2 years back I proposed Silco who while agreed to count still did have some hiccups which this season did well in healing and cementing him as a keeper. We still have about 5 more keepers from the s…
MB Proposal: Singed from Arcane
- 1 What is the work?
- 2 Who is Singed and what has he done?
- 3 Is he Magnificent? Can he think on his feet?
- 4 What makes him a baddie? Is he too much of one?
- 5 Verdict
Arcane is the recent hit Western animated series based on League of Legends. Focusing relationship between Sisters Violte and Powder, the two would suffer a great tragedy that resulted in the sister's separation and the fall of Power, causing her to work for Crime boss Silco, Silco attempted to turn the Undercity into a nation separated from the oppressive Piltover. To do this he would use the drug Shimmer to flood the Undercity and gain control. Silco despite his actions is an MB but today's candidate is the creator of Shimmer, a man Magnificent in his own right that being...
Formerly k…
MB Proposal - Thranduil from The Hobbit film trilogy
Decided to rewatch the Hobbit films recently (which in itself was inspired by hearing potential of this character counting) and as someone who personally likes the films fine (though I will certainly admit they have lots of problems that even I can't help but groan over sometimes myself), I figured I'd perhaps handle this character, particularly since I've had a teensy weensy but ever so crucial little tiny feeling that he may have met this trope when I had rewatched the films back then, for a discussion regarding this trope. So let's get to it!
Side note: just for the record, I might also do some discussions regarding other characters from this franchise elsewhere, so stay tuned if you're up for that.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Thranduil? Wha…
MB Proposal: Johnny (Angels With Flithly Souls)
Alright, my second candidate from another classic childhood favorite. And a popular Christmas favorite for nearly everyone lol.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Johnny?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
Home Alone is a Christmas comedy film franchise created by John Hughes and each movie is centered around a kid (usually Kevin McCastiler) fending of his home from a couple of burglars (usually Harry Lime - no not that one - and Marv Muchins) using creative traps……
And our candidate isn't from that, but the in-universe gangster movie series Angels With Filthy Souls, none other then the protagonist himself!
Johnny is the witty gangster protagonist in the films.
The first film has him visited by fellow mobster Snakes, who has delivered …
MB Proposal: Stripe (Gremlins)
Alright so now that Christmas is rolling up, got several Christmas themed candidates to propose. First one is from a childhood classic and one of my favorite movies of all time.
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who is Stripe?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is he a Baddie? Too Much
- 5 Verdict?
Gremlins is a classic 1984 comedy-horror film created by Joe Dante and Chris Columbus for Warner Bros. A Christmas story, it is about a man named Billy who gets a strange creature called a mogwai named as a Christmas gift. There are three rules for the mogwai. Do show them bright lights, don’t spill water on them, and don’t feed them after midnight. When a pair of gremlins reproduced from Gizmo end up eating chicken wings after midnight, they end up transforming into Gremlins, and t…
MB Proposal: Clock King (DCAU)
So onto my next proposal, and this one is a tribute towards the late Alan Rachins - who played one of my favorite MBs. May he rest in Peace.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is the Clock King?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
Batman: The Animated Series is a 1992 superhero show created by Warner Bros Animation and is the very first show in the DC Animated Universe. The show revolves around the Dark Knight himself as he battles several rouges. One of which is our candidate, Clock King!
Temple Fugate was once a shrewd and harsh businessman. One day when he was arriving to his company via train, Temple sits next to Hamilton Hill. Hill notices that Fugate is on edge and inquires as to why. Fugate states that he has a manor lawsuit again…
MB Proposal: Alpha Vampire
The Supernatural MB proposals continue, I didn't expect there to be this many but when dealing with a show that has 15 seasons I suppose there's bound to be a whole host of candidates. For this one we are looking at the Alpha Vampire.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is the Alpha Vampire? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a dark fantasy CW series, it focuses on Sam and Dean Winchester, brothers that hunt monsters after their mother was killed by a demon, resulting in them being trained by their father to hunt and kill in order to get revenge.
The Alpha Vampire is the first vampire created by Eve in the early days of the world, alongside the other Alpha monsters. How early in the days of Earth he was …
MB Proposal: Rowena
As my Supernatural MB proposals continue, I'll be next looking at the Witch Rowena, mother of existing MB Crowley.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Rowena? What's She Done?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a CW dark fantasy drama series which follows the journey of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who became hunters of the supernatural after their mother was killed by a powerful demon.
Rowena is a powerful Witch born in the 17th century, she originally was not very powerful and a normal human woman. She became pregnant with a son named Fergus by a wealthy man, who abandoned her after her child was born, leaving her half dead following her pregnancy. She vowed to never be weak again and became highly skill…
MB Proposal: Isis from Egyptian Mythology
You know, this one was kinda done on a whim, but eh, should be quick, since the story where she's portrayed as this is only really one, while most others have her less morally dubious. Anyways, you probably know who this is, considering Isis is, as far as I know, one of the most well-known Egyptian gods to westerners. They're less well-known than the Greek ones, but yeah... bring out the goddess!
- 1 What's The Work?
- 2 Who Is She?
- 3 What Makes Her Magnificent?
- 4 What Makes Her A Baddie?
- 5 Too Bad?
- 6 Competition?
- 7 Other Issues?
- 8 Verdict?
Egyptian mythology. Collection of stories made by Egyptian people about their figures of faith. I can't really go too in-depth here because... mythology is big and long. But yeah, doesn't need much of an introduction anyway…
Magnificent Bastard proposal - Baron Zemo (The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes)
Alright so what the fuck's cracking, homies? This your boy, Jake the snake, coming at y'all with another goddamn proposal.
So, today's candidate is somebody who's gone... I'd say a little back and forth on TVTropes. First he counted, then he got removed, then just recently he was put up again. And having heard everyone's arguments on both sides, I can say with the utmost confidence that he at least warrants one discussion on here as well. Honestly though, even if this proposal fails, I'm still happy to be talking about one of my top 3 villains from one of my all-time favorite Marvel cartoons from my childhood. If you guys haven't personally seen the show already, please do yourselves a favor and go see it. You won't regret it!
- 1 What's the work?…
MB Proposal: Gabriel
For the third in my ongoing list of MB proposals, I'll be covering the trickster Gabriel.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Gabriel? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a CW fantasy series that aired from 2005 to 2020. The series focuses on two brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester, who became monster hunters after their mother was killed by a demon. Their journey has them facing threats on an apocalyptic scale, such as Lucifer being released onto Earth or even facing the wrath of God himself.
Gabriel is one of the four archangels and the youngest, with his older siblings being Raphael, Lucifer, and Michael. He was created by God alongside his brothers in order to fight and seal away the Darkness,…
MB Proposal: Death
For my second MB proposal, I'll be doing another in the list of Supernatural MB candidates. This one being over one of my personal favorite characters in the series, Death himself.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Death? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a 2005 CW series which ran until 2020 with a total of 15 seasons. It follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who lost their mother to a demon and were raised as hunters, fighting to save the world from monsters, demons, angels, and even apocalyptic threats such as the Devil or even God.
Death is one of the primordial entities in the universe, having existed since the beginning of time alongside God and the Darkness, the primordial forces o…
MB Proposal: Dee Vasquez (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Alright so this proposal I was going to make on both here and the TV Tropes’ MB thread but given the shutdown of the latter, I'm afraid that my proposal will be made only here. Thanks to my friend, Ravok13, for giving me the idea to do this proposal.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Dee Vasquez?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
Ace Attorney is a highly popular Capcom mystery visual novel series created by Shu Takumi - which follows attorney Phoenix Wright and his allies defending people accused of murder in court and trying tk prove their innocence.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is the first game in the series, which follows Phoenix Wright in the beginning of his career, where he tries to reunite with his old friend, Miles Edge…
MB Proposal: Metatron
For my first ever MB proposals I'll be going back through the Supernatural villains, as so far only two of the many candidates there are have been proposed and approved here, and I'll be starting off with Metatron.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Metatron? What's He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Supernatural is a CW fantasy drama series which ran from 2005 to 2020. It follows monster hunting brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, initially regular hunters of the supernatural, they eventually go on to save the world multiple times, to the point of facing apocalyptic threats such as Lucifer or God himself.
Metatron is an angel, one of the first creations of God. When God first made the angels, he picked Metatron to be his sc…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Yuki Tsukumo and Reggie Star
So here were 2 candidates that I was recommended from by Riley from the other site. Having done them there, it's fair I do her here now as my second candidate from the series with GOATjo done. This won't take long. Now, I wanna make it clear, this isn't even scratching the surface of which all candidates can count in the series. There are over dozen candidates available. I could maybe decide to do a certain Maki because she is only truly pushed due to one arc, but *sigh*, I'm drained. Now let's get to them and Let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who Are They? What Have They Done?
- 2.1 Yuki Tsukumo
- 2.2 Reggie Star
- 3 Are They Magnificent?
- 3.1 Yuki
- 3.2 Reggie
- 4 Are They Baddies?
- 4.1 Yuki
- 4.2 Reggie
- 5 Final Verdict
Jujutsu Kaisen is that one dark fantasy ma…
MB Double Proposal: Tenmu Suitokuin + Mitama Magahara
(Kind of reposting since last time it got taken down because I forgot to get whitelisted oh silly me lmao)
"These are new Touhou MB candidates"
"XXxMegalodonPrimexXx that's the 5th time in a row you've brought up Touhou MB candidates on this wiki"
Well here I am. Once again back from the dread after a massive hiatus regarding my behavior on the wikis.
Been a while hasn't it since I last tried to contribute something haven't I? Well fret not because today I certainly have some juicy new things to show people in today's MB Wiki CRT.
One may indeed label this wiki as 'gimmick-y' and 'stupid', but that's precisely what I like about it, and since I have gotten into this community I feel an obligation to make contributions and content in the Moral Sc…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Agent 47 (The Stupendium)
Well well well, here goes my first proposal on this Wiki after having broken my procrastination and having studied the Criteria for this Scaling itself. And for today's main course is a homage of our fellow Barcode man who is also approved on this Wiki (Which is what makes this one more Magnificent).
So without further ado, I'll make it quick like how the Hitman deals with his targets.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 1.1 The Stupendium
- 1.2 Hitman
- 1.3 The specific raps
- 2 Who is He? What does He do?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie?
- 5 Verdict?
Now considering it's a parody-rap, I'm gonna have to a tad bit of dissecting between both the Stupendium's channel and the video game series:
The Stupendium is an English YouTube channel made by Greg Holgate since 2016, dedicated …
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: The Gojo
So here it is... the proposal who if approved, shall become the 100th candidate I proposed on the wiki. Since it's basically a first for this wiki, I'm making this an immense Pro-Wrestler special, an unforgettable event that shall forever shake the wiki.... and also give a sense of irony that a guy with a Makima pfp who himself proposed her is now the guy who is going to propose him lmao. This was gonna take some time, needed to refresh on the key chapters he appears in to ensure my knowledge is up to date. So let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Satoru Gojo ? What Has He Done?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie?
- 5 Final Verdict
Jujutsu Kaisen is that one dark fantasy manga that has Gojo Satoru released in 2018, and a sequel to th…
MB Proposal: Santana (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency)
Alright now that my Halloween proposals are done, time to propose. My 2nd JoJo candidate.
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who is Santana?
- 3 Is He Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Verdict?
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series created by Hirohiko Akari that is based around members of the Joseph family going on bizarre adventures
Part 2 - Battle Tendency - takes place 50 years after the events of Phantom Blood. The story follows Johnathan's grandson, Joseph Joestar - as he trains to defeat a group of Ancient beings called the Pillar Men. Today’s candidate is the first pillar man encountered, Santana/Santviento!
Santana is a member of an ancient race of people called the Pillar Men. Santana was a servant to Kars and sent to America to look for a ston…
MB Proposal: Fraz-Urb'luu from Dungeons and Dragons
Now for the proposal of the most deceptive of all the demon lords: Fraz-Urb'luu!
- 1 What's the work?
- 2 Who is the character and what does he do?
- 3 Is he magnificent?
- 4 Is the character a baddie? And if so, is he too much of one?
- 5 Conclusion?
Dungeons and Dragons (or D&D for short) is a Fantasy Tabletop Roleplaying game. Players roleplay as powerful adventurers taking on dangerous challenges with the Dungeon Master controlling the NPCs and weaving the narrative.
Fraz-Urb'luu is one of the most ancient of the demon lords, godlike beings who reign over the Abyss, the plane of Chaos and Evil. Each demon lord seeks to remake all of existence in their own image, but none of them go about it as subtly as the Prince of Deception, Fraz-Urb'luu. Embodying the idea…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Circe (EPIC: The Musical)
Okay this was something I had in mind for quite a while, and having finally gotten her up on the other side, personal events caught up with me but here's a new Pro-Wrestler candidate, one from one of my favourite pieces of fiction. The musical is still ongoing with 2 more sagas on it's way (the next one coming up this Halloween), however my candidate's arc is basically all over so I feel comfortable proposing her now. And I made sure to watch the livestream, so thus see the canonical annotations and animations used to keep this as accurate as possible to Jorge's intent than stray to headcanons. Let the trial commence.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Circe? What Has She Done?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie? Too Much?
- 5 Final Verdict
Epic: The M…
Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Luthen Rael (Star Wars)
- 1 Magnificent Bastard Proposal: Luthen Rael from Andor
- 1.1 What's the Work?
- 1.2 Who's the Candidate and what has he done?
- 1.3 Is he magnificent?
- 1.4 Is he a bastard? Too much of a bastard?
- 1.5 Final Verdict?
Well, it's been some time since my last proposal. Today I will be talking about one of my favorite characters from my favorite franchise.
Star Wars is an immensely popular and sucessful space opera franchise created by George Lucas. Starting with the 1977 film "A New Hope" (originally just titled "Star Wars") the franchise consists of 9 main films, two main spin-off movies (plus a few a bit more obscure ones), multiple animation and live-action shows as well as numerous books, comics and video games.
The franchise is primarily split into two continu…
MB Proposal: Laifu
Time for a computer game MB.
- 1 What's The Work?
- 2 Who is Laifu? What Does She Do?
- 3 Is She Magnificent?
- 4 Is She a Baddie?
- 5 Verdict
Outcore is a game for the PC which has you playing mostly on your desktop. You follow the adventures of a girl named Lumi who works on recovering her memories of how she escapes her boring repetitive life. I should also mention the game is free to download on steam for those who are interested.
Many inhabitants underground have expressed curiosity regarding the world above. Some have tried to reach it. One of these individuals was a girl named Laifu. She entered the vortex leading there and ventured through the void. Yet her journey ended with... nothing. Despite all her efforts the void was one big nothing. The only conc…
MB Proposal: Red (All Dogs Go to Heaven 2)
Onto my second Halloween special, and this is an important proposal because this marks my 50th candidate milestone.
- 1 What’s the Work?
- 2 Who is Red?
- 3 Is he Magnificent?
- 4 Is He a Baddie? Too much?
- 5 Verdict?
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 is a 1996 animated movie that serves as a sequel to the 1989 Don Bluth movie. Taking place sometime after the first movie, the film follows our hero canine Charlie and his partner Itchy as they head back to Earth from Heaven in order to recover Gabriel's horn. Along the way, they meet a runaway boy names Daniel, a dog named Sasha that Charlie falls in love with, their previous enemy Carface, and the main villain of the film, our candidate for today.
Red is a cat demon scheming to get Gabriel's horn. Putting an ad in the ne…