Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

This Magnificent Baddie was Headlined on August 2024.

NOTE: This page should only include information about his Canon version as his Legends version was not voted Magnificent Baddie.

Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.
~ Boba Fett.
This is my city, these are my people. I will not abandon them.
~ Boba Fett before his showdown with Cad Bane.

Boba Fett is a major character in the Star Wars franchise. He is a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett who was raised as his son and after his death, he would continue his legacy, working as a bounty hunter for notable figures such as Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt. Soon, Boba would rise to become one of the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy.

After the Galactic Civil War, Boba Fett would return to Jabba's palace and kill Bib Fortuna, who had taken over Jabba's criminal empire after his death. Boba would then take over the criminal empire, intending to rule it and Tatooine with respect, unlike Jabba who ruled them in fear.

In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, he was portrayed by the late Jeremy Bulloch and John Morton and voiced by the late Jason Wingreen in the original release. In The Clone Wars and Attack of the Clones, he was played by Daniel Logan. In The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, he was portrayed by Temuera Morrison.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • His armor and usage of a jetpack in general is awesome. This helped him become a fan favorite after the original Star Wars trilogy and eventually make his return, even though his screen time in the films was rather small.
  • His performance by Temuera Morrison in The Book of Boba Fett is pretty good, capturing the personality of an honorable mercenary turned crime lord who has softened up quite well. It is also pretty cool to see Morrison play a clone of Jango Fett once again, especially considering Boba is most likely the best-known one of them all.
  • He has a genuinely tragic and sympathetic background, seeing his father being killed in battle which left him orphaned at the age of ten.
  • He continued his father's legacy by becoming a bounty hunter himself working for crime lords and the Galactic Empire years later, soon becoming one of the most successful and most feared bounty hunters during the events of the Galactic Civil War much like his father before him.
    • Even as a child, Boba was extremely skilled as seen when he sabotaged a whole cruiser to kill Mace Windu and defeated several Kage warriors (even defeating Krismo Sodi, the leader of the Kage warriors).
  • While he was a bratty child under his father's wing, Boba did grow to become an incredibly skilled, cunning, and intelligent bounty hunter.
    • Even as a child, Boba had some standards at the time as he refused to execute Republic hostages, was horrified when Aurra Sing killed another bounty hunter (who threaten him and bullied him a lot), felt remorse for the collateral damage he caused in his attempt to kill Windu, and often was pretty honorable.
    • Also while not liking her, Boba did help Asajj Ventress rescue her lover Quinlan Vos.
  • He is an incredibly skilled bounty hunter with multiple gadgets, using them to take down his targets.
    • An example is he easily took down Caij Vanda using his grappling hook.
  • He allowed Cal Kestis to leave only going after Caij.
  • After being consumed by the Sarlacc, Fett survived by gaining air from an oxygen tube that was attached to a stormtrooper's helmet who was also consumed by the Sarlacc. Soon after, Boba Fett would escape the pit by burning a hole through the giant creature and digging himself out.
  • When he attempted to escape from the Tusken Raider camp, he offered to help a Rodian prisoner escape with him.
  • After being attacked by a sand ape, he skillfully fought the creature and killed it by strangling it with his own shackles, saving both himself and a Tusken youngling.
    • After the tribe learned of what happened when they brought back the creature's head, they would soon begin to respect Fett.
  • Though they did keep him as a prisoner at first, Boba begins to soon respect the Tusken Tribe and treat them like family, training with a female Tusken warrior for gaderffii combat and promising to help the Tuskens seek revenge on the Pykes who had attacked them. Eventually, he would end up being accepted into their tribe, becoming a Tusken himself.
    • When he learned his Tusken tribe was wiped out when went away to make a deal with the Pykes, he was genuinely devastated and mourned them, putting them to rest by putting their bodies into a fire.
  • With his training from the Tuskens, Boba would fight and take down a biker gang in a bar easily, taking their bikes to help the Tuskens hijack a hovertrain for revenge on the Pykes for attacking them.
  • He showed the Tuskens how to use speeder bikes when preparing for their revenge on the Pykes.
  • After he found a dying Fennec Shand, he took her immediately to receive aid, having a mod artist place cybernetic implants on her. Thanks to him, he saved her life.
    • This would be what convinced Fennec to join Boba as his right-hand woman.
  • He successfully broke into Jabba's palace with Fennec and took back his starship, Slave I.
  • He saved the Mandalorian and Fennec from a league of stormtroopers while they protected Grogu, killing multiple stormtroopers with his combat skills and gadgets and shooting down two of their ships at once with his rocket.
  • He aided the Mandalorian during his mission to save Grogu from Moff Gideon.
  • After killing Bib Fortuna and taking Jabba's throne, Boba Fett intended to rule his criminal empire and Tatooine with respect and honor instead of fear as Jabba did, emulating his fallen Tusken Tribe, and swearing to help and protect the people.
  • He displays a great sense of honor, with moments including:
    • Paying his respects to his slaughtered Tusken tribe.
    • Offering two Gamorrean guards to serve him if they promised to remain loyal to him, like how they were to their previous masters.
    • Forgiving Black Krrsantan after his assassination attempt ordered by the Twins, freeing him and advising him not to make deals with the Hutts.
    • Offering a struggling street gang to work for him.
  • He led his gotra during his war against the Pyke Syndicate for the dominance of Tatooine, taking down multiple Pyke members, and defending his allies and people.
    • When the battle escalated with the Pykes using scorned droids, Boba would ride his rancor monster and use it to destroy the droids and kill any remaining Pykes.
  • Though he was nearly killed during his final standoff with Cad Bane since he shot him twice, Boba quickly took him down with his gaderffi stick and stabbed him in the chest, defeating the heartless mercenary once and for all.
  • He had Cobb Vanth put in his bacta tank to heal after he was shot by Bane sometime after he conflicted with the Pykes.
  • After defeating the Pyke Syndicate, he becomes respected by the people of Tatooine like he originally intended, ruling fairly and being praised as their hero.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • When he was a bounty hunter, he killed multiple people with no hesitation to make a profit, becoming known as a cold-blooded murderer and one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. Even after softening up during his time with the Tuskens, he is shown to still be incredibly lethal, brutally shooting up a biker gang on the Slave I.
  • When he was hired by Darth Vader to find the Rebel responsible for destroying the Death Star, he coldly killed several Rodians after they didn't give him the information he needed on finding Luke Skywalker.


  • One of the inspirations that Star Wars creator George Lucas had in mind for the bounty hunter who became Boba Fett was Clint Eastwood's gunslinger The Man with No Name, another Magnificent Baddie character who served as the main anti-hero of the classic Western film trilogy The Dollar Trilogy.

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                 The Headlined MBs
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Hans Gruber
Rau Le Creuset
Prowler (Spider-Verse)
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           StarWars Magnificent Baddies

Bounty Hunters
Asajj Ventress | Black Krrsantan | Boba Fett | Cad Bane | Embo | Fennec Shand

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Asajj Ventress | General Kalani

Galactic Empire
Grand Admiral Thrawn
The Grand Inquisitor | Second Sister

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
Darth Bane | Darth Revan

Chelli Lona Aphra | Hondo Ohnaka | Mother Talzin | Qi'ra | Tobias Beckett | Luthen Rael

           Disney Logo Magnificent Baddies

Animated Features
Maleficent | Jafar | Cassim | Emperor Zurg | Captain Flint | Long John Silver | Mirage | Bomb Voyage | Omnidroid v.10 | The Underminer | The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come | Screenslaver | Gabby Gabby

Live-Action Features
Captain Jack Sparrow | Constantine | Elijah Price | Hector Barbossa | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Maleficent

Animated Television
Candace Green | Darius Deamonne | David Xanatos | Evil Carl | Lord Hater (Cartoon) | Lumberjack Ghost | Obake | Piniet | Renee Frodgers | Rodrigo | Sasha Waybright | Shego | Stanley Pines | Tritonio Espada | Warp Darkmatter

Live-Action Television
The Annihilator | Mr. Terror | Bridget McCoy

Video Games
Evil Dr. Porkchop


See Also
Pixar Magnificent Baddies | Toy Story Magnificent Baddies| Marvel Cinematic Universe Magnificent Baddies

           Cartoon Network Logo Magnificent Baddies

TV Series
Ed, Edd n Eddy

Ben 10
Mr. Jingles | V.V. Argost

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Asajj Ventress | Boba Fett | Cad Bane | Darth Bane | Hondo Ohnaka | General Kalani

Dragons: Riders of Berk
Alvin the Treacherous

Regular Show
Thomas/Nikolai | Doug Shablowski

The Powerpuff Girls
The Gnome

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Shirley the Medium | Snowman

Looney Tunes
Cecil Turtle | Elmer Fudd

Beast of Bottomless Lake | Captain Cutler | Ghostly Gondolier | Mayor Fred Jones, Sr. | Alice May | Professor Huh? | The Phantom

The Amazing World of Gumball
President Alan Keane

The Secret Saturdays
V.V. Argost

Adult Swim
Rick and Morty
Evil Morty

Samurai Jack
The Imakandi

Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls

The Legend of Team Brunette
Jaycie | Kittie
