Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki


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I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you... I will find you... and I will kill you.
~ Bryan's most famous quote to his daughter's kidnapper.

Bryan Mills is the main protagonist of the Taken film trilogy. He is a former agent who quit his job in order to be able to spend more time with his family and shows himself to be a loving father towards Kim and caring towards Lenore even after their divorce

t and is willing to go to great lengths to protect both of them at any costs, with him doing everything he can to rescue Kim from being sold off by a sex trafficking ring in the first film, doing everything he can to save both Lenore and Kim from Murad and his men in the second film, and doing everything he can to avenge Lenore's death and protect Kim in the third film while also trying to prove his innocence i.ell.

He is portrayed by Liam Neeson, who has also portrayed Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]


  • He shows himself to be a loving father towards Kim, bringing her a present, a karaoke machine, for her birthday knowing that she wanted to be a singer since she was 12, making a toast for her while hanging out with his friends, attempting to ask a singer if she has any tips for her since she wants to become a singer which is at first met with the response telling him to tell her to get another career though after saving her from being killed manages to get some, allowing her to go to Paris with her friend, Amanda, though he was hesitant on this at first because of the risks he worried about her encountering, another instance being, of course, going to great lengths to save her from being sold off as a sex slave, surprising her by taking her with him to the singer's house for singing lessons, taking her and Lenore to a hotel in Istanbul, saving her again from a criminal trying to kill her, etc.
  • Thanks to his past as an agent, Bryan Mills is shown to be very good at fighting and strategic thinking, using martial arts to defeat and take out criminals and even pulling off surprise attacks on them from time to time, winning every fight he is in. Even when he briefly loses the upper hand, it would be brief and he would get it back with a surprise attack.
  • He proves to be efficient as one of the security officers for the singer, managing to safely escort her into her vehicle after quickly foiling a guy's attempt to stab her with a knife with his martial arts skills and then giving her a drink so that the sugar would ease the shock and then comforting her as she cries from a bit of trauma.
  • After Kim gets kidnapped and one of the kidnappers, Marko Hoxha, gets on the phone, Bryan gives off a badass speech towards him, saying the iconic line "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I have no money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I've acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you" which is emphasized by an excellent performance by Liam Neeson.
  • After getting information from his friend, Sam, on what the kidnappers of Kim are like, them being people who kidnap young girls and sell them off for sex slavery, Bryan goes on a flight trip to Paris while playing the voice message of Kim describing her kidnappers on a recorder and also listening to Marko's voice over and over saying "Good luck", and stealthily breaks into the apartment where Kim was kidnapped and instantly deduces in his head what happened based on the aftereffects of the room, and manages to find some DNA on the broken mirror as well as a mini USB which he plugs in to see the photos taken of Kim and her friend and manages to unblur the reflection of the person taking the picture of them (Peter) and instantly finds Peter attempting to set up another kidnapping of another woman which Bryan foils by attacking him and attempting to interrogate him only to be pulled off by another thug whom he manages to defeat before chasing after Peter inside the taxi and almost catches up with him with the chase ending with Peter getting hit by a truck.
  • While under the guise as a guy named Mr. Smith, Bryan converses with a prostitute in an attempt to get the owner of her to come to him which he succeeds at doing so, taking a chip from him without him noticing while he threatens him before giving him 50 euros and then playing the sound of the chip in his car while asking an Albanian-fluent guy to translate the conversation going on with Albanians in a car with him only getting useful information when one of them says they need to go to a construction site, prompting Bryan to allow the translator to go free after asking for the English-Albanian dictionary from the translator.
  • Bryan Mills then manages to get inside one of the houses containing the kidnapped girls as prostitutes and manages to get one who has the jacket Kim was wearing and fight off and evade the members there and evading them even further in a car chase with him pulling off some effective stunts like crashing a car into another one containing one of the chasers down a hill with Bryan managing to avoid crashing the car by going down it smoothly and then managing to fully escape the others with the last one crashing his vehicle into a tractor.
  • When Jean-Claude tells him to come to where he is, instead of doing so knowing that something might be up, Bryan gets onto a building and watches him from afar with binoculars while talking with him on a phone while also parking his car next to a building to trick the police into thinking he was at that building when he was in reality on another and once they get onto the building, Bryan gets to his car and drives off, evading them again.
  • After getting information from the girl he saved from the house once she was awake and the drugs on her were wearing off, Bryan goes to said house while posing as an officer from Jean-Claude Pitrel and manages to get to speak with Marko by threatening to bring agents to the location and pretends to be there for a renegotiation all while posing as a corrupt cop and manages to get the money he needs before pretending to leave.
  • He manages to deduce who Marko is by having him translate words written on a piece of paper saying "Good luck" which is what he said to him on the phone before revealing himself in a badass way, saying "You don't remember me? We spoke on the phone 2 days ago. I told you I would find you" before engaging in a fight against him and his men, managing to foil his attempt to shoot at him with a gun while foiling another attempt by shooting him and another with a gun while hiding himself under the body of one of them.
  • He successfully interrogates Marko Hoxha into giving him information on where Kim is by torturing him with electricity and then once he gets the info he needs, he gives him what he deserves by having him be electrocuted to death, serving as fitting karma for the amount of girls he's ruined lives of and sold into sex slavery.
  • After entering Jean's house with his wife letting him in, Bryan manages to outsmart Jean by taking out the bullets from his gun, knowing that he'd try to hold him at gunpoint later before then shooting his wife and threatening to kill her if he does not comply and give him the location of Patrice Saint-Clair on his computer.
  • He manages to get into a house where the auctioneers are by posing as a policeman and then holding the list guy hostage and forcing him to go into an elevator before knocking him out and going to the floor where Saint-Clair is.
  • He manages to knock out a butler and poses as one himself before knocking out another auctioneer and then going into a room to serve as a patron's butler and then drops the act when he sees Kim be put up, holding the patron hostage and forcing him to buy her.
  • After getting knocked out and handcuffed to a pipe by Patrice Saint-Clair's henchmen with Saint-Clair ordering them to kill him quietly since he has guests, when they start strangling him, Bryan instantly finds a way out by unscrewing the pole the pipe was attached to and knocking some out and then twisting the pipe to unleash gas before taking out the other goons.
  • He manages to drive his car to the bridge at high speed while breaking the rules of traffic, avoiding crashing into any cars and then hops onto the boat, taking out its guards and dodging their bullets.
  • When Kim is held hostage, rather than following up the trope of "hero gives up because of hostage", Bryan instantly shoots the man holding her hostage in the head, killing him, officially rescuing Kim before taking her home.

Taken 2[]

  • He manages to deduce that he and Lenore are being followed merely by looking out the driver's rear-door window and has Lenore leave the car giving her instructions on where to go before having the driver of the car exit it and take the wheel himself to lure them towards him and away from Lenore.
  • He manages to stealthily escape the car by going out the other door without the criminals chasing him noticing before running down some stairs to evade them and likely would have fought off and killed them had they not held Lenore hostage.
  • He gives Kim a bunch of instructions to escape the criminals who are trying to kidnap her which end up working very well ending with her being able to hide in a spot where they were unable to find her while counting down time, the directions, and what he hears in the car, showing that he knows what he is doing and when to carry out the steps for his plan.
  • While cuffed to a metal pipe, he manages to pick up his phone watch with his feet up high enough so he is able to grab it, calls Kim, and gives her more instructions on what to do which also end up working in her favor to help her escape. When he hears the criminals coming in, he hides the watch by dropping it to the floor and covering it with dirt from the ground.
  • He manages to escape the cuffs he is in by cutting them with a sharp piece of iron against the pole the pipe he was cuffed to was attached to before giving Kim more sets of instructions which lead to him getting his gun back, allowing him to be able to fight off criminals and kill them and manages to save his daughter before she herself is killed by one.
  • After getting into a taxi Kim had to take, Bryan manages to motivate her to evade all the people chasing them, cops and criminals alike, and even manages to get her to speed up enough to get past in front of a train moving on a train track right in time with the train ramming into the car of criminals chasing them, killing said criminals off, managing to help her get them to the U.S. Embassy.
  • He manages to stealthily sneak past a gate by opening it without making any creaking noises before sneaking up on a criminal outside and killing him before going inside and killing off the criminals within.
  • He displays mercy towards Murad, being willing to let him live if he is able to allow Bryan and his loved ones to live and was willing to spare him if he does not target him at all. However, Murad proves to be unwilling to let go of his grudge and attempts to shoot Bryan with the pistol he put down only for it to be revealed that Bryan had taken all the bullets out to see what he would do, followed up by Bryan killing him by piercing his neck with a coathanger there.

Taken 3[]

  • After being framed for Lenore's death, he quickly outwits the cops attempting to arrest him by pretending to get on his knees and put his hands up only to instantly follow that up in a surprise attack where he knocks both of them out before escaping the rest of the cops successfully evading them by going through gates, climbing onto roofs, and climbing over gates.
  • He then manages to stealthily escape the cops by going into his house's garage, going underneath the car, opening the lid that was covering the sewers beneath the house, and then closing the lid to hide his ingenious escape route.
  • He manages to break into one of the cops' cars' trunk and once the moment is right, he climbs out of the car and goes into the one next to it before then gaining access to the GPS, which he downloads before stealthily escaping the car without the approaching cops noticing. He then plugs the information into his computer to find out the location Lenore was at before her death before going to said location.
  • He manages to make a fake police ID addressing him as Inspector Mallory before going into a restaurant next to the gas station and asking a woman while posing as Inspector Mallory if she's seen Lorenzo before going into the gas station and asking to view their security footage to an employee who allows him to before real cops arrive and arrest Bryan Mills.
  • However, as it turns out, Bryan has another trick under his sleeve as he had a paper clip with him secretly the whole time which he uses to unlock the cuffs and creating another surprise attack on the cops, getting into a brief fight with them before knocking one of them out of the car and then having the other one drive while held at gunpoint and then a bit later, evading the cops and then having the officer of the car stop it and then get out of the car, having him give him some of his items afterwards before driving off to escape the scene.
  • Right when he's surrounded by police cars, Bryan Mills backs the police car he is in into an elevator room at high speed before quickly escaping the car before it blows up and then making a phone call to the Frank Dotzler who is leading the chase on him, telling him that he is innocent and that he can prove it if given 2 days only to be given the response that it's the court's job to decide if he's innocent or not, not his and that his job is to bring him in and let the law take its course to which Bryan Mills responds with "Good luck."
  • After meeting up with Sam and giving him data he downloaded from Lenore's phone, he has him go to Lenore's funeral where he would have men jam the signal to prevent the cops watching from being able to hear the dialogue between him and Kim with Bryan watching from a security camera implanted inside Sam's button as Sam gives Kim instructions on where and when to meet Bryan.
  • He sets up a plan where he puts something in the drink Kim had at a store to make her nauseous so that he would use the restroom at school where he would meet her and give her a pill to get rid of the nauseousness and then taking away the chip to mute the sounds of the conversation between him and her in order to get information from her about how life is and to get into a brief reunion with her before stealthily escaping.
  • In order to escape the school and from the police there, he sets off a smoke grenade in a room to activate the faucets and cause high school students to run about, successfully evading them once again.
  • When his car gets rammed off the road by a couple of criminals, Bryan manages to escape the car quickly before they blow it up and manages to get a ride by holding a driver at gunpoint and letting him drive the car.
  • He manages to sneak into Stuart's house without anyone noticing after finding out that he is involved with the minions who just tried to kill him and then interrogates him to get information out of him before breaking into his house, knocking out the cops and then getting Kim.
  • He has Stuart make a phone call to Oleg Malankov to trick him into thinking that he has his money and will go over to him. However, once he enters the elevator, he has his friends hack their security camera to make it look like he is in the elevator when in reality, Bryan takes out the guards in front of the elevator, has Stuart leave, goes down the elevator himself, and takes out the henchmen there. When another guard shoots everywhere, Bryan ingeniously hides underneath a corpse and when the guard's back is turned, Bryan shoots him before taking out another guard by grabbing hold of his gun and using it to shoot other guards while fighting him before the one he's fighting over the gun with gets shot himself.
  • While in a gunshot fight against Oleg, he pulls off a clever trick where he shoots the chandelier above him to get him to let his guard down and while he briefly loses the upper hand to Oleg who prepares to kill him, Bryan instantly regains it by unleashing another surprise attack where he grabs his gun, fights with him over possession of it before getting it, and then shooting him twice before getting information from him that Stuart was the real culprit the whole time before his death.
  • In order to evade the cops, Bryan gets behind the elevator and then gets into a car and drives it to escape and then chase after Stuart.
  • He then manages to track Kim's cell and find Stuart's location and manages to foil his takeoff by sabotaging the mechanics underneath his plane by crashing into it before defeating Stuart by shooting him after Kim escapes his grip, considering killing him at first, but then deciding to leave him to the cops though he threatens to come for him once he gets out of jail in a few years.

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • As a CIA agent it is heavily implied that he had several people tortured, given his comment to Marko while electroshocking him that he "used to outsource this kind of thing".
  • In order to get information on the location of Patrice Saint-Clair from the corrupt officer Jean-Claude to save Kim, Bryan shoots his innocent wife in the shoulder and straight up threatens to kill her if he does not comply. While Jean-Claude was corrupt, his wife was totally oblivious to his activities and was totally guiltless.

External Links[]


            20thCenturyStudiosLogo Magnificent Baddies

Hans Gruber | Simon Gruber | Miles Jackson | Bryan Mills

TV Shows
Daniel Holtz

The Simpsons
Adil Hoxha | Donny | Hank Scorpio | Molloy | Neil Gaiman | Marge Simpson (Mr and Mrs. Simpson) | Lisa Simpson (Ei8ht)

The Zookeeper

Video Games
The Simpsons
Adil Hoxha | Hank Scorpio | Molloy
