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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Kelly: Okay, Caroline could be anyone, but if she's spelling people, chances are we've come across her.

Darbie: If it's a her. Remember what Mr. Morris said. She could be a man, an old woman, a young college kid --
Hannah: Okay, Darbie, we get it. Not helping.

~ The girl trio about Caroline and her using the Chameleon Cauliflower to be nearly anyone.

Caroline Palmer (known as Jill while in her disguise) is the main antagonist of the second half of Season 2 of the Prime Video original series Just Add Magic, as well as the unseen overarching antagonist of Season 3. She's a former protector of the cookbook in the 90s, along with RJ White and Noelle Jasper, as well as the leader of the group. who'd use the cookbook's power to cause pranks at school. Although, after an incident involving magic, she'd gain a dislike of magic and disappear as she transformed herself into a completely different lady, using "Chameleon Cauliflower".

She was portrayed by Tiffany Brouwer as an adult, Maeve Tomalty as a teenager, and Sprague Grayden while in her "Jill" disguise.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • Back in the 90s during her time in high school, Caroline was the fearless, rebellious leader of a trio of troublemakers working with RJ White and Noelle Jasper. And when the three of them got chosen to use the cookbook and its magic, their mischief only got even more elaborate and creative.
    • The three of them hating taking tests, so Caroline discovered a recipe for "Fill-in-the-Bubble Gum", which the trio would use to cheat their way into getting easy answers on multiple-choice tests.
    • Caroline got revenge on a teacher (with help from RJ) using "Itchy Ice Cream", which made said teacher itch like crazy and got the three of them out of detention.
    • She once used "Chameleon Cauliflower" to transform into a (male) janitor which allowed her to get intel on how a teacher was planning a pop quiz for their class. She even managed to snatch a copy of the quiz which they'd use to get to know the questions ahead of time.
  • Even though she was occasionally reckless with the magic as a protector, not even bothering to read the hidden riddle when she the others did their first recipe, and ignoring Arthur's warnings a number of times, Caroline was clearly shown to have a lot of smarts and was pretty crafty. The trio started off with mostly harmless pranks, but Caroline would get more ambitious.
    • She once wanted to look older so she could get into a dance club, and used "Chameleon Cauliflower" to completely alter her appearance.
  • After altering a Pick-a-Date to go forward in time rather than backwards to see whether she made tryouts for a ballet group, and ignoring Arthur's warnings about potential dangers, carelessly jumping a few days future only to get stuck there, failing to get in and never being able to re-audition... she'd grow angry and bitter over losing her chance of a lifetime, and found out the hard way that certain magic wasn't meant to be done.
  • After graduating high school, she'd reuse "Chameleon Cauliflower" to alter her appearance becoming a completely different woman, near unrecognizable from her true form, and she'd call herself "Jill". She was able to keep up the act for nearly 20 years. She'd also learned from a lot of mistakes she made as a protector, as she's not nearly as reckless in the present day as she once was.
  • When posing as Jill, she'd become a campaign manager and would work alongside Terri Quinn (Kelly's mother) as the latter ran for mayor. Plus "Jill" was shown to be very business savvy, working at the federal level, mostly on major political campaigns -- though making an exception for Terri -- and claiming real change had to begin locally.
    • While assisting Terri, she decided to get to know the whole Quinn family so she could get a better idea of what her associate was like.
    • She created a fake story about how she climbed a tree and refused to move until the bulldozers went away when was 7 years old, which apparently got the attention of her district representative.
    • She was able to tolerate Kelly's repulsive behavior, and was very patient with her (Although the aforementioned rudeness wasn't actually real, but rather a façade created by the effects of a spell). She suggested that being in the public eye was bringing out a bad side to Kelly, which she said to have seen before. (Possible foreshadowing of her past as Caroline)
    • When Adam Lever goes to Terri to make a deal for running clean campaigns and poses as a friendly rival, "Jill" immediately sees through the act, calling him a shirk
    • She consoles Terri when Adam Lever posts a mockery article on his campaign website trying to make Terri seem like an unfit mayor candidate.
    • She attempts to help Terri out when Adam Lever post a false article to harm her reputation, and insisted that he'd be unable to find her very dark secrets.
    • She tries to help Terri out with her stress right before one of her big speeches.
  • She takes advantage of her "Jill" disguise to get to know her victims that know about the magic and be close to their materials, she especially had access to Mama P and Mrs. Silvers. She'd would drink a mysterious drink aimed towards them, that would cause the victim to lose their memories of magic when they say the word "magic".
    • First she shows up at RJ's place and intimidates him, so he tries to warn the main trio and Jake about the oncoming threat and danger they were in, but he doesn't get to finish his warning before losing his magic-related memories mid-sentence.
    • At some unknown point when she was at Mama P's, she used the drink on P which would eventually wipe her magic memories make her forget the conversation she had with Noelle, or that she was a protector, or that she even had a secret pantry. This would make her one of the very few people who's ever gotten one over Mama P.
    • Upon somehow wiping Noelle's memories of magic, she forgot about Mama P's secret spice pantry and magic rosemary hidden inside it, as well as blackmailing Kelly earlier that day for the spices and rosemary or else she'd post a photo of Kelly removing a Lever sign (Kelly was under P's deceptive and competitive personality, but still.)
    • Somehow she had gotten to Becky Quinn, and made her forget about a mysterious box containing hidden magical artifacts and Chuck Hankins from the 1860s.
    • Somehow she was able to figure out the clones of Gina Silvers and wipe the magic-memories of the real Gina Silvers, which also made all of the clones disappear.
  • When she wipes her victims' magic-related memories, she made sure the spell had a fail-safe within it, so that anybody who loses their memories can't immediately regain their previous memories, or even create new ones seconds later. She really wanted to eradicate all things magic.
  • She killed all of the magic spices in Mrs. Silvers' spice garden so she couldn't use certain magic to protect herself.
  • When all three of the OCs' magic-related memories are gone, they are shown to once again be close friends as they were prior to magic messing their lives up. This shows that "Jill"'s memory-wiping does have some positive effects.
  • When the main trio accidentally put up an invisible barrier spell in a failed attempt to keep Mr. Morris out of the house, "Jill" gives Terri some advice after one of her speeches to drop her guard in order to get through to people, as it was like she put up a wall between her and the audience (It turns out she was subtly manipulating the main trio into having them open up to their suspicions towards Mr. Morris, which would break their barrier spell and free her)
  • Not only does she erase the magic-related memories of various protectors, she also wipes the memories of various companions of protectors that know about the magic so they can't jog the protectors' memories or do any spells to restore them.
    • By having Jake's memories wiped, she intervened with his attempt to cook a recipe that would destroy the girls' magic barrier, and left then further trapped inside. The only reason the girls were able to get out of the house was because they let their guard down and confronted Mr. Morris and their suspicions which broke the spell.
    • She also wiped Arthur Morris' memories of magic which made him find all about Caroline and nearly all of his studies. At this point, the main trio were the last remaining people with memories of magic.
  • After the main trio manage to figure out Jill was the mastermind eradicating magic, she manages to make a quick getaway and blend into the crowd that gathers as the mystery play wraps up.
  • While still wearing her "Jill" disguise, she goes to the back of Mama P's where P's secret spice pantry was and she uses a mysterious black spray to turn all of the magic spices in the pantry into ash, thus making all of the her spices useless and leaving the girls unable to use them to cook a spell to fight back. By this point, Gina Silvers' spice garden and pantry, along with Mama P's spice pantry had all been destroyed leaving the girl trio with very little hope.
    • She even used the spray on the large stash of magic spices the girls had in their possession, leaving the girls with barely any hope of having their memories intact.
  • She intentionally allows the main trio to keep their memories of magic long enough for them to lead her to their elusive magic spice garden they'd inevitably have to go to in order gain more magic spices.
  • Upon confronting the girls for the first time she wasn't hiding her true identity, she'd complement the girls on being able to detect most of her plan, and knowing a lot of her tactics.
  • She's wiping protectors' memories and destroying the magic spices not because she wanted to keep the magic for herself to fix her problem, but rather she wanted to eradicate magic completely as she saw magic as nothing but a burden that ruined lives. She honestly thinks she's doing the world a favor by destroying magic and that once magic was gone from their lives, they'd be free. (Again... Becky, Ida and Gina were shown to be happily close buddies to each other without magic in their lives) Heck, even Becky Quinn -- a central hero of the series -- had a similar pessimistic view of magic, to the point where she used her morbium to end her protector bond between her ex-partners without their consent and tossed the cookbook over some falls.
  • She single-handedly destroys the magic spice garden in one fell swoop using the aforementioned black spray.
  • She uses the mysterious drink activate her spell on the central trio, getting them to seemingly lose their magic memories one-by-one, once again insisting that she wanted to help them. Then once the girls seemingly had their memories gone, Caroline would then use the magic-wiping spell on herself (and transforming back into her original form) showcasing that she genuinely wanted to be rid of magic.
    • The only reason the girls didn't get their memories wiped as well was because they had just the right remaining spices, and just enough of it to do an alternative spell that could protect their magic memories. If it weren't for the backup recipe, the trio would have had their main memories wiped as well and Caroline would have won.
    • Even though the girls' still had their memories, the magic spice garden was still ruined, meaning magic was pretty much gone, and the girls were left with guilt over being unable to save the magic. Although it turns out they had a vanilla bean with just enough cedronian to make a recipe to bring back the spice garden (with a price to pay for for the garden being restored). So basically, Caroline's plan was overturned because of a vanilla bean.
  • Caroline's damage of the other protectors having their memories lost would continue to serve as a major plot-point through the next season, as the girls would have to cook to magic quince in order to reverse the curse's effects. And yet, even though Gina, Ida, Jake and Becky's magic memories would be restored, it's unknown what ever happened to RJ, Noelle or Mr. Morris. It's possible they're still under the magic amnesia curse. So in a way, even though Caroline was gone, she still had a major influence over the storyline, her looming presence could be felt.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • Back in high school, she was the leader of a trouble-making trio, who was described as being "rebellious and reckless" and "all trouble", and it's questionable whether or not she actually respected or cared about RJ and Noelle or whether she saw them as pawns for her own ends.
    • She once made Arthur Morris -- one of the smartest students in school -- write an essay for her, while she took all the credit for it.
    • Upon first finding the cookbook, she and Noelle used the Shut 'Em Up Shortcake on RJ to get him to stop talking about the book. (Caroline got hit with the side effect of being unable to stop talking)
    • Not only that, but Caroline and the others didn't learn from their mistake, and only continued to be reckless with the magic, including a time where she used a spell to give one of her teachers and very strong itch.
  • While it's understandable that she'd want to distance herself from magic, there were likely better, safer ways of doing so, rather than spelling all the protectors and their companions into losing all of their memories of magic with a trigger word, and without anyone's consent.
    • There is also the fact that what made her decided that magic shouldn't be done was a mistake she made despite having been warned rather than an accident outside of her control.
  • She's shown to have no qualms over who she goes after when wiping the magic memories, as she was perfectly cool with threatening both of her ex-cooking partners, and even young teenagers and seniors with no connection with her.


  • She's the only Just Add Magic Magnificent Baddie to appear in only one season as Mama P and Kelly Quinn are both regulars on the show (despite Kelly not becoming an MB until Season 3) and Chuck made occasional later appearances.
  • She's also the only MB who doesn't redeem herself.


            Just Add Magic Magnificent Baddies

Mama P | Chuck Hankins

Caroline Palmer | The Night Bandit
