Magnificent Baddie Wiki

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Proposals of the day:

  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day:

  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Cinder Fall is one of the primary antagonists of RWBY: The Official Manga. An enigmatic villainess with a grudge against Beacon Academy's headmaster Ozpin, she plans to destroy the kingdom of Vale and works alongside the criminal mastermind Roman Torchwick in pursuit of her goals.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • Despite her limited time on-panel, she proved to be a credible threat to the heroes and their goals.
  • She successfully masterminded a scheme to unleash the Grimm onto Vale, stirring up the negativity of the citizens to attract them.
  • She managed to infiltrate Beacon Academy undetected alongside Mercury and Emerald.
  • She stole vital information from the Cross Continental Transmit System tower despite Ruby's interference.
  • She handily defeated Ruby in combat.
  • She lacks the sadism and pettiness of her canon counterpart.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • She was willing to work alongside Roman Torchwick, who is even more vile than his own canon counterpart, to achieve her goals.
  • She had no qualms against killing, as she would have murdered Ruby for being a witness had she not been forced to escape capture.
  • While not sadistic, she goes through with her plans knowing that the Grimm would kill thousands of people and overrun the kingdom.


  • She is the only incarnation of Cinder Fall to be a Magnificent Baddie, as her canon counterpart is too despicable and murderous to qualify while her Chibi version is too incompetent and played for laughs.