"Mature Content Warning!" |
“ | They call me Cry Baby Cry Baby, but I don't f****ing care! | „ |
~ Cry Baby in the song. |
“ | Wait. What was my dream again? I remember feeling trapped in rising heat, and there were plastic or cardboard cutouts all around me, and my gums' roots were pushing out my teeth, and the voice of a thousand angels said to me, “It’s temporary.” | „ |
~ Cry Baby in the opening of K-12. |
Cry Baby (also spelt Crybaby) is the mascot for the American singer, actress and director Melanie Martinez, appearing as the titular main protagonist in both the thematic story for the album Crybaby and in the 2019 film and album K-12, as well as her album Portals.
She is a young woman who has struggled throughout her life with emotional instability and large amounts of trauma which has led to her doing some questionable and bad things over the course of her life. In spite of that however she is a good person at heart with an extraordinary gift for empathy, something which allowed her to become an "empath" with a vast array of psychic powers at her disposal.
She was portrayed by Melanie Martinez herself.
What Makes her Magnificent?[]
- Due to her incredibly sympathetic backstory as well as the numerous traumatic experiences she's had to endure she's a very easy character to like and sympathize with however the fact that she's managed to overcome all of her past trauma and become a much stronger person because of it is incredibly impressive.
- After being kidnapped and locked away by the Big Bad Wolf Cry Baby manages to outsmart and kill him by poisoning the cookies he ordered her to bake him.
- When attacked by Kelly she manages to quickly subdue and almost kill her with her powers.
- While being forced to perform in a play she deeply objects to she takes the opportunity to sabotage the performance and break all of the K-12 students free from The Principal's brainwashing.
- Upon realizing that Kelly is abusing and mentally torturing one of the girls in her posse named Fleur by constantly feeding into her bulimia Cry Baby offers her comfort and kindness as well as a genuine friendship away from that of Kelly's influence.
- When the deranged and perverted Biology Teacher tries to dissect Angelita Cry Baby uses her powers to force him away from her and rescues her before allowing her to kill him.
- After K-12's new principal Leo takes over the school and tries to murder all of the students by forcing them to dance until they die of exhaustion Cry Baby uses her powers to shapeshift into an attractive young woman who seduces Leo before locking him in a closet, buying her time to free her peers from the school.
- With the help of Ben she manages to destroy K-12 Sleepaway School once and for all while allowing all of her peers to escape from the building that caused them so much pain.
- In general Cry Baby's treatment of other people even those who have wronged her (i.e she bears no ill-will or resentment to anyone even when it would be justified) and how she time and time again goes out of her way to help them proves her as an incredibly good person.
What Makes her a Baddie?[]
- During a mental breakdown fuelled by loneliness when nobody attends her birthday party Cry Baby burns down her house.
- Although both undoubtedly deserved their fates Cry Baby's sadistic relish in the gruesome deaths of both the Big Bad Wolf and The Principal can't be ignored.
- Although she had somewhat good intentions with it Cry Baby gets into a fight with a "Basic Bitch" over her boyfriend Blue Boy who she essentially tries to steal from her due to thinking he's unhappy with her.
- Both Cry Baby and Leo are leading each other on to fuel one another's sinister plans against the other (although Cry Baby did also have other more tragic motives behind this as well).
External Links[]
- Cry Baby in the Villains Wiki.
- Cry Baby on the Melanie Martinez Wiki.
- Cry Baby on the Heroes Wiki.