Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Daniel Holtz is the main antagonist in season three of the Buffyverse TV series Angel and a posthumous antagonist in both seasons four and five.

He was a vampire hunter from the 1700s who agreed to be brought into the year 2002 by a demon named Sahjaan after having his entire family murdered by Angelus and Darla, swearing vengeance upon the both of them, complicating matters arose however when he discovered Angelus had regained his soul, nevertheless this only further motivated him to bring his old foe to justice by any means necessary. He is the archenemy of Angel.

He was portrayed by Keith Szarabajka.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Being able to track down vampires distinctively by their scent.
  • Outsmarting Sahjaan on the numerous occasions when he tried to dupe him.
  • Managing to find the best strategy of killing multiple armed men in a matter of seconds.
  • Building himself an army of like-minded people to fight against Angel through his charisma.
  • Electing to only go after Angel when he felt the time was right.
  • Using Wolfram & Hart's fake prophecy and feedings of Connor's blood to Angel and Wesley's subsequent worries about this to his advantage. Only to betray him at the last second and get Justine to steal Connor from him.
  • Outsmarting Wolfram & Hart, Sahjaan and Angel with only his words.
  • Kidnapping Angel's son Connor and raising him to be perfect killing machine against his father.
  • Sending Connor back to the 21st century on Earth where he now hates Angel. He allows the two time to bond with another before coming back himself.
  • Tricking Angel into thinking he'd given up on revenge and had forgiven him only to have Justine stab in the throat with an ice pick in a way to make his death look reminiscent of a vampire's distinctive bite.
  • Confiding his final revenge plan to Justine so she could manipulate Connor into helping her drop Angel to the bottom of the ocean in vengeance for presumably Holtz's death but in actuality for Holtz's family being killed by Angelus and Darla.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • Still targeting Angel and tormenting him vigorously in spite of learning that he now had a soul and wasn't the monster he once was.
  • Manipulating Wesley before ordering Justine to slice his throat open so he could obtain Connor for himself
  • Stealing baby Connor from Angel to raise him as a perfect vampire killing mmachine. Holtz threatened to kill Connor on purpose by breaking his neck if Angel tried to save Connor from him. He made Angel unwilling let him stealing Connor and trap him in Quor'Toth Hell Dimension for sixteen years inside.
  • Putting Connor through awful treatment in order to train him to the point of perfection. He emotional abuse on Connor. He misguided him. He punished Connor for being his arch enemies Angel and Darla's biological son. He stealing Connor's childhood and ruined his life.
  • Allowing Angel time to bond with Connor before putting his final plan into motion.
  • Convincing Justine to kill him in spite of her reluctance.
  • Telling Justine to blame Angel for what had happened to him, knowing that the pair would enact the worst possible punishment for him.
    • Posthumously being responsible for dropping Angel into the bottom of the sea within in a metal coffin where he remained for three months.

External Links[]


            20thCenturyStudiosLogo Magnificent Baddies

Hans Gruber | Simon Gruber | Miles Jackson | Bryan Mills

TV Shows
Daniel Holtz

The Simpsons
Adil Hoxha | Donny | Hank Scorpio | Molloy | Neil Gaiman | Marge Simpson (Mr and Mrs. Simpson) | Lisa Simpson (Ei8ht)

The Zookeeper

Video Games
The Simpsons
Adil Hoxha | Hank Scorpio | Molloy
