Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching little reunion. But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago.
~ Dark Danny to Tucker and Sam.
Jazz: You're not Danny!
Dark Danny: I was, but I grew out of it. The Danny you know is floating helplessly in the Ghost Zone ten years in the future.
Jazz: He'll escape. He'll beat you!
Dark Danny: How? Is the answer A, the Fenton Portal? Destroyed it. B, the only remaining portal? The one my idiot cheesehead archenemy has? As soon as I find it, that's going too.
Jazz: Cheesehead...Vlad Masters? He's your archenemy?!
Dark Danny: Is it C,
you? No. You can't stop me from cheating on the C.A.T. and solidifying my future, so it must be...D, none of the above! Well, what do you know? The answer to the first question is D!
~ Dark Danny to his sister Jazz.

Dark Danny, also known as Dan Phantom, is the evil, sociopathic future version of Danny Phantom and the main antagonist of Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy, and it's follow-up 2023 graphic novel Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time. Apart from Vlad Plasmius, he is arguably Danny Phantom's main arch-nemesis and by far the most dangerous foe he has ever faced. Out of all of Danny's villains, Dark Danny was the one supervillain who came closest to defeating him, not just physically but also psychologically.

He was voiced by Eric Roberts.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He's given a creepily memorable performance by Eric Roberts, providing a ton of pretty cool quotes (e.g. "I'm inevitable").
  • Despite being a Card-Carrying Game Changer, he's not incompetent in the slightest and most of his worst acts happen offscreen so it's left up to the imagination, plus there are no confirmed casualty numbers. At worst he smiles/laughs at the expense of his enemies, but he's not cruel For the Evulz.
  • He uses his Ghostly Wail power quite effectively twice in the future: destroying Amity Park's shield from the outside, and demolishing an army of cops.
  • He singlehandedly defeats Valerie in a fight.
  • He traps Danny in the Ghost Zone for a good long time while he goes back to the past and flawlessly fools everyone into thinking he's him until Jazz reveals the disguise. He then gives Danny’s parents a satisfying verbal beatdown, scolding them for their blissful ignorance in not realizing that their own son was half-ghost.
  • He gives Danny the fight of his life, even walking out of a big gasoline explosion completely unharmed at one point.
  • He faces his own defeat with some dignity, outright laughing from within the Fenton Thermos.
  • In A Glitch In Time, He is able to defeat Clockwork (The master of all time) and fuse with him becoming even more powerful.
  • While wanting revenge on Danny Phantom he is not filled with rage and is mainly calm and collected about it showing he can control his rage
  • Although he has a breakdown after losing the fight towards Danny and losing his family and friends, he recovers that by accepting Vlad’s apology (albeit for pragmatic reasons) and merging with him.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He destroyed large portions of the world outside Amity Park in the future, if not the whole thing.
  • He starts the episode off by possibly killing Valerie's father Damon when he blows up Fenton Works.
  • He's said by Clockwork to have committed at least 2,000 evil acts throughout his life.
  • He killed his own human half and crippled several foes (i.e. Box Ghost, Ember McLain and Johnny 13) in order to ensure nothing stood in the way of his goals.
  • He tries to recreate the accident that killed his friends and family a decade ago to ensure his own existence after Clockwork meddled with the timestream.

External Links[]


           Nickelodeon Logo cropped Magnificent Baddies

Spongebob SquarePants
Friend | Burger-Beard | Master Udon

Danny Phantom
Amorpho | Dark Danny

Rattlesnake Jake

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)

I Am Frankie

The Other Kingdom

See Also
Avatar Magnificent Baddies
