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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Sigourney Gaines: Where is Frankie, and what have you done with her?

Eliza: I have no idea. She did send an E.L.F. message, though.
Will Gaines: Is that like a Santigram?
Sigourney: The E.L.F network is for emergencies. She's in trouble. Let me contact her please.
Eliza: I'm afraid that's not possible. The E.L.F. hardware is experiencing some (destroys circuit board) ... technical difficulties.
Sigourney: Well, at least let me find out where she is on the GPS.
Eliza: I thought you'd say that. The GPS isn't working either. (destroys another circuit board and tosses the pieces on Sigourney) You really need better tech support.

~ Eliza disabling the ELF network and the GPS, prevent her creator from contacting Frankie
Sigourney Gaines: Eliza, how is your battery holding up these days? Would you like me to take a look at it?

Eliza: (sarcastically) Yeah, sure Sigourney. That would be great. (Sigourney prepares to look into her, but Eliza holds up a set of interconnected wires) Looking for this?
Sigourney: No.
Eliza: Do you think I don't know that if you connect my positive and negative terminals it will melt my battery?
Sigourney: Right, of course you know that.
Eliza: Don't try to outsmart me Sigourney. I am many steps ahead of you.

~ Eliza seeing ahead of her creator's attempt to shutting her down.

Prototype E, better known as Eliza is a minor antagonist in the Nickelodeon series I Am Frankie. She's an unseen antagonist for the majority of Season 1 before showing up as a minor antagonist of the Season 1 finale "I am... a Sitting Duck", and as the titular main antagonist of the two-part season 2 premiere "I am... Eliza".

She's an android prototype created by Sigourney Gaines, serving as her fifth android prototype created before Frankie, having an appearance exactly identical to Frankie. She was Dr. Gaines' first fully functioning prototype and the first to develop proper sentience. Unfortunately, Eliza began to view herself as superior, as she developed a hatred of humanity, abandoned her creator and spent several years going on a worldwide crime spree.

She's portrayed by Alex Hook, who also portrays Frankie within the series.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • Despite being an android created by Siguorney Gaines, the show's made it clear that Prototype E or Eliza has proper sentience and a mind of her own, having developed far beyond her programming (being the first of Siguorney's prototypes to do so) and even turning against her creator after being given artificial life.
  • Prior to her first proper appearance in the series, she became an infamous international criminal who managed to get away with a lot of crimes. But the crimes are left pretty vague, so she doesn't become too detestable with some of her potential crimes.
  • She takes full advantage of the fact that she looks exactly like Frankie to deceive everyone into thinking she was Frankie and use them to get closer to achieving her goal. She even managed to fool her own creator Sigourney Gaines and her husband into thinking she was Frankie. (The real Frankie was hiding from WARPA at the time.)
  • Despite all of her worldwide crimes, she bizarrely enough doesn't view herself as a villain, rather she sees her actions as justified as she's apparently hoping on starting an android revolution
  • While in the house, when she's looking for Sigourney's laptop. Mr. Gaines would get suspicious over what "Frankie" was doing and Eliza would cover up her intentions by lying to him. And considering Frankie was incapable of lying, Mr. Gaines assumed "Frankie" was being honest about her plans.
  • Despite Eliza not having a lot of Frankie's memories -- to which Frankie's friend Dayton would notice -- Dayton initially just assumed the memory files got all scrambled up during her escape from WARPA, to which Eliza would cleverly play along with.
    • Dayton would also remind the android that Sigourney backed up Frankie's memory files every night, which Eliza would takes advantage of, asking Dayton to remind her where the files were. And when Eliza notices a 3D printer in Sigourney's room, she gets an idea to create a new face to hide her identity, as her face was recognizable from her large crime spree.
  • She's picks up an E.L.F. (Extremely Low Frequncy) message reaching the house and keeps Frankie away by giving her a message saying it was unsafe to return home (which Frankie assumed was from Sigourney), as well as uploads Frankie's memory files so she could keep posing as Frankie. And she locks the door so nobody could easily get in and find out about her actions.
  • Upon Sigourney (her creator) unlocking said door, then discovering Eliza's USB access port position -- which Eliza had, but Frankie didn't -- and realizing Eliza was impersonating Frankie, Eliza quickly takes action as she ties not only Sigourney up, but also her husband and daughter, holding the three of them hostage.
    • Sigourney would demand to know where Frankie was to which Eliza would destroy a circuit board to disable the E.L.F. hardware so the real Frankie's message can't get through, and the family couldn't call her for help. Then, Sigourney would order Eliza to let her find Frankie with the GPS, which Eliza disables as well to prevent her from tracking Frankie down.
    • When holding her creator hostage, Eliza orders her to create a new face to hide and cover identity with, due to her infamous criminal record. And then when Sigourney refuses and states that she didn't have the necessary tools anyway, Eliza casually steals Mr. Gaines' wallet and goes to the store to purchase the tools.
  • When she arrives up at "The Garage", she confronts Tammy (whom she was told would "destroy" her, which Eliza took literally.), and single-handedly lifts her up in her chair using one hand, threatening her that trying to destroy her wouldn't be wise.
  • Upon Dayton discovering there were two identical androids, she gives the Frankies a quiz to determine which was the real deal, but since Eliza uploaded Frankie's memory files, she's able to answer all of her questions accurately.
    • Then shortly afterwards when Dayton tricks Eliza into exposing herself with a question about a recent event only she knew about, Eliza smugly reveals her true identity to Dayton and locks Dayton to a toilet using magician's handcuffs (Frankie was out of battery life so she couldn't help Dayton escape). And after leaving the stall, she'd use her magnet feature on the door to lock Dayton inside the stall and turns the building's music up very loud so nobody could hear Dayton's pleas for help.
    • When Cole (still thinking Eliza's Frankie) asks Eliza where Dayton is, she lies about Dayton being safe and promises to stay behind while Cole checked to see if it was safe, but Eliza secretly sneaks back to the Gaines' home.
  • Although Dayton's able to use voice control on her phone to warn Cole about Eliza posing as Frankie, Eliza was already at the Gaines residence anticipating his arrival since she had intercepted Dayton's text and knew that Cole discovered Eliza's true identity, and would try warning Sigourney, and ties him to a chair.
  • After forcing her creator to create the face mask, Eliza covers her footsteps by destroying the laptop Sigourney was programming the mask with, so her new face would be "untraceable". As she's about to screw off Eliza's current face, Sigourney offers to look into Eliza's battery, but Eliza predicts that she would try to melt her battery using positive and negative terminals and prevents her from doing so, boasting that she was many steps ahead of her.
  • She has a built-in combat system that allows her to fight an strong match, showcasing that she's not a coward. In fact, when Dayton and Frankie arrive and the house and the latter confronts Eliza telling her to leave her family alone, Eliza's not scared in the least as she shoves Dayton to the ground when the latter tries to attack her, and Frankie and Eliza battle each other. Or rather Eliza tries to attack Frankie, while Frankie defends herself and blocks/dodges all of her attacks. (Although since the two had equal strength, neither could best the other.)
  • After failing to beat Frankie in physical combat, Eliza holds Frankie down and starts draining the life out of her, coming dangerously close to permanently shutting her down, only failing do to Frankie projecting her most important memories as a video projection, emphasizing the love of friends and family, and Eliza shutting down due to her electronic mind being incapable of understanding anything but hate.
  • After the others get freed, Siguorney would bring Eliza over to a charging chair, restrain her with straps, and reduce her strength to a 4-year old child, shutting her down until they could deal with her, with Siguorney planning to reprogram Eliza to remove her dangerous tendencies and become an honorary member of the Gaines family. But when everyone left the room, Eliza opens her eyes and holds up a plug to the chair, revealing she had unplugged the chair before she could be de-powered, meaning she was not only one step ahead of Sigourney again, but she also faked losing her strength and being shut down to deceive everyone. Then, she manages to escape while everyone's downstairs and when they hear a crack from upstairs, they run back up to notice Eliza was gone and out in the wild. It's possible Eliza will be back someday.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • As previously mentioned, prior to her appearance on the show, Eliza would spend several years going on a worldwide crime spree and became an infamous international criminal.
  • She's a sociopathic misanthrope who hates humanity, viewing them as "boring" and "weak" and "pathetic". In her words, "Anything that ruins human activity and ultimately leads to an android revolution is no crime".
  • Any time someone around her discovers her true identity, she'll tie them up or hold them anyone hostage.
  • She also never shows any remorse for her hostility and is more than willing to fight or beat anyone up to dares challenge and oppose her.
  • Siguorney and Frankie would offer Eliza several opportunities to settle down into the Gaines residence and allow herself to reprogramed to be good, which Eliza would always turn down.
  • She comes dangerously close to shutting Frankie down permanently --which is treated as a near-death experience-- just to cover up a potential witness.


  • The final moments of "I am... Eliza" indicated that Eliza would probably be committing additional crimes against humanity and would even encounter the heroes again someday. Although, considering the series was cancelled prematurely by the network, this never got to fruition. Had the series been allowed to keep running, Eliza more than likely would have made a reappearance.


           Nickelodeon Logo cropped Magnificent Baddies

Spongebob SquarePants
Friend | Burger-Beard | Master Udon

Danny Phantom
Amorpho | Dark Danny

Rattlesnake Jake

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)

I Am Frankie

The Other Kingdom

See Also
Avatar Magnificent Baddies
