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~ Furnace beginning his pursuit of Sonic. |
~ Furnace to Sonic. |
Furnace is the secondary antagonist of Juno Songs' video Prey WITH LYRICS, a lyrical cover of the track of the same name from the Friday Night Funkin mod VS Sonic.EXE.
Originating from the mythos of "Starved" Robotnik, Furnace is a modified version of Metal Sonic that the crazed scientist designed to hunt down and cook helpless Mobian prey for him. In Juno Songs' video, he is imagined as a ruthless machine who eventually enters a chase with Robotnik's archenemy, Sonic the Hedgehog, and devices a way to rid the doctor of the blue speedster.
He was voiced by Juno Songs himself.
What Makes Him Magnificent?[]
- While most villains in the .EXE mythos are extremely disturbing and meant to unnerve and even disgust, including Starved himself and his gruesome obsession, Furnace stands out as a villain that is played for "Evil is Cool" more than he is played for Horror, being a robot with a cool voice who is literally burning with killing intent, while his gluttonous master is portrayed as much more genuinely horrific, making Furnace look better by comparison.
- It helps that his brutal crimes are not shown onscreen in neither the mod nor Juno's adaptation, including Sonic's demise which is mercifully cut as soon as he makes impact. Thus, Furnace's villainy isn't disturbing enough to overpower his magnificence.
- It also helps that he is too amoral to truly stand out as heinous, as he's merely following his programming with no apparent sadism whatsoever aside from an uncharacteristic "NOW BLEED." During his pursuit of Sonic.
- He is a very powerful machine with superspeed capable of keeping up with Sonic himself (and even surpass him when he arrogantly slows down).
- He is given a fitting, menacing and badass robotic voice by Juno Songs.
- With ruthless efficiency, he has captured and cooked countless Mobians for his master to feast on.
- When pursuing Sonic, he attempts various protocols when seeing that the hedgehog remains out of reach, such as locking onto the target, calculating his speed and activating boosters, all while engaging in a rap battle with him.
- When the pursuit isn't progressing well for him, Furnace analyzes Sonic's personality instead of his speed and, pinpointing that arrogance is the Blue Blurr's fatal flaw, he concuts a scheme to exploit it against Sonic. Detecting the arrival of his master, he does a strategic retreat and sneakily gets ahead of Sonic while the hedgehog and Robotnik are verbally sparring, eventually landing in front of Sonic the moment he cockily looks away from the track ahead of him.
- Using Sonic's own arrogance and even his speed, Furnace successfully kills him.
- While he arrogantly proclaims himself as "superior to all organic prey" and with a "99.99% success rate", his success backs up his high self-worth, so he doesn't come off as overconfident like Sonic, who perishes to him because of it.
- While Sonic claims that they had many confrontations before that ended in Furnace's defeat, this doesn't matter as they are either off-screen defeats ending in the on-screen final victory in the video (and Furnace is clearly a fearsome foe and not ineffectual, so those defeats couldn't have been pathetic curb-stomps) or Sonic could be mistaking Furnace with Metal Sonic, who is either Furnace's predecessor or his former self who is all but gone.
- As Sonic is very arrogant, him not taking Furnace seriously at all doesn't detract from Furnace's magnificence in the slightest, especially since the video ends with Sonic being proven wrong in the most brutal of ways.
What Makes Him a Baddie?[]
- He mercilessly captured, killed and cooked many innocent Mobians to feed his maniacal creator, leaving the planet in ruin.
- He brutally kills Sonic and puts an end to his heroism.
- Only Juno Songs' portrayal of Furnace is a Magnificent Baddie as he's given actual dialogue that gives him enough of a personality (a ruthless, calculating machine who is capable of being occasionally unhinged) and confirms that exploiting Sonic's arrogance was his idea, while in the original mod he is not characterized enough and we can't even know wether the trap was his plan or Starved's.