Francis Xavier Hummel is the main antagonist of the action movie The Rock. He is a former USMC Force Recon ranking officer that is displeased with how the US goverment treat the deceased Marines that died in shady missions, thus he sorted to use extreme method to give what the Marines deserved.
What makes him magnificent ?[]
- As a former Marine, he is capable of correctly guessing almost every movement of the SEALs.
- Has the noble goal of giving the families of marines that died in shady mission compensations, which the government refused due to refusing to acknowledge the shady missions.
- Tried to carry out the operation with as little casualties as possible, even trying to talk the SEALs out of attacking them.
- He has standards, as he does not hold any children hostage but instead allows them to leave Alcatraz Island.
- As it turns out, Hummel didn’t even want to release V.X. toxic gas to San Francisco and was just bluffing.
- When he is forced to launch a V.X. Gas missile, he changed its coordinate in the last minute instead of letting it hit the city area,
- Knowing that the government now knows he was just bluffing, he told his men to abort the mission. He was also willing to face punishment for all their crimes, showing he was a good boss.
- After being fatally shot by Darrow and Frye, he informed Goodspeed the location of the last rocket.
- When compared to Darrow and Frye, Hummel is way more likeable.
What makes him a baddie?[]
- He held plenty of Alcatraz tourists as hostages.
- He stole V.X, Gas bombs from Naval Weapons Depot, which lead to the death of one of the rogue marines.
- Tried to threaten the government to give 100 million to him which he would distribute to the families of the fallen marines.
- He tried to kill Goodspeed and Mason.