Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Michael Clayton from Michael Clayton - Ends February 8
  2. Mr. Verne and Liker from Michael Clayton -Ends February 8

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki


This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

That was not just right!
~ Goldilocks frustrated and her most famous quote.
Baby Bear: So what is it, eh? What’s your "just right”? What’s so blasted important that you’ve got us stranded in this haunted forest?
Goldilocks: I’m getting a family! That’s what. A proper family. Then everything will be just right.
Baby Bear: Your “just right” is getting rid of us?
Papa Bear: Well, I guess some people just stick around until the porridge is gone, eh, Goldi?
Goldilocks: Come on. You didn’t think I would actually stay. I’m not a bear.
Mama Bear: I was always afraid it was too good to last. And whether you think we’re your family or not, if this is something that will make you happy, we’ll get you that wish.
~ Goldilocks and Baby arguing, which causes Goldi to tell the bears that she wishes to see her biological family again, hurting the feelings of her adoptive family but they still agree to help her get her wish.

Goldilocks is the secondary antagonist of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. She is based on her fairy tale counterpart, who attempted to retrieve her lash wish of a true family.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • Is quite easily the most sympathetic villain in the series (along with Humpty Alexander Dumpty), as she is just an orphan that simply wants to wish herself a real family.
  • Using Baby's nose, she manages to track Puss in Boots down to Mama Luna's home where Puss seemingly retired to ask him on an offer to help her steal the magic map on Jack Horner's possession.
  • When seeing what was marked as Puss' grave and understandably deeming him dead, she simply decides to steal the map without Puss' help and nearly succeeds in doing so, in which the infiltration was only foiled by Baby's clumsiness.
  • When Puss and Kitty Softpaws claimed the map first, she uses their scent to track them down to the forest where the magic star resides.
  • As the brains of the gang, she always keeps them all focused on the track of getting the map, using quick thinking and use of her environment, such as her staff, to handle the opposition of not only Puss, Kitty & Perrito but Jack Horner and the Baker's dozen as well.
  • When the forest was beginning to play tricks on the gang using nostalgia, Goldi was the only one to know these were all distractions and trying to resist, and was able to keep a clear enough focus to see Puss sneaking in to steal the map, and through her quick thinking, nearly manages to get it back.
  • Manages to capture Perrito and uses him as bait for what was a clever trap to ensnare the rescuer, only foiled when Baby's bickering with Goldi caused him to trigger the trap and ensnare them, to which she was able to help them escape anyway.
  • When faced with the chance to finally wish herself a real family in expense of leaving Baby Bear to die, she abandons her wish and saves him, gaining an appreciation for the bears as her adoptive family, and now redeemed, helps Puss take down the irredeemable Horner.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • She and the Bears tortured Mama Luna with a piano just to track down Puss.
  • She broke the bottle containing the Lilliputians, endangering their lives while not being aware of it.
  • Frequently attempted to kill Puss, Kitty and Perrito to claim the wish.
  • Tried to hurt the Ethical Bug just to protect Baby Bear, even after redemption.


  • In a deleted scene of Shrek, Goldilocks is seen coming by and running away after seeing Shrek. If this scene was made, it would've prevented her from being an MB.
    • However there's a chance she will still be one due to shedding her cowardice.


           DreamWorks Logo Magnificent Baddies

Animated Features
Eris | Oogway | Rita Malone | Pied Piper | Metro Man | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Mr. Wolf | Diane Foxington | Mr. Snake | Ms. Tarantula | Death | Goldilocks

Animated Television
Alvin the Treacherous | Viggo Grimborn | Haggar | Lotor | Morgana | Double Trouble

           Shrek Logo Magnificent Baddies

Pied Piper

Puss in Boots
Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Death | Goldilocks

See Also
DreamWorks Magnificent Baddies
