Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

For too long. I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long. I've been starvin' to death and haven't died. I feel nothin'. Not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea...nor the warmth of a woman's flesh. Ya best start believin' in ghost stories, Ms. Turner. You're in one!
~ Barbossa, revealing the curse to Elizabeth.
(Carina: Who am I to you?) Treasure!
~ Barbossa's last word before sacrificing himself.

Captain Hector Barbossa is one of the main characters in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He serves as the main antagonist of The Curse of the Black Pearl, a minor character in Dead Man's Chest, the tritagonist of At World's End and On Stranger Tides, and the deuteragonist of Dead Men Tell No Tales. He makes appearances in most of the franchise in varying capacities, but in general has a redemptive arc. He is Captain Jack Sparrow's archenemy-turned-friend.

He was portrayed by Geoffrey Rush.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He's pretty snarky and hammy, being given a great performance by Geoffrey Rush.
  • He's committed two successful mutinies against Jack, usurping him as captain of the Black Pearl.
  • He honors the pirate code of parlay, never harming those under its current protection and always keeping true to his word despite mixing up others' exact words. He even uses this to twist his deals with Will and Elizabeth to his advantage in the first movie.
  • He takes great care of his pet monkey.
  • He has a very sympathetic motivation for his evil acts in the first movie: lifting him and his crew's curse, that way they can all regain their sense of touch.
  • He only takes some blood from Elizabeth by cutting her hand when he could've just killed her instead, implying that even back when he was a straight villain he had standards against pointless cruelty.
  • He leads the mission to rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker.
    • It's also worth noting that he convinces Jack to bring Will, Elizabeth, Pintel and Ragetti along for the ride back home in exchange for the map when he could've just left them behind to save just himself instead.
  • He succeeds in releasing Calypso from her human bonds, thus fulfilling his vow after she brought him back from the dead in exchange for rescuing Jack (since he and Barbossa are both two of the nine Pirate Lords).
  • He sails the Black Pearl's crew into a huge maelstrom and still survives the battle, marrying Will and Elizabeth together in the process of it all during combat.
  • He survived the sinking of the Black Pearl by amputating his own roped leg, and yet is still a capable fighter.
  • He shares a drink with Jack after they get caught by the Spaniards, showing he still values his former captain as a genuine friend despite their past differences.
  • He fatally stabs Blackbeard, taking his ship and crew afterwards.
  • He sacrifices himself to kill Salazar and save his daughter Carina.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • Despite having sympathetic reasons, he was still a clear villain in the first movie. His actions include:
    1. Shooting Bootstrap Bill down to the bottom of the ocean, trapped with no way out until he was found and recruited by Davy Jones, thus dooming Bootstrap Bill to at least 20 years of torture.
    2. Attacking Port Royal to retrieve the last Aztec medallion, killing many innocents.
    3. Shooting Pintel, one of his own men, just to see if the curse was lifted.
    4. Stranding Jack and Elizabeth on a deserted island, the former twice with only a single-bullet pistol to shoot himself with (lest he simply starve to death instead).
    5. Nearly slitting Will's throat to lift the curse that befell him and his crew.
    6. Sending his crew to ambush the redcoats on the HMS Dauntless, killing many on both sides.
  • When Sao Feng holds a sword to an EITC mole's throat, Barbossa gives him the go-ahead with no care for the mole's life.
  • He apathetically refuses to even try to save his crew when the mermaids attack (and then destroy) the HMS Providence, as well as holding Lt. Theodore Groves at gunpoint to force him to come along.
  • He doesn't care at all when Blackbeard kills Lt. Gillette, telling him "get off me!"

External Links[]


           Disney Logo Magnificent Baddies

Animated Features
Maleficent | Jafar | Cassim | Emperor Zurg | Captain Flint | Long John Silver | Mirage | Bomb Voyage | Omnidroid v.10 | The Underminer | The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come | Screenslaver | Gabby Gabby

Live-Action Features
Captain Jack Sparrow | Constantine | Elijah Price | Hector Barbossa | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Maleficent

Animated Television
Candace Green | Darius Deamonne | David Xanatos | Evil Carl | Lord Hater (Cartoon) | Lumberjack Ghost | Obake | Piniet | Renee Frodgers | Rodrigo | Sasha Waybright | Shego | Stanley Pines | Tritonio Espada | Warp Darkmatter

Live-Action Television
The Annihilator | Mr. Terror | Bridget McCoy

Video Games
Evil Dr. Porkchop


See Also
Pixar Magnificent Baddies | Toy Story Magnificent Baddies| Marvel Cinematic Universe Magnificent Baddies
