Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki
NOTE: This article only talks about the version in the movies as his version in the novelization by Peter David is not voted a Magnificent Baddie, thus only his movie counterpart's information and crimes should be put here.

How ironic Tony. Trying to rid the world of weapons, you gave it its best one ever. And now, I'm going to kill you with it.
~ Stane to Tony Stark during their final battle

Obadiah Stane, also known as Iron Monger, is the main antagonist of the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film from 2008 Iron Man.

He is Tony Stark's mentor and false friend, secretly a traitor who tried to have him killed so he can take over the company and later tried to kill him with his own armor based on the design of the first Iron Man's.

He was played by Jeff Bridges.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He pretended to be Tony's friend and mentor for years while secretly selling weapons to the US enemies, without Tony ever suspecting a thing.
  • He orders a hit on Tony while keeping the latter's identity a secret from the Ten Rings to prevent them from using him to make weapons.
  • When Tony comes back alive from his stay in the Ten Rings camp, Stane upholds his masquerade and tries to evict Tony from the company while keeping his facade as an ally all the while, only revealing he is trying to evict him when Tony is about to be.
  • He stares down and make business with Raza, a fearsome terrorist, even mocking his scars, blaming it on Raza's decision to keep Stark alive despite Stane's orders.
  • When Raza offers to give him the rests of the Mark I Iron Man armor in exchange for gifting him the armors he will build with it, Stane instead paralyses him with a sonic taser, throws back at him his earlier comment in fluent arabic, and then has him and his men killed and keep the technology for himself, using it to successfully build the Iron Monger armor.
  • He puts on the Iron Monger armor and successfully fights Tony with it.
  • Despite his armor shutting down from freezing cold and his aiming system being damaged he almost defeats Tony and is only stopped by the intervention of Pepper Potts blowing up the Arc Reactor, which he had no means of knowing about.
  • Throughout the film he maintains a a calm tone, remains affable and uses polite vocabulary, even when revealing his two-faced nature or about to murder Pepper and Tony. He also makes genuine compliments on Tony's inventions and admires the Iron Man armor.
    • He only loses his calm twice in the film, the first time when his head scientist says he's incapable of miniaturizing the Arc reactor and he realizes that Pepper has proofs of his crimes. However, he quickly recuperates from these events and despite the setbacks they represent, doesn't give up on his plans or loses his composure.
  • Unlike other "false friends" villains, Stane doesn't appear to be motivated by jealousy of the hero, and is instead committing evil in order to advance his plans.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He illegally sold Stark Industries weapons to the Ten Rings, which they planned to use to raze villages of innocent people.
  • He tries to have Tony killed to take over Stark Industries.
  • As he and Tony are fighting across the city, Obadiah attempts to crush Tony to death with a car filled with a woman and her four children, which would have killed them as well.
  • When Tony comes back, he arranges that Tony be removed from head of Stark Industries.
  • He kills Raza and his men to keep the technology of the Mark I Iron Man armor and tie up the loose ends they represented.
  • He tries to use the Iron Monger armor to kill Pepper Potts, the SHIELD agents and Tony Stark so as to avoid punishment for his crimes.
    • During his final battle with Tony, he tried to smash him, using a random car with a woman and children inside, which would have killed them all.


  • While the movie version of the character qualifies as a Magnificent Baddie, it is not the case for the novelization version of the character, who is aware of the Arc reactor's explosion (which in this version could kill thousands of people, something Stane is also aware of) and is willing to ensure it just so it can kill Tony out of spite.
  • He is the first MCU character to be a Magnificent Baddie.
    • Ironically, he is the first MCU villain ever.

External Links[]


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Magnificent Baddies

Alexander Pierce | Baron Zemo | Doctor Octopus | Ghost | Iron Monger | Namor | Power Broker | Thanos | Vulture | Whiplash

TV Shows
Arthur Harrow | Agatha Harkness | Grant Ward | Hive | Jiaying | Kingpin | Khonshu
Justin Hammer (What If...?) | King Loki | Prince Killmonger
