Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki


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Jaqueline Hoang is a major antagonist of the 2022 Vietnamese live-action film Furies, a prequel to Furie.

She is a mother of her family who was tragically killed under the hands of Hải Chó Điên and his gang. To get revenge, she formed the Wild Daises, a trio of sexual assault victims, to defeat them. However, after their success, she decided to betray the trio and plotted to take over the crime zone for herself.

She was portrayed by Veronica Ngo.

What makes her magnificent?[]

  • Is a master planner and combatant who formed the Wild Daisies to fight back against Hải crime zone. Even if Lin's affability is a facade, she does seem to treat her protege well, giving them the home and food they need.
  • Trained the Wild Daises to be skilled in combat. As Bi saved her friend from the falling bar, Lin became impressed and allowed her to join the team.
  • She perfectly formed her plans to defeat the Big Four, saving many girls and taking each of the four down easily one by one, despite the cost of Hồng's death. She managed to reveal their hideout to finally strike Hải himself. It also showed that Long Bồ Đà is a mole to the Four, making her plans smoother.
  • She successfully made her way to confront Hải, killing him in the process for his murder of her family.
  • She remained skilled in combat during the final battle against Bi. However, she was bested by the latter for having no bullet in her gun, causing her death. During that time, she casually smoked a cigarette and respected Bi for being a successor, accepting her defeat with dignity.
  • While her motives aren't noble and willing to betray her protege, they are nowhere petty and understandable due to the loss of her family to the Smug Snake Big Four, and her crimes are nowhere near heinous as Hải and Tèo, making her a lighter shade of black in comparison.

What makes her a baddie?[]

  • She is a criminal who attempted to take over the syndicate for herself.
  • She brutally killed Hải even though he deserved it for his crimes.
  • She killed Thanh and later attempted to kill Bi.