John Silver is the main antagonist of the 1988 animated movie Treasure Island, based on the novel of the same name by Robert Louis Stevenson. He is a fearsome one-legged pirate who is the leader of the mutineers who want to find the treasure of Captain Flint.
He was voiced by the late Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in Russian and the late Jan Rabson in English.
What Makes Him Magnificent?[]
- Described as a pirate who feigns being nice successfully, Silver manages to trick the honest men aboard the ship that he is just a humble cook.
- He rules the crew through intimidation and cunning, always being the one who makes their plans and they do try to mutiny against him, he quickly points out that he has the map and that they lost the ship, and the pirates immediately go back to his side.
- He makes a deal with the honest men in the fort that if they hand over the map, he'll let them live. When Livesey later turns in the map and the fort, he upholds his end and lets them go free.
- He makes a deal with Jim to help bail him out should things go south.
- He is rightfully suspicious when Livesey gives him the map and the fort.
- When he is defeated, he accepts his arrest without a fight and laughs to himself when he finds out that Ben Gunn hid the treasure.
- In the English dub, he manages to escape with a portion of the treasure.
What Makes Him a Baddie?[]
- He was a pirate who served on Flint's crew. Flint himself apparently feared him.
- He left Ben Gunn on the island when the initial search for Flint's treasure turned up nothing.
- He was fully intending to kill Jim, Livesey, Trelawney and Smollett when they got their hands on the treasure. He was also going to kill them if they didn't give them the map.
- He's also willing to threaten his own crew when they tried to mutiny against him, cutting off one of their mustaches.
- He along with his Tresure Planet counterpart are the only versions of Long John Silver to be MBs.
External Links[]
- John Silver at the Villains Wiki