Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Khan Noonien Singh, also known as John Harrison, is the main antagonist of the 2013 film Star Trek: Into Darkness. He is a genetically enhanced superhuman who once tried to conquer the Earth, before being condemned and put into cryo-sleep along with his crew. In this film's timeline, Khan is revived by the corrupt Admiral Marcus, who threatens his crew to coerce him into helping Marcus incite a war with the Klingons.

He is played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He once managed to take over a quarter of the Earth, and wanted to be a benevolent dictator to bring peace to the world.
  • He's tragic despite his past crimes due to being manipulated by Admiral Marcus into helping him under the threat of his crew being killed.
  • He has genuine love for his crew, considering them his family, and his actions are motivated by his desire to protect them from Marcus.
  • He's skilled at improvising plans and manipulating people, even when they know what he's done.
  • He makes a deal with Thomas Harewood, promising to cure his terminally ill daughter in exchange for him suicide bombing a Section 31 outpost. He keeps his word and even cures the girl first so her father will know that she'll live.
  • He exploits his knowledge of Starfleet protocol to attack a meeting of Starfleet's top officers, targeting Marcus and managing to kill a number of his aides.
  • He uses his fighting skills to take out a Klingon patrol by himself, saving Kirk, Spock, and Uhura, then surrenders to them. He allows Kirk to vent his anger by beating him, remaining calm and even taunting Kirk for losing his temper.
  • He cooly manipulates Kirk into siding with him, explaining Admiral Marcus's plan and giving Kirk the coordinates of Marcus's warship, the Vengeance, so Scotty can infiltrate it and give the Enterprise a chance.
  • He agrees to ally with Kirk to take down Marcus, and rescues Kirk during a dangerous space jump.
  • He uses his knowledge of the Vengenace to help Kirk and Scotty stay undetected and takes down any security officers in his way, then storms the bridge with them and neutralizes Marcus.
  • He turns the tables on Kirk and Scotty after they stun him, then overpowers and kills Marcus in revenge for his treatment of him, and Marcus definitely had it coming.
  • He makes a deal with Spock to have his crew returned to him in exchange for Kirk and Scotty, then opens fire on the Enterprise and inflicts heavy damage.
  • When he thinks his crew has been killed and his ship is crippled, he calmly sets it on course to crash into Starfleet Headquarters, willing to die to accomplish his goal and avenge his crew.
  • After his defeat, he goes back into cryo-sleep with a smile on his face, glad that he's back with his crew as he wanted.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He was a war criminal who tried to conquer the Earth, and admits that he'll go back to his old ways if he has his crew back.
  • He manipulates Thomas Harewood into becoming a suicide bomber.
  • He attacks and murders a number of innocent Starfleet officers in order to get back at Marcus.
  • He attempts to destroy the Enterprise even when they're not a threat to him, causing numerous casualties and causing Kirk's temporary death.
  • He tries to crash the Vengeance into Starfleet Headquarters, which would have caused massive casualties if he hadn't fallen short of his target.