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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

I'd like to make an announcement to the world: the Earth Kingdom is no more. And from here on out, this man has no authority. I have created a new Earth Empire, and I will continue to lead it into the future myself, bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people. And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing: anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way will be crushed!
~ Kuvira's warning at Wu's coronation as she overthrows the Earth Kingdom monarchy
You don't need to. I confess to everything. I refused to turn over emergency powers and took over the Earth kingdom because that's what I thought was best for everyone. I was wrong. And though I wasn't fully aware of everything going on in the reeducation camps, I should have been. I wanted to so badly to wield power and change the world, I didn't concern myself with the consequences. I wish I could forget the terrible things I've done, the people I've hurt, but I can't. I hope by taking full responsibility for what I've done, I can begin to heal some of the pain I've caused. So I am entering a new plea-- guilty.
~ Kuvira's speech at her second trial as she fully redeems herself.

General Kuvira is one of the main antagonists (alongside Amon, Unalaq, and Zaheer) of The Legend of Korra, the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, appearing as a minor character of Book Three: Change, the main antagonist of Book Four: Balance, and then as the redeemed deuteragonist of the graphic novel Ruins of the Empire.

Originally the adoptive daughter of Suyin Beifong, Kuvira grew disillusioned with Suyin refusing to take charge upon the Earth Kingdom's collapse, forming the Earth Empire to stabilize the entire continent with ruthless efficiency. With her limits fading by the second, the well-intentioned Kuvira eventually became one of the most dangerous dictators the Earth Kingdom has ever known. With her growing more ruthless by the day, other world leaders fear war, which nearly happens as Kuvira invades the United Republic. Upon being saved by Avatar Korra, she realizes she had gone too far on her efforts and surrendered.

She is voiced by Zelda Williams.

What Makes Her Magnificent?[]

  • For all her vile crimes, all of them are motivated out of genuine good intentions, wanting to provide resources to bring the Earth Kingdom and the world at large an era of progress and stability after the Earth Kingdom collapsed following Hou-Ting's assassination.
  • Has a tragic backstory, in which Kuvira was abandoned by her parents and given up for Suyin's care, having felt she meant nothing to them and couldn't fit in well with Suyin's family as well, to which Suyin refusing to take charge in stabilizing the Earth Kingdom on fear she would go too far imposing her ideals on the rest of the world reminded Kuvira of the abandonment she faced from her own parents and dint' want her nations to suffer the same and actually help.
  • Is a charismatic conqueror, having rallied up Suyin's top security officers and a huge chunk of the Metal Guard to form the Earth Empire, with her forces growing and more with size as the years continue and people pledging undying loyalty towards her with supporters all across the continent and even beyond such as in Republic City.
  • With mostly words and deals, she annexed nearly all of the Earth Kingdom, becoming its virtual head as she brings an era of progress to them.
  • With just a mere speech, she ends the entire Earth kingdom monarchy and overthrows Prince Wu to be the de-facto ruler of the Earth Kingdom.
  • Even upon plotting to invade Zaofu, she still wants to be reasonable and ensure no unnecessary blood is shed by having Suyin and the rest surrender peacefully. She then strikes a truce with Suyin, having anticipated her wanting to break it to take her down for good and set up a trap to capture them and conquer Zaofu in a bloodless coup
  • When Korra faces her off, she willingly holds herself back and allows Korra to go in the Avatar state to make a fair fight and show to her men how she will never order them to do anything she is unwilling to do herself.
  • Upon Varrick destroying all of his research on the spirit vines, Kuvira renders such an attempt to cripple her operations null by harvesting spirit vines from the swamp forest, managing to develop a fully functional laser weapon.
  • Deduces that Zhu Li is a traitor secretly sabotaging the weapon under everyone's noses while everyone else were clueless on Zhu Li's real agenda.
  • Upon the escape of Suyin & her family and Zhu Li, predicting that the latter will posses information on her plans to invade Republic City in 2 weeks, launches her attack a week early to catch everyone off guard as she transports her weapon through a giant mecha suit, having known her enemies will anticipate transportation by train instead, and then uses her weapon to effortlessly decimate Republic City's defenses and forcing President Raiko into surrendering.
  • Has the heroes tracked down by tracing the signals of their radio transmissions, using her laser to destroy the factory where they were building hummingbird suits and nearly wipe them all out.
  • Upon Avatar Korra saving her life in spite of everything she did and empathizing with her struggle, Kuvira wholeheartedly surrenders to accept whatever punishment the world deems fit.
  • Upon learning of General Guam's refusal to surrender and attempt to revive the Earth Empire, Kuvira allies with Korra to place an end to it, disguising herself as one of Guam's soldiers to help the heroes evade his forces.
  • Takes matters on her own hands by feigning surrender to Guam and accepting brainwashing to his control so she can lower his and Dr. Sheng's guards long enough to set up a trap for them, and eventually cows Guam into surrendering and placing an end to the Earth Empire for good.
  • Within the entire Ruins of the Empire arc, Kuvira internally combats her self-righteousness as she humbles herself to accept responsibility for all the atrocities she committed, pleading herself guilty and accept life imprisonment in a maximum security cell. This move earns the respect of Avatar Korra and Suyin Beifong, with the latter lowering her sentence as she felt Kuvira truly had changed.

What Makes Her a Baddie?[]

  • Is the most ruthless dictator the Earth Kingdom had ever known, even worse than the Earth Queen before her, in which to establish full control over the entire continent, had villagers forced to slave labour and all dissenters, or anyone suspected of being insufficiently loyal such as people of foreign descent, be sent to inhuman prison camps set up all across the continent. When asked to hand over her powers to king Wu, she refuses to establish her totalitarian regime while threatening all those who oppose her.
  • Threatens Varrick's life to develop a spirit laser weapon, a weapon so destructive it threatens countless lives en mass which horrifies even a war profiteer like Varrick, being willing to unleash it on the extremely populated city of Republic City.
  • Her actions slowly bring the world to war, which she nearly triggers as she launches a destructive invasion over the United Republic that saw many like Hiroshi Sato killed while her soldiers attack and capture all who were evacuating from the city.
  • Shoots her laser weapon to destroy the factory where the heroes had developed suits to fight her, knowing her fiancee is held hostage inside.

External Links[]


           Avatar The Last Airbender logoMagnificent Baddies

Avatar: The Last Airbender
June | Jiang

The Legend of Korra
Amon | Varrick | Zhu Li | Zaheer | Kuvira | Jargala Omo

See Also
Nickelodeon Magnificent Baddies
