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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails... throw away the plan.
~ Leonard Snart's motto.
I didn't see you before. Your mom know you're out past your bed time?
~ Leonard Snart confronting the Flash face to face for the first time.
There are no strings on me.
~ Leonard Snart's last words before sacrificing himself to defeat the Time Masters.

Leonard Snart, also known as Captain Cold, is a major character in the Arrowverse, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 1 and a supporting anti-hero in Season 2 and 3 of The Flash along with one of the main protagonists of Season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow and a posthumous character for the rest of the franchise.

He is a master thief and enemy of the Flash after obtaining the stolen cold gun from S.T.A.R. Labs, earning him the moniker Captain Cold. After discovering the Flash’s secret identity and blackmailing him into not stopping him, Cold would occasionally help Barry and Team Flash stop other threats and become somewhat of an ally, later joining up with the Legends of Tomorrow and sacrificing his life to save them and defeat the Time Masters, dying a true hero.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is incredibly snarky and a source for quick, sarcastic quips of humor throughout his appearances that only serve to make him more enjoyable.
  • He is a protective older brother to his sister and was the one who truly raised her while their father was abusive towards them and ultimately imprisoned.
  • When his grandfather took them to a diner from across the police station, he would spend his time memorizing police responses in preparation to become a criminal and plan out his heists.
  • He is a master thief who has evaded the police, FBI, and A.R.G.U.S for years, meticulously planning heists for weeks and getting away scot-free from them.
  • He values cold-headed precision and adopted a rule of not attacking police or guards unless absolutely necessary and cut ties with Mick Rory when he lost his cool and nearly burned them alive due to his obsession with fire.
  • He deduced the mysterious blur that stopped him, and his crew was a man and decided to up his game, obtaining a stolen S.T.A.R. Labs cold gun from an criminal arms dealer and killing him to cover his tracks, but not before apologizing for it.
  • He memorized the inner workings of the cold gun and tested the cold gun and the Flash's skills to see how they worked and learn of the Flash's weaknesses.
  • He was genuinely affable to a kid at the museum while casing it to steal the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond and offered him a piece of gum.
  • He defeated the Flash face to face at the end of his first appearance and ultimately succeeded in stealing the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond he was after. However, he decided to spare the Flash's life, when Cisco appeared behind him with a "prototype cold-gun" despite clearly knowing that Cisco was bluffing, but respecting Cisco's courage and willingness to stand up for his teammates.
  • He took the heat-gun and used his charisma to convince his old partner and friend Mick Rory to partner up with him once more and help him expose the Flash.
  • He forced the Flash to reveal his existence to the world and prove he was real before proceeding to deliver a beatdown against him with Mick and nearly killing him had it not been for the last-second intervention of Eddie Thawne.
  • Even when the Flash found a way to defeat him and Mick, he took his defeat in stride, having a good-natured laugh and admitting he didn't see that coming. However, it is revealed that he had a contingency plan, enlisting his sister to break them out of the prison transport on their way to Iron Heights and assuring Mick things were going according to plan.
  • He forced Cisco to rebuild a cold and heat gun for him and Mick and used the opportunity to make him build a special gun for his sister when she asked for one.
  • He used the opportunity of a captive Cisco to force him to reveal the Flash's secret identity as Barry Allen to him by threatening his brother, but honored his promise and let Cisco and his brother go free and seek medical treatment.
  • He successfully blackmailed the Flash into never interfering with his crimes and adopted a no-killing rule in his heists, deeming it a worthy challenge and honoring his promise to not tell anyone the Flash's secret identity even to people Team Flash didn't really care that he would like his sister.
  • He completely played the Flash when he asked Snart for help in transporting metahuman criminals, forcing Barry to erase all records of him from law enforcement databases and around the world before agreeing to help. However, he revealed that he secretly sabotaged the power dampener all along and allowed the metahuman criminals to break free and defeat Team Flash since they would all now owe him. He killed a metahuman to save the Flash and revealed his deception before explaining that now the Flash owed him as well and walking away with his sister victorious and sarcastically wishing Barry luck in cleaning up the mess.
  • He only worked for his abusive father to prevent him from killing his sister who he was secretly holding hostage and once Team Flash saved her, he immediately turned the tables on him and killed him. When the Flash asked why he did so since Lisa was already safe, he responded that his father broke his sister's heart and how it was only fair that he should break his before willingly allowing the Flash to arrest him.
  • He was disgusted by the PE Trickster for his disturbing nature and after Mark Mordon broke them both out of prison, he refused to aid them in their Christmas plan to kill the Flash and instead broke into Barry's home to warn him of their plot, drinking some hot cocoa in a puppy mug when Barry came in with Iris.
  • He joined the Legends and convinced Mick to come along as it would be the perfect opportunity to steal valuables before technological methods of tracking were invented, but ultimately ended up becoming true friends with the heroes of the Legends and demonstrating his noble traits.
  • He repeatedly used his charm to help the Legends break into highly secure facilities like Soviet labs or the Pentagon.
  • He defeated Mick when he sold out the team to the Time Pirates and volunteered to deal with him, dropping him off in a random time period and making the others believe he killed him, but ultimately couldn't bring himself to kill his old friend and distracted and knocked out Mick instead, vowing to come back for him.
  • He cleverly came up with a way to save Jax's life instead of killing him after he was turned into a monster by Vandal Savage, allowing Stein to administer the cure to him.
  • He escaped imprisonment from Chronos/Mick by freezing his own hand off and shattering it to escape and stopped the team from killing Chronos in cold blood by revealing it was Mick.
  • He ultimately reconciled with Mick by challenging him to a fight and offering him to escape imprisonment and walk if he killed him, but showed that Mick couldn't bring himself to do so and didn't actually want that when he got the upper hand, but instead rejoin the Legends.
  • He easily broke into an A.R.G.U.S facility and top-secret bunker to steal an alien power source for Barry to help him stop Savitar and gave him a final piece of advice to not become like Savitar to beat him, as his goodness was his strength, departing his former nemesis as a friend.
  • He deduced an incoming trap from the Time Masters and told Sara to follow him and hide, allowing them to be spared when the Time Masters arrested the other Legends and rescued them from captivity after outsmarting the Time Masters with Sara.
  • He sacrificed himself to save the Legends, destroy the Oculus, and defeat the Time Masters, apologizing to his old friend and knocking out Mick to take his place to remain behind instead and sharing a kiss with Sara before proceeding to deliver an epic taunt to Zaman Druce that there were no strings on him just before the detonation went off, instantly killing him and destroying the Time Masters base in the Vanishing Point.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He was an infamous thief who had killed several people during his heists and killed a violent crewmember who quit and the dealer who gave him the cold gun to cover his tracks.
  • He attempted to kill the Flash multiple times.
  • He derailed a train during his first face to face fight with the Flash, putting countless lives at risk.
  • He kidnapped Caitlin to force the Flash to expose his existence to the world.
  • He kidnapped Cisco and his brother and tortured the latter by painfully freezing his fingers to force Cisco to reveal the Flash's secret identity.
  • He broke out several metahuman criminals from custody.
  • He killed his own father without remorse. While justified, even The Flash questioned him why he would do that when Lisa was safe and didn't laugh at his joke about their respective fathers.
  • He advocated for killing a child Per Degaton, the future's equivalent to Hitler, albeit with good intentions to prevent his murderous rise to power in the future, but still quite questionable given the circumstance.


  • He is the only version of Captain Cold to be a MB.

External Links[]


            Magnificent Baddies

Leonard Snart | Damien Darhk | Mar Novu | Grodd | William Tockman | Eobard Thawne (Flashpoint)

Deathstroke | Floyd Lawton | Talia Al Ghul | Vincent Sobel | Tommy Merlyn (Earth-2)

The Flash
Hartley Rathaway | Abra Kadabra | Music Meister | Goldface

Manchester Black | Rick Malverne
