Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Lyutsifer Safin: Welcome. James Bond...history of violence, licence to kill, vendetta with Ernst Blofeld, in love with Madeleine Swann. I could be speaking to my own reflection.
James Bond: We've made different choices.
Lyutsifer Safin: No. We have visionary plans for the same goal, only your skills die with your body. Mine will survive long after I'm gone...and life is all about leaving something behind, isn't it?
~ Safin meeting Bond in person while holding Mathilde hostage.

Lyutsifer Safin (Russian: Люцифер Сафин) is the final antagonist of the James Bond reboot series starring Daniel Craig, serving as a mentioned character in Spectre and the main antagonist of the final film in the series, No Time to Die. He is a highly dangerous terrorist that seeks revenge against Spectre for the murder of his family.

He was played by Rami Malek.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Rami Malek gives a very creepy and unsettling performance as Safin.
  • The reason he turns evil is because he was horrifically scarred by Mr. White when Ernst Stavro Blofeld, leader of Spectre, had White kill the rest of Safin's family by poisoning them with the chemical weapons his parents helped them develop. While this doesn’t excuse most of his actions, it at least serves as a genuine Freudian Excuse that motivates him and doesn't make him petty, unlike say Blofeld's main motivation being ''he thought his father preferred Bond over him.''
  • Regrows his own poison garden which he uses as his own memorial to his father.
  • Even though she was the daughter of his family's killer, he saved Madeleine's life for genuinely altruistic reasons (which may have been subverted later on).
  • Manipulates or convinces Dr. Valdo Obruchev into joining his cause and to help him reprogram the Heracles nanobot.
  • Always speaks in a polite demeanor, even to his enemies.
  • Tricks MI6 by having Primo stage the kidnapping of Dr. Obruchev for his own goals.
  • Said goal is to have Obruchev reprogram the Heracles to wipe out Spectre, managing to make a fool out of even Blofeld when his attempt to kill Bond using the nanobots resulted in the deaths of the rest of Spectre's agents, no easy feat as Blofeld is an extremely strategic mastermind who is able to do evil plots even while behind bars. Considering how vile Spectre and Blofeld are, being an organization that has women and children sold to sex slavery to feed its accounts, you would actually side with Safin in his quest to destroy them, even if Safin is NPE.
  • Manipulates Swann into infecting herself with the nanobots to kill Blofeld, which ends up succeeding when Bond touches her and then attacks Blofeld when the latter provoked him, doing the world a big favour by killing off one of its vilest criminals, and succeeding in one of his main goals in vengeance on Spectre.
  • Leads a successful kidnapping of Madeleine and her daughter, Mathilde, managing to trick Bond using his soldiers to do so.
  • Has a very polite attitude towards Mathilde, and even when she bites his hand to escape and his use of her as protection, Safin still leaves her alive, which implies he has standards against harming children directly.
  • Unlike other Bond villains, he actually shot Bond during the last fight. Safin didn't do it during their first meeting, but it is likely because he thought that murdering Bond in front of his daughter is disgusting.
  • Pulls off a feat that no one in the entire James Bond franchise was able to do, end up killing off the titular protagonist. The fact that it is even posthumous and indirectly actually makes it better as he personally leaves Bond no choice to stay on the island even when it is about to be blown up, giving him another victory, and he infects Bond while fighting him also.
    • With this, he even smiles as Bond points the gun and shoots him in the head 3 times.

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • His plot is to use Heracles to wipe out millions of people, with some innocent people and the family members of the criminals being targeted also, planning to use his plot to rule the world as a god.
  • Murders Madeleine's mother in cold blood and attempted to do so to Madeleine. To be fair, Madeleine's mother knew her husband was an agent of Spectre and a killer.
  • Infects Bond with the Heracles containing the reprogramming using Madeleine's and Mathilde's genetic code, threatening their lives as he notes just a minor contact with them can kill them both.


           007 Logo Magnificent Baddies

Sean Connery
Dr. Julius No

Roger Moore
Francisco Scaramanga

Pierce Brosnan
Alec Trevelyan

Daniel Craig
Mr. White | Raoul Silva | Lyutsifer Safin

External Links[]
