This wiki documents villains who are classified as Magnificent Baddies. These characters, despite their villainy, manage to win over the audience by being extremely masterminded, charming, suave, manipulative, and entertaining. They have goals and they will resort to immense lengths to achieve their goal, and whatever they do, they do it with style and confidence. |
John Kramer - better known as the Jigsaw Killer or simply Jigsaw - is the titular main antagonist of the horror film franchise Saw. He is a former civil engineer who, after going through several traumatic events, became a deluded and obsessive serial killer with the intention of teaching his victims that life is precious. He is probably most famous for intimidating his victims by using Billy the Puppet, a special small red and white kabuki-like doll. He was portrayed by Tobin Bell.
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MB Removal: SCP-049My first ever MB removal, how exciting. I'd like to thank Batman129 for giving me permission on this.
MB Proposal: Omnidroid v.10 (The Incredibles)Alright so it is now October, and I got a couple of halloween proposals to celebrate the month but first I got a propos… |
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