Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki


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You just don't understand, do you, kid? It's all white knights and heroes. We have to make decisions, kid. You know, I try to set bad people on other bad people. And sometimes, I let good guys die.
~ Mike Toreno to Carl Johnson.

Mike Toreno is a major character in the 2004 video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the seventh installment of the Grand Theft Auto video game series.

He is an enigmatic figure who is initially presented as the leader of the Loco Syndicate organization, but is later revealed to be an undercover agent working for an unknown "government agency", which aims to ensure the maintenance of the country with the effort of balancing the crime system across America.

He is voiced by James Woods.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is initially presented as a powerful crime lord who leads the Loco Syndicate, a drug enterprise that controls most of the drug trafficking operations across San Andreas and works with the influential figures such as Big Smoke, Ryder (both working with Ballas and Vagos), Jizzy B. (owner of the Pleasure Domes) T-Bone Mendez (leader of San Fierro Rifa).
  • As an individual, he remains too mysterious despite being on the top of a criminal organization, being only known by few people and even not specified by the powerful figures of the San Fierro Triads.
  • He organizes his own saving operation by calling T-Bone Mendez and CJ and making them locate his location with the phone signals, when he is kidnapped by Da Nang Boys who are stealing one of the syndicate's drug vans.
  • While his fellow partners T-Bone and Jizzy are killed by Carl Johnson, he fakes his own death by manipulating Carl into destroy a helicopter, which is supposed to have Toreno alongside his guards.
  • He later reveals himself alive and to be an undercover agent working for an unknown government agency, infiltrating the Loco Syndicate to balance the criminal system across the state and control the organizations.
  • He hires Carl to make them some work for him with the promise of releasing Sweet from the jail, these tasks include destroying rival agencies' aircraft and boats, weakening them to expand their actions across the globe. He also makes Carl being a skilled pilot to later use him for his own tasks.
  • While he was jerkish towards Carl initially, he later subverts it upon seeing Carl's competence and displays honor to him, eventually fulfilling his promise of releasing Sweet from jail once Carl has done all the works Toreno has given.
  • He ultimately accomplishes all of his goals and never receives any comeuppance from anyone, making him one of the most successful characters of the whole franchise.
  • Despite having brutal methods, he generally acts as a well-intentioned extremist whose true goal is to ensure the maintenance of the America and protecting it from the inner and outer threats.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • As an extremist, he is very prone to resort extremely lethal and destructive ways to fulfill his goals, as most of his assignments are generally about ordering Carl to destroying federal properties and murdering officials -that could have potentially caused international incidents- without feeling any remorse.
  • To continue using Sweet as leverage over Carl, he threatens that if the prison guards fail to protect him from other inmates he will have their families killed.

External Links[]


           RockstarGamesLogo Magnificent Baddies

Grand Theft Auto
Auntie Poulet | Mr. Black | Wu Zi Mu | Mike Toreno

Red Dead
Charles Smith | Josiah Trelawny | Landon Ricketts | Black Belle
