“ | I acknowledge that you hold a great power.
However, you are using it without thinking. This shall be Gensokyo's energy daybreak, and its ecology daybreak at the same time. Now, allow I, Mitama, to educate you on this electrical power appropriate for a new era! |
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~ Mitama before engaging combat with Reimu and Utsuho |
“ | Animals, minerals, plants-- everything on this planet belongs to humans.
The concept of ecology is the antithesis of that, born from the egotism of mankind throughout its long history. How many things in this world can really, truly be said to be your possessions? Speaking of which, that angel hanging around the lower strata also said as much. This is something that you, too, should soon learn. ---"Eco" and "ego" are like light and darkness, and the two of them absolutely cannot be separated! |
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~ Mitama before fighting Sanae and Kanako |
Mitama Magahara, also known as Lord Tenjin, Lady Magakimi and Sugawara no Michizune, is one of the two main antagonists of Touhou: Mystical Power Plant, serving as the Final Boss as well as a returning boss in Touhou: Tri-Focuser. She is one of the three Vengeful Spirits of Japan, a former human who had achieved Godhood and an old friend of Tenmu Suitokuin, who she conspired with to cause the Life-Guiding Tree Incident in order to steal the Life-Guiding Tree from the Moriyas and take it back with her to her home.
What makes her Magnificent?[]
- Overall she is depicted as a wise, sophisticated and high-class antagonist with refined tastes, a genuinely affable and polite demeanor and insanely high intelligence
- Making her intelligence obvious is her title and rank as the literal God of Scholars that is prayed to before attempting academic matters
- When she was still human, albeit one born with abnormal abilities, she was a famous scholar and poet well versed in kanshi and waka who was able to deduce the presence of the 'influence of the Oni' within Heiankyou through means including reading poems from her teacher and observing society
- Came to the same conclusion as Toyosatomimi no Miko did that 'If all the people who could move the country had superhuman powers like this, political revolt would be sure to follow'.
- Accepted her unfortunate demotion with a sense dignity when she was accused of crimes against the Emperor
- Was invited by Kanako to Gensokyo to help with the Life-Guiding Tree Project due to her knowledge and intelligence
- Her reasons for clashing against Kanako and going with her own are sympathetic, as she was unexpectedly reunited with the Life-Guiding Tree (who is the 5th Stage Boss named An Yaezaki whose true identity is the Tobiume Tree, who Mitama knew in the past) and had a desire to return back home with An since they were reunited. This makes her a complex anti-villain
- Cooperated with Tenmu to cause the Life-Guiding Tree incident
- Came up with the 'Warp Drive Theory' as a method for interdimensional travel from Gensokyo to the Outside World due to the difficulties of transporting the Life-Guiding Tree
- She secretly strategized with Tenmu behind the scenes while putting on the façade of an honored guest to deceive the Moriyas to cover up her true plans
- She used machine parts given to her by Tenmu's corporations to construct a warp drive for the tree while also adding hydroelectric turbines and photovoltaic panels to combine the power generated by them and her own godly power to power up the warp drive
- Tactfully used Tenmu and An as hindrances to the incident resolvers to buy her more time to complete the warp drive process to fulfill her goal
- Sophisticated, wise and classy, she is seen quoting old fashioned poetry in her introduction and genuinely affable and honorable to the protagonists to the point of even complimenting them and acknowledging and being interested in their strength and competence before challenging them to battle
- In the Marisa and Byakuren Route she promises to have a mourning shrine built in Gensokyo if she destroyed it on accident as compensation and in the Sanae and Kanako Route, she announces her intentions on repaying An Yaezaki for her loyalty and devotion, further demonstrated her honorable side
- Has a slight sense of humility, as while she refers to herself as a genius and as jack of all trades whose good at pretty much everything, she also claims to be a master of nothing who is only able to do things half baked, even claiming to be awkward herself
- While she acknowledges that she put Gensokyo in danger for her goal, it is pointed out that her blowing it up wasn't her intention, that she was directly using her divine powers to stop the energy from going out of control and that if she knew of a safer option, she would've taken it
- She possess an awesome and climactic battle fitting for the final boss of the game, with an excellently composed theme song along with challenging attack patterns and spell cards befitting that of a thunderous god of legend
- She successfully manages to defeat the protagonists in combat in the Bad Endings of the game, though unfortunately not without receiving setbacks to her goal such as pieces of An being stolen or some of the energy in the warp drive being stolen
- In the Good Endings, she accepts her defeat with grace and maintains her dignity
- In the Reimu & Utsuho Route Good Ending, she lounges at the Hakurei Shrine with Tenmu with no hard feelings to Reimu, even politely striking conversation with Reimu and having a flower-viewing party with Reimu
- In the Marisa & Byakuren Route Good Ending, she gets a satisfactory outcome with Yukari doing the dimensional-teleportation work for her before staying back for a bit to bid her farewells to the people of Gensokyo where she gets a comedic moment in which she messes with Marisa using her power to duplicate herself into countless clones (with Nue even joining in)
- In the Sanae & Kanako Route Ending, she holds no hard feelings towards the Moriya Gods and even attends a sacred ceremony party at their shrine.
- In Riverbed Soul Saver, after finding out the Life-Guiding Tree cant fit back at her home at Dazaifu at her original Tenmanguu shrine, she improvises with her plan and creates an updated warp drive to send Hatsuna Magatsuji and An Yaezaki to Gensokyo to establish contact with Tenmu again to investigate for a suitable new location for An and to discuss the construction of a suitable shrine and new home site for the Tree
- In Tri Focuser, where she appears as a boss again alongside Iesua Nazarenus, Yamatoyo no Momohime and Fuma Mishandra in Stage 9 with more visually beautiful spell cards
- In Infinite Blade Pavillion, she crashes couch at Hakugyokurou alongside Tenmu much to Yuyuko's annoyance after being invited there by Kikyou, serving as a comedic moment
What makes her a Baddie?[]
- After her death, her soul was transformed into a vengeful spirit that wreaked havoc in Japan with storms and plagues
- Directly cursed Emperor Daigo to death
- Formed a trio alongside Tenmu Suitokuin and Kikyou Kabutozukamori as the Three Great Vengeful Spirits of Japan, and alongside them she terrorised the land and people with her destructive legacy still being known in the present
- Conspires with Tenmu Suitokuin to steal the Life-Guiding Tree from the Moriya Gods to take it back with her home, and she indirectly puts Gensokyo in danger through her warp drive project aware of the potential risks
- Assists and supports Tenmu Suitokuin in her organised smear campaign against the Moriya Shrine despite Kanako's friendliness towards her
- Caused the Life-Guiding Tree incident disrupting the peace in Gensokyo and attacked the incident resolvers when they attempted to stop her
- After initially being defeated, she joins forces with An Kaezaki to attack the incident resolvers once again before she is finally defeated
- In the Bad Endings, she even succeeds defeating the protagonists, injuring them and forcing them to retreat
- In Riverbed Soul Saver, she doesn't make any physical appearance but is still mentioned by the other characters, with Toyosatomimi no Miko being implied to fear and dislike her for being a heretic
- She, alongside Tenmu Suitokuin, are the only two Touhou Project Magnificent Baddies to be from Mystical Power Plant
- They alongside Set are so far the only Touhou Project Magnificent Baddies to be from the Kaisendou series
- She's currently the only version of Lord Tenjin approved for Magnificent Baddie
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