Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Monsieur Goan is the main antagonist of anime series Kirby: Right Back at Ya! episode "Hot Shot Chief / A Spice Odyssey". He's monster chief, dispatched by Nightmare Enterprises to help King Dedede make a new restaurant, as the Cappy Town's only restaurant belongs to Kawasaki, who's food is bad, and later to help him kill Kirby.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Despite being a monster created by NME, he's a genuinely good cook, who can make tasty meals out of normal ingredients, unlike Belly Buster, who's cooking's so awful that even Kirby hates it, or Fryclops, who's food makes people fat.
  • While originally racing against Kawasaki to make the hottest dish, he later gave his customers sorbet, which they liked. However, he also added into sorbet a chemical, that caused Cappies into thinking Kirby is sorbet.
  • When he transformed into a huge monster, he, using only kitchen armory, successfully defeated Kirby and came most closely to defeating him than any other monster before or after him. In fact, he was defeated only when Kirby had a fire blast from Kawasaki's latest dish, something no one could expect.

What Makes Him Baddie?[]

  • He brainwashed all Cappies into nearly eating Kirby, before nearly freezing him to death himself.

External Links[]


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Video Games
Magolor | Meta Knight | Marx

King Dedede

Meta Knight | Sirica | Monsieur Goan
