Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Ayo, lesson here, Bey: You come at the king, you best not miss.
~ Omar's most famous quote, after killing Stinkum and wounding Wee-Bey.
I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right?
~ Omar to Maurice Levy

Omar Devon Little is the tritagonist of the HBO series The Wire, serving as the anti-heroic protagonist of the show's "streets" storyline.

He is portrayed by the late Michael K. Williams.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He has a very strong sense of honor. He never robs or harms innocent civilians, only targeting drug dealers and other criminals.
  • His robberies are carefully calculated and strategic, and he is so skilled in this regard that he and his small crew are a major thorn in the side of far larger criminal organizations.
  • He has a borderline mythical status throughout the Baltimore underworld. In one instance, he's taking a smoke outside in his pajamas, unarmed, and the drug hoppers throw a bag of either drugs or money down to him; he is so dreaded by other criminals that he can rob them by accident.
  • Him deflecting Maurice Levy's attempts to shut down his false testimony is extremely satisfying and memorable.
  • On one occasion, he cleverly disguises himself to sneak into a stash house so he can rob it.
  • He has incredible charisma and the ability to charm and manipulate people from all walks of life, from hardened criminals to detectives to lawyers. In The Wire's realistically gritty depiction of Baltimore, Omar and Brother Mouzone are the only characters depicted as larger-than-life.
  • By the end of Season 4, he's pulled off a big enough heist to enjoy a peaceful retirement in Puerto Rico, and only returns to Baltimore in an attempt to avenge Butchie's torture and murder on Marlo's orders.
  • While he doesn't live to see it, he ultimately bests Marlo. While Marlo's name has been forgotten in the streets, the legend surrounding Omar lives on, and Marlo doesn't get to take credit for Omar's death since Omar was instead killed by a random kid.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • While nowhere near as bad as the likes of Stringer or Marlo, he still thrives off the drug trade and makes a living by robbing drug dealers at gunpoint.
  • Many of his executions are brutal and are often motivated by vengeance, albeit a bit more understandable considering that they are in response to acts by others who he deems as having taken cruel, dishonorable, and personal slights towards him (such as Stringer Bell who ordered the torture and murder of Omar's boyfriend and later sent hitmen towards him on a church day, endangering his grandmother.).

External Links[]
