Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

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  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki

I knew when you came over that night that you'd only be there for about half an hour. To tell me how clever you are, try to blackmail us. I also knew you couldn't resist a fifteen hundred pound single malt, an eighty pound wagyu steak and a state-of-the-art smokeless barbie that even keeps your feet warm. When the scotch got into your cold veins, you lost the benefit of your sharp instincts. See, I kept you there because I needed to know about Matthew and Dry Eye. Took us a while to find your insurance policies, 'cuz you're a naughty squirrel, Fletcher. But it was made a lot easier after I planted a tracker in your shoe. You're never gonna be a predator with us, Fletcher. You're always gonna be prey.
~ Ray explaining how he outwitted Fletcher.

Raymond "Ray" Smith is one of the main protagonists of the 2019 gangster film The Gentlemen. He is an enforcer for American drug baron Mickey Pearson who is confronted and blackmailed by the greedy private investigator Fletcher. The film eventually reveals that Raymond had been aware of Fletcher's plans from the start and was stringing him along the entire time.

He was portrayed by Charlie Hunnam.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Is completely loyal and efficient as Mickey's enforcer and proves indispensable to his organisation.
  • Rescues Laura Pressfield from a drug den by intimidating the addicts there into letting her leave. While it doesn't go off flawlessly as a junkie named Aslan is accidentally killed, which causes problems as he was the son of a powerful oligarch, this doesn't detract from his magnificence as Aslan is killed in self-defence by Ray's men and isn't his fault.
  • Chases down one of the youths who videoed Aslan's death and offers to bribe him and his gang to give him the phone. When this fails he pulls out a submachine gun and intimidates them into handing it over before chasing them off.
  • Cuts off one of the other youths as he tries to cycle away, lying in wait for him and then clotheslining him with a car door when he goes past and stealing the phone. He thus successfully covers up the killing.
  • Effortlessly sneaks up on a Russian assassin who tries to kill Mickey and shoots him down, saving his boss's life.
  • Strings Fletcher along for the entire film, allowing him to gather evidence against Ray and Mickey and then letting him think he's got the upper hand during his blackmail attempt, just so he can get information from Fletcher about a conspiracy between underworld figures Dry Eye and Matthew Berger.
  • Spends the entire film stonewalling Fletcher and getting him drunk, giving him the opportunity to plant a tracker on Fletcher and find out where his insurance policies are so he can steal them.
  • Obtains all of the evidence Fletcher collected against Mickey and forces the man who hired him to back off within 72 hours of meeting with Fletcher.
  • While he is taken by surprise when Fletcher reveals that the Russians are coming to kill him, he mainly keeps his composure other than ducking when he hears gunshots and is fully prepared to fight them off.
  • Tracks Fletcher down after he escapes and successfully recaptures him by pretending to be a taxi driver, meaning that Fletcher will no longer be a problem.

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • Works as an enforcer for Mickey's organised crime empire.
  • Arranges for the Toddlers to kidnap Big Dave, Fletcher's employer, and blackmail him into dropping his attempts to expose Mickey's criminal dealings.
    • Although he's horrified by the video the Toddlers made of Big Dave having sex with a pig while drugged, showing he does have some standards, he's still willing to blackmail Dave with it.
  • Either murders Fletcher or delivers him to be murdered after the film ends.