Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

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  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki


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Richmond Valentine is the main antagonist of the spy comedy movie Kingsman: The Secret Service. He is the CEO of the Valentine Corporation that offers phones and internet service to the world. However, Richmond, whom in reality is sick of humanity using up the resources and damaging the environment, planned to use SIMs card to release signals to turn people into vicious barbarians that will attack each other to wipe out the majority of the population on Earth.

He is played by Samuel L. Jackson.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is able to manipulate a lot of billionaires, politicians, professors into agreeing with his ideal.
    • This even included the leader of Kingsman, Chester King.
  • He is a technology and computer genius that is able to use brainwave released by his SIMs card to turn people into vicious barbarians.
  • Despite putting an explosive chip in his followers to prevent betrayal, he is overall a good boss as he is remorseful when he is forced to kill Arnold, even letting his chosen people to stay in his bunker.
  • When testing his plan, he targets a church of bigoted people, showing he has standards.
  • Instead of explaining his plot in front of Harry, he just shot him in the head.
  • Even though he tried to destroy the majority of humanity, it is well-intentioned as he desired to save the entire human race as a whole.
  • After he lost his satellite, he asked a friend of his to lend him one to continue to release brainwave.
  • After getting fatally injured by Eggsy, he accepted his defeat and simply asked if Eggsy is going to make a “bad pun” instead of cursing him,

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • He tries to release a brainwave to cause the majority of humanity to destroy each other.
  • He used tested his brainwave on South Glade Mission Church, which resulted in the deaths of everyone in it.
  • He shot Harry.
  • Even though he did it reluctantly, he still killed Professor Arnold.