Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!
~ Shadow to Mephiles.

Shadow the Hedgehog is a major character in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.

Although he is Sonic the Hedgehog's arch-rival, he is not usually outright villainous, mostly treated as an anti-hero due to how he still maintains something of a friendly rivalry with Sonic. He’s done some questionable things but at the same time has done many heroic deeds such as sacrificing himself to save others multiple times and ultimately setting out to do good for humanity and protect the world in the end. However, at times, tragedies have occurred that have led him to commit villainous acts, either for revenge or to find his purpose.

Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" by the late Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the final result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways of developing cures for deadly illnesses that had no cure, namely for NIDS (Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) a terminal disease Gerald's granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, suffered from, to whom Shadow was very close to. He was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed a threat to humanity. Shadow's last moments with Maria are of her saying "sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog", and then being shot and killed immediately after.

Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman to help him conquer the world. Initially, Shadow sought to destroy Earth to avenge his late friend Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to help save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and he sought to uncover his past, which brought him into contact with the Black Arms. Ultimately, Shadow thwarted Black Doom and saved the world. From there, Shadow continued his mission to protect humanity by becoming a special agent of G.U.N. (Guardian United Nations).

In Japanese, he is voiced by Kōji Yusa.

In English, he has ben voiced by David Humphrey (from 2001-2004), Jason Griffith (from 2005-2010 as well as in Sonic X and Kirk Thornton (from 2010-present as well as in Sonic Boom).

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Koji Yusa, David Humphrey, Jason Griffith and Kirk Thornton's voice work for him is terrific.
  • He has an awesome theme song and design.
  • He has incredible powers and utilizes them both in combat and in everyday life.
  • He loves and is loyal to Maria although strongly misguided at first due to his trauma over her death is so strong that he keeps his final promise to her to protect and help humanity even in the present day.
  • Bested Sonic during their first encounter with minimal effort.
  • Saved Rouge from the exploding Prison Island.
  • Was convinced by Amy Rose's kindness to rethink his intentions for honoring Maria's memory.
  • He's loyal to Rouge the Bat and E123-Omega, easily his closest friends and partners in arms who he is seldom seen without.
  • He shows respect to both his rivals and enemies, perhaps most notable with Dr. Eggman.
  • In spite of frequently snarking and often challenging him, it's clear that Shadow deeply respects Sonic to the point of saving his life on multiple occasions and it's evident that the feeling is mutual for Sonic himself.
  • Kills Black Doom and getting revenge on him for manipulating him and trying to destroy the world.
  • In spite of his ill history with the organization and the hostility he was given by the GUN Commander, Shadow had no grudge against them following the events of his own game and accepted both the Commander's invitation into joining GUN and his invitation into visiting the Commander's home for dinner to meet the latter's new grandchild.
  • In spite of just getting into a fight with him over the latter's attempt to kill Sonic, Shadow remained patient and sympathetic to Silver the Hedgehog's current predicament and helped him uncover the truth behind his ruined future.
  • Following Mephiles the Dark's attempts at manipulating him with the fear of how humanity would eventually betray and lock him away with Omega as his jailor, Shadow shook away his initial feelings over the situation by citing that if the world becomes his enemy, he'd just fight like he always had before besting Mephiles.
  • Does his part in helping to revive Sonic before fighting off all three forms of Solaris alongside Silver and the resurrected Sonic.
  • Helps the Resistance in their war against Eggman's reign over the entire planet.
  • Tricks Sonic into having him taking the fake yellow emerald after being bested in Sonic x Shadow Generations.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He tried to wipe out all of humanity in a misguided attempt at vengeance for Maria.
  • Framed Sonic for his crimes causing him to get arrested.
  • He kills all of the Jackal Squad before excessively beating their leader to a pulp and taunting him over being "pathetic", ultimately causing the latter to become Infinite.
  • He and Rouge treated their teammates badly in Sonic Free Riders.
  • Joined Black Doom at the start of his game.


  • His Paramount counterpart doesn’t count as a MB because while he does have multiple evil is cool moments, he’s too consumed and broken by his past, however this could change in the upcoming fourth movie if his magnificent traits are given more light.
  • His Sonic Boom counterpart doesn’t count as a MB because he is too unintelligent and a petty bully who almost destroyed the universe out of spite, not to mention he’s portrayed as far more hateable.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Magnificent Baddies

Dr. Ivo Robotnik
SegaSonic the Hedgehog | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Lost World/Sonic Forces

Breezie the Hedgehog | Grounder the Genius | Mammoth Mogul | Merlina | Sage | Shadow the Hedgehog | The End (Japanese Version)
