Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

I am Soundwave. I am Decepticon. The revolution begins now.
~ Soundwave upon becoming a Decepticon.

Soundwave is a recurring antagonist in the 2007 animated TV series, Transformers: Animated, serving as the main antagonist of the Season 1 episode, "Sound and Fury" and of the Season 3 two-part Christmas special, "Human Error". A walking music player and toy Megatron created for Sari in an effort to manipulate her into building his new body, Soundwave becomes the product of a strategy by Megatron that didn't even work as intended and becomes one of the most formidable Decepticons in the series, intending to free all machinery from what he sees as human oppression by force and allies himself with Megatron and becomes a Decepticon.

He is voiced by Jeff Bennett.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Is given a creepily awesome voice performance by Jeff Bennett, who gives very robotic monotone voice that is very reminiscent to Ultron.
  • One of the most formidable Decepticons in the series, despite only appearing in technically 2 episodes and is less durable than a normal Transformer due to being made of Earth metals instead of Cybertronian alloy, having used his intelligence to fight smartly and in turn, become as tough an enemy to defeat as even the already Magnificent Baddie Big Bad, Megatron. The only reason he was defeated in Season 3 was because Prowl used his Processor over Matter skills to free himself from Soundwave's programming, and yet, that itself was a very hard task as overpowering the programming required loads of skills and time also.
  • Unlike the original Soundwave, who was just purely serving Megatron and just nothing else, while this Soundwave is loyal to the Decepticon cause, doesn't just merely take orders but operates in his own agenda, being very competent at that.
  • Actually is pretty well-intentioned in his revolution against humanity, as he believes robots shouldn't be forced to live under the humans and be forced to serve them and then disposed off when they have no use upon becoming self-aware. Due to this, he even refuses to hurt machines unless if he needs to, offering Bulkhead a chance to join him to give himself an alternative to killing him and the rest of the Autobots.
  • Uses his voice modulation to mimic the Autobots' voice and scrambles their com-link to have them end up attacking each other.
  • Using Porter C. Powell's greedy attempt to cash in a new line of Soundwave toys, Soundwave uses them in his new plot to take over the world, having one of them that he knows will be bought by Sari to spike the Autobots' drinks and place them in a virtual reality without taking up an unnecessary fight and be more efficient. In said virtual reality, he fools the Autobots into thinking they have indeed become humans.
  • Soundwave generally reacts to any complications and solves them with ease.
    • When Sari finds the lair, Soundwave quickly reacts to Sari trying to free the Autobots by ejecting Laserbeak to fight her.
    • When Sari does some damage and causes some faltering in the Autobot reprogramming, he reacts by using the countless Soundwave toys manufactured by the greedy Porter C. Powell to brainwash every human in Detroit to destroy her as she is a technorganic and thus is immune to Soundwave's programming.
    • And then to solve the problems inside the virtual reality, Soundwave lure the Autobots into a trap and successfully brainwashes them to his will.
    • When Sari has to the Substitute Autobots attack each Autobot individually and disorients him, Soundwave immediately exploits the flaw in their strategy by having them take down all except Optimus, and thus is ale to fight them much easier now that he is only controlling one being.
  • Even when his body is destroyed, he has Laserbeak grab his "head" to repair himself. With the show's cancellation, Soundwave got away with his crimes.
  • It is satisfying that it is because of him, Porter C. Powell is financially ruined due to how how much of a hateable and greedy businessman he was with barely anything likeable about him.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • Starts a revolution against humanity to either enslave the entire species or cause their extinction.
  • Brainwashing all the Autobots and humans in Detroit to his control.
  • Isn't above killing children, ordering Bulkhead to kill Sari to join his side.


External Links[]


           TransformersLogo Magnificent Baddies

Generation One Continuity
Sunbow Cartoon: Lord Chumley | Nightbird | Mara-Al-Utha | Dirk Manus
Marvel Comics: Shockwave | Ratbat | Doubledealer
Beast Wars: Megatron

Transformers: Animated
Megatron | Shockwave | Soundwave | Swindle

Transformers Film Series
Optimus Prime | Quintessa

Aligned Continuity
Transformers: War For Cybertron games: Soundwave | Onslaught
Transformers: Prime: Megatron | Soundwave | Dreadwing | Shockwave | Predaking

Other Continuities
Starscream | Shockwave | Megatron | Blackarachnia | Slicer
