Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki
NOTE: This will only take the English dub versions into account as the original Japanese and Korean versions were not voted up as Magnificent Baddies, so only information of the English dub versions should be added.

True simple determination! Making the impossible possible through sheer force of will! I have risked everything in pursuit of this power! I have given myself over to it, body and spark! Now witness...the power of one who has sacrificed everything!

~ Starscream as he faces Galvatron for their final abttle

Starscream is the secondary antagonist of the Unicron Trilogy, a trilogy of three anime series from the Transformers franchise, serving as a supporting character in Armada, a supporting antagonist in Energon, and one of the two main antagonists (along with Megatron) of the final installment, Cybertron.

Originally introduced in Armada as Megatron's a loyal right-hand to Megatron, Starscream attempted multiple to times to make his master proud before eventually joining the Autobots temporarily when he felt Megatron ahs no value for him. Eventually rejoining the Decepticons in a secret bid to kill Megatron, after uncovering the very threat of Unicron, Starscream gives up his life to convince the Autobots and Decepticons to join together to combat the threat. Eventually resurrected by Alpha Q, Starscream in his amnesiac state becomes a stealthy assassin for Megatron, in which even after forcibly brainwashed to be his loyal servant, remains Megatron's sole voice of reason whenever it seems his arrogance will catch up to him. After returning from the dead once more in Cybertron and regaining free will, Starscream embraces his own ambition to conquer the universe and becomes as much fo a threat as Megatron himself, seeking to absorb the powers of Primus himself through the Omega Lock. Unlike majority of the other iterations of Starscream who are sadistic and cowardly smug snakes, this iteration stands out for being one of the smartest and bravest Decepticons in the series.

He was voiced by Michael Dobson.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • In Armada, he is an honorable noble demon with a set of standards. His loyal following of his code has made him one of the most courageous Decepticons ever that he end sup earning the respect of the Autobot mole, Scavenger, for his willingness to face death itself. Even when at Megatron's mercy, he goads Megatron into delivering the fatal blow to which he spares him out of respect instead and gives him advice to mold him into a leader that can take over for him.
  • Manipulates the Autobots and Decepticons into a firefight as a distraction to claim a Mini-con for himself in the form of Swindle.
  • When facing Hot Shot and taking advantage of his overconfidence, Starscream uses classic Decepticon trickery to claim the weapon for himself, becoming as powerful a Decepticon as Megatron.
  • Unlike majority of the versions of Starscream, who betray Megatron in their selfish ambitions of evil and/or being a petty egomaniac, in Armada it was for much more sympathetic reasons, in which he had always tried to gain respect from Megatron but always got his anger and be used as a punching bag for his frustrations, that in an attempt to lure Starscream to a suicide mission to claim the Star Saber for himself, Starsream was understandably angered by this, having not only done the suicide mission so well that he survives and learns of Megatron's treachery, but as a result of it, joins the Autobots.
  • Even in his uneasy time as an Autobot, Starscream had proved himself to be a valued member, using his knowledge on the Decepticon base to storm it and free all the Mini-Cons, even convincing one to join the heroes' side, which earns the respect of everyone, and a major appreciation form the human kids allied with the Autobots.
  • Even after rejoining the Decepticons in order to secretly plot Megatron's demise, he is willing to help the Autobots and save the human kids due to his standards and horror at how evil his master is when he announces his plan to destroy Earth with the Hydra Cannon.
  • While he originally rejoined the Decepticons due to Thrust manipulating him for his plans to reawaken Unicron, upon uncovering the true extent of the threat, Starscream organizes an impressive Thanatos gambit, holding up a major final battle with his master, who is the now reborn Galvatron, and finally prove himself as a worthy opponent to him, yet allowing Megatron to mortally stab him just so his final words to humble him into partnering up with Optimus can be more powerful before using the last of his strength to nearly destroy Unicron in an awesome sacrifice. Even though Unicron kills him before Starscream's blast can reach him, Starscream's final gambit worked and through him, the Autobots and Decepticons team up to destroy Unicron, and even end their war together.
  • Even when revived as an amnesiac Ghost, Starscream uses his powers to be a stealthy assassin that nearly takes down Optimus single-handedly.
  • While Starscream gets brainwashed into loyalty to Galvatron, he remains the most magnificent of all of Megatron's drones, having been his sole voice of reason that keeps Megatron's arrogance at check.
  • Organizes multiple prison breakouts to release Decepticons imprisoned in multiple high security facilities for Megatron, and as a result gets them to pledge loyalty to Megatron as a result.
  • After returning from his second death in Cybertron, Starscream becomes the classic treacherous right-hand wanting to betray Megatron for his own ambitions, but unlike other versions, this version still retains his villainous valor and lacks the other iterations' cowardice and is not a smug snake at all, being such a credible threat keeping Megatron, and later his reborn form as Galvatron in check, that Starscream shares the role of the Big bad as well and becomes quite easily one of his most competent iterations to date.
  • Spends a huge chunk of the beginning of Cybertron setting up pawns and amassing intel before being ready to strike, in which when he finally betrays Megatron, he does so by sending Megatron into a wild goose chase and using a booby trapped map to trap him in an impervious bubble, giving him enough freedom to uncover an imprisoned armada of Decepticons and release them so they can follow his command.
  • Even though Starscream loses any honorable qualities, he is still not as much of a cruel sadist as Megatron and Unicron, unwilling to cause unnecessary damage and hold back in his villainy. This is best displayed when he bluntly states he has no interest in attacking humanity, unlike in the sub in which he intended to launch an apocalyptic invasion, and merely uses the army to scour the planet for the Omega Lock and the Cyber planet keys.
  • Even after his armada gets defeated, Starscream still attains a victory, defeating the Autobots near singe-handedly and even when brutally wounded, puts up a major fight with Optimus in his most powerful form before distracting him long enough to escape with the Omega Lock and use it to gain more power.
  • With his newfound powers, Starscream manages to be the most powerful foe in the series, and nearly neutralizes the threat o the Autobots and Decepticons to his plans all in one fell swoop.
  • Upon seeing Primus use his power, Starscream attempts to attack and steal more of his power twice, succeeding in the second time and being a major god-like figure, and boldly faces the very God of the Transformers race twice and held himself incredibly well that he survives, albeit losing in the process.
  • Using stolen information from Jolt's memories and his keen eye, he tracks the Autobots down to Gigantion, the location of the final Cyber planet Key, and uses all of his men, surviving and new, to repeatedly pose as a menace to the Autobots plan.
  • Upon finally being defeated by Galvatron in a huge battle for the Omega Lock, Starscream takes his final defeat in stride, having been all but explicitly stated to now be the ruler of the dimension he's sealed in, and had hoped Galvatron would succeed in his plans to make his defeat worthwhile. When Galvatron lost and abandoned his drive, Starscream plays on his ego to encouraging him to try again out of respect for the ambitious conqueror he used to be.
  • Ultimately is a Karma Houdini that hasn't really faced a proper defeat for his crimes.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • Is frequently helping the Decepticons in their goals of enslaving the Mini-Con race to enforce a reign of tyranny over the universe in Armada, assisting Megatron in more destructive attempts to take over the universe in Energon.
  • Shoots at the Autobot human allies, who all but one were kids, to distract Optimus and claim the Omega Lock for himself.
  • Knowingly dooms the universe by subverting the Autobots attempts to close the blackhole that threatens to consume all of existence to empower himself.
  • Risks blowing up the Earth clashing his powers with that of Megatron's in an attempt to destroy the opposing Decepticons and the Autobots once and for all.
  • Probes Jolt to acquire his memories to track the location of Gigantion.


  • He is the only version of Starscream to be a Magnificent Baddie.

External Links[]


           TransformersLogo Magnificent Baddies

Generation One Continuity
Sunbow Cartoon: Lord Chumley | Nightbird | Mara-Al-Utha | Dirk Manus
Marvel Comics: Shockwave | Ratbat | Doubledealer
Beast Wars: Megatron

Transformers: Animated
Megatron | Shockwave | Soundwave | Swindle

Transformers Film Series
Optimus Prime | Quintessa

Aligned Continuity
Transformers: War For Cybertron games: Soundwave | Onslaught
Transformers: Prime: Megatron | Soundwave | Dreadwing | Shockwave | Predaking

Other Continuities
Starscream | Shockwave | Megatron | Blackarachnia | Slicer
