"Mature Content Warning!" |
“ | Say... That's a nice bike... | „ |
~ T-1000 before taking a motorcycle from a police officer. |
“ | Have you seen John Connor? | „ |
~ The T-100's most famous quote |
The T-1000 is the titular main antagonist of the 1991 sci-fi action film Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
It is a liquid-metal terminator whose main goal is to terminate John Connor in the past. Whereas its predecessor was simple-minded and could be damaged by conventional means from guns to huge explosions, T-1000 is highly intelligent and capable of self-regeneration and shapeshifting. It could take any form as long it was around same size range, making it even harder to detect T-1000.
He was portrayed by Robert Patrick.
What Makes Him Magnificent?[]
In General[]
- Unlike T-800 predecessor, T-1000 developed a personality to disguise itself better, which is quite entertaining to watch. Occasionally, T-1000 does drop now iconic witty one-liners like "Say, that's a nice bike" and "Get out", and the finger wagging scene was... something. Made more memorable by Robert Patrick's excellent performance, that showcases the T-1000's curious and deceptive personality, in addition to his ruthless and determined machine nature.
- Unlike the T-800 before it, the T-1000 smartly chooses a police officer for his default disguise. This disguise of authority made it easier for T-1000 to obtain information about John Connor and to track John without raising too much suspicion.
- The T-1000 has some very impressive skills in trickery and deceit, using its shapeshifting abilities to disguise itself as various people in order to lure people in, often using particularly smart kill and replace tactics.
- To an extent, the T-1000 used it's shapeshifting abilities to create extra arms to drive the helicopter, while multitasking on fighting Sarah Connor.
- T-1000 is tough and defiant, coming close to killing the Terminator, Sarah, and John numerous times (neither of the three are weaklings, by the way), and it's always bad luck and unpredictable circumstances that thwarts his attempts, rather than lack of competence.
Specific Examples[]
- When John escapes the mall with his motorcycle, the T-1000 steals a tow truck to go after John.
- Secretly stole a police car to drive to Janelle and Todd's house to predict John's next moves.
- Inside their house, it kills Janelle, impersonating her identity to lure John into coming back into his house.
- Annoyed with Todd's rude behavior, it stabs him, so it can continue its conversation with John.
- Upon being hanged up by the phone, the T-1000 investigates the house to look for clues that can help him find John.
- It finds clues that have convinced itself to go look for Sarah and to use her as bait to lure John into danger.
- T-1000 realized that it was tricked by the T-800, once it learns the real name of John's dog.
- Approached the Pescadero State Hospital to search and kill Sarah.
- Inside the Pescadero State Hospital, it kills an orderly guard and disguises itself as the orderly guard to have an easier time at infiltrating the hospital.
- Walking through a barred security door to shoot at the T-800, Sarah, and John.
- Getting on top of an elevator to stab Sarah, John, and the T-800.
- Chased them all down inside their police car and shapeshifting itself to create claws to hatch onto the police car.
- When it gets flung off the police car, T-1000 says a cool one-liner before killing a police officer and stealing his bike.
- Approached the Dyson household and found out that Sarah, John, the T-800, and Miles Dyson are raiding Cyberdyne Systems.
- Drove its bike onto a flying helicopter and then hijacking it midair.
- Flying its stolen helicopter, creating extra arms to use an Uzi to fight Sarah head-on.
- With its helicopter destroyed, T-1000 kills a truck driver, so it can steal his liquid nitrogen truck to continue the chase.
- With its abilities hindered from being frozen by the liquid nitrogen and reheated from the molten steel, the T-1000 improvises by torturing Sarah Connor into forcing her to call for John.
What Makes Him a Baddie?[]
- T-1000 kills several people, as it tried to accomplish his main goal to kill John (a teenager), etc.
- It should be noted, however that he is a terminator with limited moral agency, so it's expected that he would be the way he is.
- Both he and Terminator from same movie are the only Magnificent Baddies from Terminator Franchises, which is quite ironic, considering that they are opposite sides in the movie. However, the T-800 from the original 1984 film, the T-X from ''3'', Sarah Connor, and the Rev-9 from ''Dark Fate'' are likely to count as well.
- The T-1000 is the icon of the Spoilers template.
- It's stated in the novelization of Terminator 2 by James Cameron that due to the T-1000 being comprised entirely of nanomachines and lacking a CPU, Skynet could not control the T-1000 like Terminators before it. This added autonomy concerned Skynet with the possibility the T-1000 would go rouge, and as such, Skynet quickly discontinued the manufacturing of T-1000s shortly after their inception.
External Links[]
- T-1000 on the Villains Wiki
- T-1000 on the Terminator Wiki
- T-1000 on the Near Pure Evil Wiki