Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

He was born great. He ruled. He conquered. Before being overthrown. [...] Witness the return of The Chosen One.
~ The trailer for Animator vs. Animation III.

The Chosen One is the deuteragonist of the popular web series Animator vs. Animation, by Alan Becker. He is the former archenemy of the Animator and the best friend-turned-archenemy of the Dark Lord.

He serves as the main protagonist of Season 1 and one of the two main protagonists (alongside the Second Coming) in Seasons 2 and 3.

He is a black stick figure created by the Animator for the sake of a challenge. After managing to escape his enslavement with the assistance of the Dark Lord, the two would spend years rampaging across the Internet before the Chosen One started having second thoughts about their actions, leading to his redemption so he could stop his former friend from destroying everything.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Despite the high amount of destruction he causes, he manages to be entertaining regardless due to his antics and the spectacle he manages to make as he causes havoc.
  • He is shown the ability to quick think and multi-task as seen by how manages to keep up with several programs coming after him and even managing to triumph over them in the end.
  • He's shown to be relatively intelligent as seen by how he climbs into a document and jumps out of another one to surprise the programs trying to kill him from behind. He also shows this by freeing himself from the Animator's oppression by guiding his cursor over to the "Release Pop-Up Blocker" button, and managing to trap the Dark Lord in a game of Mindsweeper, keeping him distracted while he fights off the other programs.
  • Despite how destructive he is, he's still shown to have a heart, as seen by how he allows the Dark Lord to join him in destroying the Animator's computer and going on to develop a genuine friendship with him.
  • While his years-old rampage did most likely kill countless programs, none of this is outright confirmed, and even so, he manages to bounce back from this after seeing how far the Dark Lord was going and deciding to redeem himself. Even then, it's most likely he stopped early on and thus gained a kill count far lower than the one the Dark Lord has.
  • He ultimately redeems himself after seeing how far the Dark Lord was going, trying to defeat his former ally and even willingly working with the Animator to take him down despite their previous history (this is without mentioning that he had saved his computer from a ViraBot previously).
  • While he did destroy the Animator's computer, this doesn't make him too heinous as Alan completely deserved it for what he had done to the Chosen One previously.
  • While he does become a bit cowardly in "Wanted", this is fully justified as the Mercenaries are just too strong for him to defeat, and he still tries to fight back at the end when seeing the Second Coming was defeated by the mercenary leader (although his attempt fails).

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • Upon being created by the Animator, he immediately started causing havoc and started destroying everything, and unlike victim it wasn't in self-defense.
  • He attacked and killed several programs while causing havoc on the Animator's PC, and while most of it was in self-defense, he still received a double digit body count from the exchange.
  • After convincing the Dark Lord to join him, the two would proceed to completely destroy the Animator's computer, killing all the innocent programs in it.
  • For almost a decade, he and the Dark Lord were rampaging across Internet websites, possibly killing countless programs in the process.
    • During his and The Dark Lord rampage at Newgrounds, he killed Victim's wife Mitsi infront Agent, which cause them be traumatized and becoming villains they are.

External Links[]


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Stick Figures
The Chosen One | King Orange

The Animator | Herobrine
