Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

In actuality, I would say the Jedi hunt themselves. Do you know the key to hunting a Jedi, friend? It is patience. Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. For example, in our line of work, rumors run rampant. Here's one I heard just recently. It involves a Jedi hiding right here in your lovely saloon. Let's say ours is a wanderer. Maybe he's looking for people like him. Comes across this establishment. Nice place. And then he sees you. A man in need. Perhaps the locals are stealing from you. Threatening you. So what is the Jedi to do? Help you and risk exposure? Or move on? Now, if he were smart, he'd keep moving, but the Jedi Code is like an itch. He cannot help it. So he steps in and saves your saloon. You offer him a place to hide. Fresh water, shade from the suns, but the stories, they begin and they travel quickly. His compassion has been his undoing.
~ The Grand Inquisitor on hunting Jedi.
You have no idea what you have unleashed here today. There are some things far more frightening than death!
~ The Grand Inquisitor's last words, to Kanan Jarrus before committing suicide.

The Grand Inquisitor is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. He is the leader of the Inquisitorius, a group of Force-sensitive Imperial operatives tasked with hunting down Jedi who survived Order 66. Originally a Jedi Temple Guard, he turned to the dark side and was trained by Darth Vader on Emperor Palpatine's orders.

In Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, he was voiced by Jason Isaacs, who also played Field Marshal Zhukov in The Death of Stalin. In Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was portrayed by Rupert Friend, who also played Agent 47 in Hitman: Agent 47.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He is a master of lightsaber combat who can skillfully use and counter all of its forms. During his first encounter with Kanan Jarrus, he instantly figured out that Kanan was trained by Depa Billaba from his dueling style. In fact when ever he fought Kanan, The Grand Inquisitor never lost.
    • Although he lost to Vader, he managed to put up a fight against the Dark Lord when they first met.
    • He is also a good instructor as while training Barriss Offee he easily dodge all of her attacks and landed several hits on her, all without a lightsaber.
    • He also trained Iskat Akaris, later the Thirteenth Sister, where she manage to completer her missions and became skilled to briefly escape Vader.
    • Unlike most Inquisitors who used their spinning feature on their lightsaber, the Grand Inquisitor uses it sparely to intimidate the right figures.
  • He achieves his ends through planning many effective strategies:
    • He and Darth Vader take advantage of the Third Sister's wrath and manipulate her into being a powerful weapon for the Empire.
    • He came up with a effective strategy to capture Tensu Run. Instead of killing villagers, he trapped them and manage to lure Tensu out.
    • When he realized Obi-Wan Kenobi was on Daiyu, he immediately warns the Fifth Brother and Fourth Sister not to underestimate him, due to being a former Jedi Master of the Council.
    • Using the remains of Luminara Unduli, he has lured many other Jedi to an Imperial prison where he would kill them. He almost led Kanan and Ezra Bridger to their deaths via this trap.
    • He shoots a tracking device onto the Ghost from his TIE fighter to follow the Rebels.
    • He captures Kanan and uses him to bait the other Rebels.
  • His fall to the dark side was understandable since he agreed with the points made in Barriss Offee's confession condemning the Jedi Order and the whole Republic for their corruption, with Mace Windu and Ki-Adi Mundi backing up the former and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine backing up the latter. Also, when he saw Barriss again, he gave her a fair test to prove herself to become an Inquisitor and despite abusing her, was mainly a good master to her and treated her well.
    • It also makes him tragic to an extent as he may have felt disappointed with the realization of what the Jedi Order had become. Plus Jocasta Nu denied him access to the Jedi Order's deeper secrets, which was a pivotal reason he fell to the Dark Side.
  • He manages to survive the Third Sister stabbing him in the stomach, which not even Qui-Gon Jinn could do.
  • He is very calm and collective, unlike most Inquisitors. He also has several standards, both genuinely and pragmatic reasons
    • He was pretty confused and angry when Palpatine gets him and Vader to meet by almost killing each other without explaining who the other is until Vader is about to kill him.
    • He protests against Vader brutal training with the other Inquisitors.
    • He was unnerved by the Thirteenth Sister bringing back the heads of her enemies.
    • He is outraged that Reva had Leia kidnapped, though largely due to concerns about how kidnapping an Imperial Senator's daughter will look if their involvement is exposed.
  • He is friendly with subordinates and never resorts to killing or brutally torturing them for their failures when in command. He has also criticized Vader for mutilating other Inquisitors as punishment.
    • In fact the way he trained Barriss is less harsh than what Vader did.
  • He respects enemies he considers worthy, as he salutes Kanan during their final duel.
  • He calmly accepts his defeat by Kanan with dignity and warns him about the threat of Vader before throwing himself into an exploding reactor, dying on his own terms rather than by Vader's hands.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • As an Inquisitor, he killed numerous Jedi and sought to put down the Rebel Alliance.
  • While capturing Jedi, he often tortures innocent people.
  • He puts Barriss into harsh training until her nose bleeds.
  • He attempts to turn Ezra to the dark side and decides to kill him when he refuses.
  • He tortures Kanan for information about the Rebels alongside Tarkin and Agent Kallus.


  • He and the Second Sister are the only Inquisitors to be Magnificent Baddies.
  • There has been speculation that he became a Force Ghost after his death, where he shows more honor to Kanan Jarrus by promoting him to a Jedi Knight. If this were to be true, then he would be more magnificent.
  • It is possible that he was one of the Temple Guards that stopped Anakin Skywalker from protesting over Ahsoka Tano being expelled and transferred to a death trial. If this were to be true, then he would be more of a baddie.

External Links[]


           StarWars Magnificent Baddies

Bounty Hunters
Asajj Ventress | Black Krrsantan | Boba Fett | Cad Bane | Embo | Fennec Shand

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Asajj Ventress | General Kalani

Galactic Empire
Grand Admiral Thrawn
The Grand Inquisitor | Second Sister

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
Darth Bane | Darth Revan

Chelli Lona Aphra | Hondo Ohnaka | Mother Talzin | Qi'ra | Tobias Beckett | Luthen Rael
