Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

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  1. Optimus Prime from the original Transformers film series. - Ends February 18


Magnificent Baddie Wiki

Ssssssmokin'! It's party time P-A-R-T-why? Because I gotta!
~ The Mask's first and most famous quote.

The Mask serves as the titular character of the 1994 live-action movie adaptation of the comics with the same name, The Mask. He is the alter-ego of Stanley Ipkiss who is basically what he turns into whenever he puts on an ancient powerful mask and is established as a jovial green being who does what he wants.

He was portrayed by Jim Carrey.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • He manages to evade the bullets shot at him by Mrs. Peenman by jumping up and down from the ceiling to the floor like a cartoon before getting out of the building.
  • He outwits a gang trying to attack him by honking one of their member's noses and pulling his underwear over his head and shoving him to the other gang members before escaping to an alleyway.
    • But even then, he only did it if they were jerks towards him, making it a case of well-deserved karma, and even then they are still harmless, showing he still has his good-hearted nature while under the mask's corruptive influence.
  • He then manages to outwit the entire gang by challenging them to chase him before tricking them into letting their guards down by giving one of them a wedge before suddenly posing as a circus balloonsman making balloon animals and giving them to them and then making a tommy gun out of a balloon which he uses to shoot at them to get them to run away.
    • Although while he played a joke on gangsters who were helping Dorian Tryell get the mask from him and were willing accomplices in helping him pulling off crimes including trying to get Tina killed along with everyone else in the Coco Bongo, it's understandable for why he doesn't feel remorse for doing it, and he does spare Dorian's gang by tricking them with Big Bang flag guns.
  • He successfully robs a bank without getting caught before using the money to buy himself a good-looking expensive car and flinging it in the air to get into the Congo Bongo.
  • He got payback on scammer mechanics who wronged him and leaves the scammer mechanics alive despite still in pain, thus showing how good-hearted he really is even under the mask's corruptive influence.
  • He changes the outfits of a few people in the band playing at the Congo Bongo and has them play Hey Pachuco!, putting on a hell of a show himself through the dance moves and stunts he performs with Tina and manages to charm her to the point of getting to kiss her at the end of the dance while also managing to charm the crowd by entertaining them with the dance moves as well as getting some of them to sing along in the song.
  • He evades the bullets shot at him by one of Dorian Tyrell's men through cartoonish moves he uses with his powers while transforming into random people and making comical pop-culture references before making some references to other films while pretending to die after being shot by one of the bullets which causes him to get an Oscar instantly breaking the 4th wall in a comedic fashion before escaping the scene by bouncing up and down in a cartoonish way while evading Dorian Tyrell and his henchman's bullets.
  • He then, while not at first, manages to charm Tina a bit again at the park succeeding with a cigarette drawing in the form of a heart pierced by an arrow after she rejected his advances initially in the scene.
  • It is revealed that he managed to seduce Lieutenant Calloway's wife as shown by the picture he had of her in his pockets.
  • He outwits Lieutenant Calloway and his assistant Doyle by putting the handcuffs they put him in onto their hands before smacking them a bit and escaping them.
  • He escapes the dozens to hundreds of other cops brought to the park scene by putting on a musical performance cover for the song Cuban Pete and manages to manipulate the cops and essentially play them like a fiddle into dancing and singing along with the song before making his getaway.
  • He tricks Dorian Tyrell's men and plays them like a fiddle by pointing fake guns at them which they believed to be real causing them to run away before then revealing to the audience that they're fake by showing that they only unleash flags saying "Bang" rather than actual bullets.
  • He saves Tina and essentially the entire casino that Dorian Tyrell rigged to blow up with explosives by swallowing the explosives whole.
  • When under the mask's influence, he does things he wants to do instead of saving the day first, but even then, he does eventually get back on track to stop them, also showing he is still a good-hearted man even under the mask's corruptive influence.
  • He then outsmarts Dorian Tyrell by flushing down the pond he got in into a drain right underneath it which caused him to be killed by the knife he had in his hands as it flew into the air and landed point-side onto him.
  • He has plenty of laughable and funny moments that make him likable and fun to watch as soon as he is first seen being playful and ready to have fun (ex. the horn visual gag he pulls on a driver and his tricks showcasing the tricks he pulled that are impressive and ingenious).

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • He destroys a driver's car's windows by honking a really loud horn that produces soundwaves so big that they destroyed them for rudely honking at him.
  • He attempts to kill the gang that was chasing them by shooting at them with a balloon Tommy gun after tricking them into letting their guard down by posing as a circus balloonsman.
  • He severely assaults and injures a couple of mechanics who had ripped him off with them winding up having metal pipes sticking out of their asses by the end.
  • He robs a bank in order to get enough money for the Congo Bongo.
  • He commits the crime of resisting police arrest by escaping the handcuffs Lieutenant Kalloway put him in and putting him and Doyle in it before escaping and then outwitting the other cops and escaping afterwards as well.
  • He is shown to have a perverted side, especially the time The Mask seductively flirted with two women by twerking in front of them while dancing mischievously, while he usually just keeps it to himself as the Mask; which is shown with Tina as he treated her well like a polite and well-mannered gentleman while wearing the Mask. Which just shows this is a minor prevention since The Mask doesn't let its potentially corruptive influence change his morals.

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