Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Aeolus from EPIC: The Musical. - Ends February 17

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Magnificent Baddie Approved Seal

"Genie, I make my third wish. I wish to be... an all-powerful Magnificent Baddie!" Which is a wish that comes true in the sequel

Here I am yet again with a diamond in the rough sort of candidate to offer, here in a collab with Batman129, hello! Nice to have you on the show! Can we call you Bat, or maybe just man129? Or how about Atma? Sounds like a karate kick move, like "Atma! I'm coming at you!" Or could also be a whole new acronym for ATLA, except instead of Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's Avatar: The Main Airbender, anyway yeah welcome.

And we are aware Jafar has a page on the ED Wiki, so here is a notice towards voters. We will invalidate votes that:

  • Downvotes solely because they are listed on that wiki.
  • Blindly uses the logic listed on that wiki to downvote the proposal without taking in account for what the proposal says.
  • Mentions the ED Wiki. All discussions related to that wiki go there.

Without further ado....

What's the Work?[]

Aladdin is one of Disney's best well-known movies that takes place in Agrabah and is about how the titular character Aladdin, initially a mere young adult street rat who steals to eat whilst avoiding guards pursuing him on the norm with the help of his pet monkey Abu though wanting in his heart to be something way more, meets a princess named Jasmine disguised as a citizen in the same troubles as him, learning that she is actually a princess once he gets caught by the guards and she orders his release through her status. She would however be tricked by the evil magician that serves as the sultan's vizier Jafar, who himself is secretly plotting to overthrow the sultan and rule Agrabah behind his back, into thinking that he had already given the order for him to be executed. In the dungeon, Aladdin meets an elderly man who's really Jafar in disguise who gives him information about a lamp within a place that is called the Cave of Wonders and its worth and then leads him to it in a way that leads out of prison. Before going in, Aladdin is warned to touch nothing but the lamp by the Cave itself. Inside, Aladdin and Abu meet a sapient flying magic carpet that helps lead them to it. As Aladdin picks up the lamp, however, Abu touches one of the gems, angering the cave and causing it to begin collapsing on them. As they near the exit, Jafar, still disguised as the old man, has Aladdin hand him the lamp before revealing his true intentions and trying to kill him only to be foiled by Abu biting him and taking the lamp from him before the Cave's exit fully closes. Rubbing the lamp, Aladdin winds up summoning the Genie who proves himself to be a comical and endearing character (courtesy of the late Robin Williams, R.I.P. you were amazing especially in this role) as he explains to Aladdin how the wishing protocol works (three wishes, no more, etc.)

Aladdin tricks him into getting them out of the cave without wasting a wish where from there on, he explains his crush on Jasmine and how he wants to be a prince so he could be able to marry her whilst asking the Genie what he would wish for to which the Genie explains that he would want to be free. He further explains that he can only be set free if someone wishes it, to which Aladdin tells him he'll use his third wish for that. Then, he makes his wish for the Genie to make him a prince to which the Genie goes through a comical series of events to do so. Soon, Aladdin arrives to Agrabah in that form with swathes of his own ride, army, servants, etc. and greets the Sultan and Jafar, the latter not being pleased with his arrival and seeking to dispose of him even. Aladdin meets Jasmine as Prince Ali and while at first, she doesn't take him to her liking, after Aladdin says the right words and takes her on a carpet ride across the world to make her feel more free, the two develop a romantic relationship with each other, Jasmine herself nearly discovering him as Aladdin to which Aladdin covers up by saying that he is a prince who likes to disguise himself as a street rat to feel more free himself. Afterwards, however, Jafar has him be ambushed by the guards who take him to the ocean to toss overboard to drown him. The lamp, however, falls with him, leading to the Genie being summoned due to Aladdin rubbing the lamp. Genie has Aladdin make a wish (technically lol) to be saved to which he grants by taking him back to shore. In the meantime, Jafar uses his hypnotic staff to hypnotize the Sultan into trying to arrange a marriage between him and Jasmine before Aladdin comes in to expose Jafar, breaking his staff and revealing to the Sultan that he had been controlling him. As a ticked off Sultan orders Jafar's arrest, Jafar escapes using a magic smoke bomb but not before noticing "Ali" has the lamp, recognizing him as Aladdin.

The Sultan explains his plans to Aladdin to make him the next sultan, causing him to get into a debate with Genie and have a dilemma as to whether he should use his third wish to set him free or not, causing them to have a brief fallout and Genie to return into his lamp. Iago, per Jafar's orders, tricks Aladdin into coming out by imitating Jasmine's voice, allowing him the opportunity to sneak in, take the lamp, and take it to Jafar who summons the Genie and makes him his servant. With Jafar as his new master, Genie reluctantly helps him become the new Sultan per his commands. Once Aladdin arrives, Jafar exposes him to Jasmine and the Sultan via an epic song before casting him away in a tower and enslaving Jasmine and the Sultan. As Aladdin, Abu, and the Carpet escape their situation, Jafar tries to coerce Jasmine into becoming his. When she refuses his advances, Jafar tries to make the Genie make her fall in love with him which is something he is restricted from doing. Though Genie tries to explain this, Jafar merely silences him and tries to make him go through with it. At this moment, Aladdin had made it back and snuck into the palace, now trying to sneakily take the lamp back. Jasmine, noticing this, creates a distraction by pretending to have fallen in love with Jafar. Right before Aladdin could touch the lamp, Jafar notices his reflection in Jasmine's crown and the final battle ensues where Jasmine is in a giant sandglass and Aladdin tries to take the lamp while Jafar battles him in giant snake form. Right before Jafar could finish him off, Aladdin preys on his pride by pointing out how the Genie has more power than he'll ever have, leading to Jafar making his final wish to become the most powerful genie. Once this wish gets granted, however, Aladdin reveals he's outplayed him as he has a lamp he gets sucked into along with Iago whom he takes with him before they are thrown far far away. Aladdin apologizes for everything before using his third wish to set Genie free. As Genie goes to see the world, the Sultan decides to get rid of the law that only allows princes to marry Jasmine as the film ends off with them singing a reprise of their previous song "A Whole New World" and Genie ends off transformed into a moon and saying, "Made ya look" to the audience.

Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar is the inferior sequel of the two. As the title conveys, Jafar makes a comeback that gets built up to. It starts off with Aladdin and Abu stealing things that a bunch of robbers led by the inept Abis Mal have stolen from others with the Magic Carpet helping them in their getaway and helping people in need. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Iago soon gets out of the lamp Jafar is stuck in and, fed up with Jafar's insults, tosses his lamp into a well out of spite. Going back to Agrabah, Iago makes plans to try to get into the palace Aladdin and co are in, initially feigning injury to convince Aladdin and Abu to let him in to no avail. They would, however, run into Abis Mal and his gang who seek revenge on him and involve Iago in their attempt at getting it, ending with Iago unwittingly saving all of them by slinging Abis Mal at the others. Mistaking this as intentional, Aladdin begins to believe that perhaps Iago has changed and as such takes him into the palace initially hidden from view of Jasmine and the others for... some reason. Meanwhile, Abis Mal and his gang go to the well that Jafar's lamp was dropped in and as the gang prepares to betray Abis Mal, he rubs the lamp that he found from the well, unintentionally summoning Jafar in genie form and scaring off the other robbers. Jafar tries to fly away only to be held back by his chains and the boundaries set on him as a genie. Seeing Abis Mal quaking in fear of him, Jafar turns into his human form and explains himself as a genie and that he'd need assistance in his plans from Abis Mal. Abis Mal, at first, tries to use this against Jafar to make him grant his wishes. Initially angered by this, Jafar begins blasting at him before pretending to be willing to grant him his wishes. When Abis makes a wish, however, Jafar twists this to his advantage to take him underwater in a sunken ship, making him waste a second wish to be returned back to where he was to coerce him into complying through the third wish. With Abis Mal initially reluctant to comply, Jafar explains that he seeks revenge on Aladdin to which Abis Mal explains that he wants revenge on him too, making him more eager to help Jafar in this plot as they exit the scene with Jafar laughing and Abis Mal smirking.

Back at the palace, Iago gets discovered thanks to Rajah chasing him out into the open to which Aladdin explains that he had brought him in since he saved his life. For some reason, Jasmine was heartbroken by this, but she reconciles with Aladdin a bit later. Eventually, everyone would begin trusting Iago before Jafar himself sneaks in and forces him into an alliance with him in a plot to get rid of Aladdin and the others once and for all. The plot involves Iago taking Aladdin and the Sultan on a ride on the magic carpet into the woods for fun whilst Jafar reveals himself to Genie and Abu, overpowering them in his villain song, "You're Only Second Rate" which does involve some hilarious ways of trash-talking them before ultimately capturing them and Jasmine too. The Sultan and the carpet too get captured whilst Aladdin winds up unconscious in a river. Returning, Aladdin discovers that he had been framed for the murder of the Sultan and that Jasmine, who is really Jafar in her form, sentenced him to be executed. As Aladdin is taken away to be beheaded and Jafar leaves with Abis Mal in plans to rule Agrabah again, Iago, with a change of heart, frees the Genie who saves Aladdin from being beheaded. The team back together again, they sneak back into the palace to destroy Jafar's lamp and put an end to the threat he serves once and for all. As Jafar tries to convince Abis Mal to use his third wish to set him free, Aladdin and the others try to sneak by to get the lamp only to get noticed by the two, leading to an all out battle with Jafar using his genie powers to do what he can to keep them away from the lamp and try to get them killed in loopholes that would technically avoid breaking the genie rule of not killing by having the Earth be opened to lava with his lamp on top of a piece of the Earth floating on it and Aladdin on another. Iago himself comes in to grab the lamp and take it to Aladdin before Jafar blasts him. Just as it seems all is lost, Iago knocks the lamp into the lava, melting it and causing Jafar to electrically explode while the Earth gets closed up and Aladdin and his friends all make it. Iago turns out to have survived as the film ends with Aladdin turning down the Sultan's offer to become vizier, wanting to see the world and Abis Mal helplessly hanging from a tree, asking if this means he doesn't get his third wish to which it obviously does.

Who is Jafar? What has he done?[]

Jafar is the main villain of both Aladdin and Return of Jafar. In the first movie, he serves as the royal vizier to the sultan of Agrabah while secretly plotting to overthrow him behind his back. He aims to get the lamp that is in the Cave of Wonders and makes an attempt at doing so with the help of Gazeem whom he has steal a piece that is to be connected to another piece that would form a magical golden bug that would take them to the location of the Cave of Wonders. There, the Cave of Wonders emerges and explains that only the diamond in the rough may enter. Jafar has Gazeem proceed, leading to the Cave of Wonders closing and sinking him into the ground with him, killing him. Though initially shocked, Jafar expresses no remorse over his death, merely stating that he was clearly less than worthy and decides to find out who the diamond in the rough is. Back at the palace, Jafar uses a mechanism he has to do this, discovering it to be a street boy named Aladdin himself whom he sends the guards after upon discovering his location and having him be imprisoned in the dungeon. When Jasmine asks for his release due to her having developed what's at first a friendship with him, Jafar lies that he had already given the order for him to be beheaded, much to her heartbreak. After this, Jafar disguises himself as an old man and goes into the dungeon under the guise of an eccentric old prisoner and makes an offer to Aladdin to give him a reward for helping him in a supposed quest to locate a lamp. With Aladdin accepting this offer, "elderly" Jafar shows him a way out of the prison and takes him to the location of the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin this time being permitted inside with instructions to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin's pet monkey, Abu, however, winds up touching one of the jewels, leading to the cave collapsing and Aladdin barely making it to the entrance where "elderly" Jafar has him give him the lamp before revealing his intentions by trying to stab him to death with a dagger to death only for Abu to bit him in the wrist and taking his lamp under his nose, causing Jafar to drop Aladdin into the cave. Taking off his disguise, Jafar celebrates getting the lamp before discovering he doesn't have it, much to his anger.

Back at the palace, Jafar gets scolded for Aladdin's "execution" and though he assures it won't happen again, Jasmine tells him that she would punish him if she were in power, with Jafar contemplating on how he both no longer has the lamp and is potentially soon to lose his head. Iago, however, gives him the idea to marry Jasmine so that he can rule Agrabah and then toss the Sultan and Jasmine off a cliff to their deaths, much to Jafar's amusement as he accepts this idea. Jafar tries to hypnotize the Sultan into arranging that marriage before the hypnosis effect gets stopped by the arrival of a new prince called Prince Ali (really Aladdin made into a prince by the Genie) coming in with his servants, carpet, etc. Ali presents himself as another potential suitor for Jasmine as the Sultan has fun with the magic carpet and Jafar expresses some dislike towards him, seeing him as a threat to his plans. Later on, after Aladdin had a romantic evening with Jasmine, Jafar has the guards ambush him, gag him, and throw him into the ocean to drown though he would be saved by the Genie. Afterwards, Jafar successfully hypnotizes the Sultan and proceeds to make him arrange the marriage despite Jasmine's reluctance before Aladdin comes in to destroy the staff Jafar was controlling the Sultan with and exposes him, leading to the Sultan ordering Jafar's arrest. Jafar, however, would escape using smoke magic but not before seeing Ali having the lamp, causing him to recognize him as Aladdin. With this knowledge, Jafar has Iago go and take the lamp and give it to him. Rubbing the lamp and summoning the Genie, Jafar makes himself his new master and makes his first wish to become sultan, proceeding to overthrow the sultan and take over Agrabah. Jafar demands that the Sultan bow to him and as he refuses, Jafar makes his second wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world. When Aladdin arrives, Jafar proceeds to expose and humiliate him before sending him off in the tower to be blasted away with Abu and the Magic Carpet.

In power as sultan of Agrabah, Jafar enslaves Jasmine and the Sultan, allowing Iago to forcefeed him crackers as Jasmine begs for it to stop. Jafar then proceeds to make advancements on her, trying to convince her to marry him. Jasmine refuses and throws a cup of wine in his face, angering Jafar and leading to him trying to make a wish to the Genie to make Jasmine fall desperately in love with him. Genie tries to explain that he is unable to grant that wish though Jafar silences him and tries to make him grant it. Jasmine, seeing Aladdin having snuck back into the palace and trying to get the lamp, pretends to have fallen in love with Jafar and begins flirting with him to distract him, making Jafar think the wish has been granted to his satisfaction. Right when Aladdin nears the lamp, Jafar sees his reflection in Jasmine's crown and blasts Aladdin away, engaging in the final battle and stopping those trying to get the lamp, turning Abu into a monkey toy, the magic carpet into a pile of thread, Rajah into a cub, and entrapping Jasmine in a sand glass to suffocate to death in the sand all while making fun bad puns about it. Jafar proceeds to transform into a giant snake and battles Aladdin, eventually capturing him in his coils and preparing to kill him whilst bragging about being the most powerful being on Earth, leading to Aladdin pointing out how the Genie has much more power than he'll ever have as he gave him his power and can take it away. Realizing that Aladdin is right, Jafar makes his third wish to become the most powerful genie, though once this wish is granted, Aladdin points out how since he's a genie, he's bound to the rules which involve him being trapped in a lamp as Jafar gets sucked in, taking Iago with him. Inside the lamp, Jafar argues with Iago over their predicament as Genie flings their lamp far far into the distance.

Returning in the sequel, Iago escapes from the lamp stranded in the dessert. Jafar demands that Iago free him, but the parrot refuses and states that he doesn't need Jafar for bis wuest of power. Iago leaves the scene with Jafar still trapped.

When Abis Mal cocomes cross Jafar's lamp in the deseer, he rubs it, resulting in Jafar exiting the lamp, he tries to go after Aladdin to get his revenge, but is bound by the lamp meaning h4 can't leave. He tries to order Abis Mal to take him to Agrabah, and shape shifts into his human form to prevent Abis Mal from tweaking out. Abis tries to demean wishes, resulting in Jafar getting mad and attacking him but cooling down and plays on his greed and convinces him to wish for a sunken ship full of treasure, unfortunately for Abis, a giant fish tries to eat him, so Jafar makes him wish to escape from danger. Jafar and Abis return to the desert, where he tells Abis that if he takes him to the palace and help him take his revenge on Aladdin. Abis accepts and also states his desire for revenge, but Jafar tells him not to be too hasty, stating that there are some things worst then death.

Abis takes Jafar over the walls of the palace and rubs the lamp to summon him. Jafar notices Iago warming up to Jafar and Jasmine, and states that his tendency t o endear himself towards those in power will fit perfectly towards his plan. Confronting Iago, the parrot tries to frantically explain his actions before Jafar tells him to calm down, and shuts down Abis Mal's attempt to wish for treasure. Jafar tells Iago to lure Aladdin towards him, then vanishes. Iago tells Jasmine and Aladdin that he will talk to the Sultun alone, prompting praise from Jafar.

Before moving targeting Aladdin and the Sultan, Jafar decides to get Genie out of the way before he can interfere with his plans. Disguising himself as spiders, he swarms Genie and Abu's picnic. Jafar uses fire to burn Genie, but Genie retorts by repeatedly attacking Jafar. Jafar pretends to be dead, then increases his size and engages in a fun musical number how Genie is second rate, then traps Genie a crystal ball and cages Abu. Jafar then leaves the dungon with Abis Mal because they have "other lives to ruin".

Jafar turns into an army of bandits riding horses, and kidnaps the Sultan. Riding over the waterfall, Aladdin chases after them and manages to briefly get the sultan back, but Jafar summons a whirlpool to kidnap the Sultan and Aladdin's carpet right back. Abis Mal kicks Aladdin onto some rocks below, but Jafar floats him to safety. Abis Mal gets angry, but Jafar states that it's not time to kill Aladdin yet and calms Abis Mal down by promising him to gift treasure, then praises Iago for his help in having the sultan kidnapped. Upon having the sultan chained up to wall and summoning a chain to hold Carpet in place, Jafar takes the sultans hat and slashes it. Abis Mal whines about the damaged hat, but Jafar states this is to seal his doom.

Jafar kidnaps Jasmine and chains her up in the dungeon, then disguises himself as her. Jafar uses the hat to claim that Aladdin murdered and has Razoul capture him under the false pretense of having murdered the sultan. Upon having Aladinn captured, Jafar - still disguised as Jasmine - visits aladdin in the main dungon and states that he found the sultan's hat in his room, accuses him of wanting to take over Agrabah, and states he will be executed at Dawn. Jafar heads back to the secret dungon, taunting Jasmine about sending Aladinn to death while disgused as her. Jasmine retorts that Jafar will pay for his crimes, to which Jafar compliments her spirit. Jasmine tries to bite his hand, but Jafar dodges and states that Jasmine will be more disposed towards me after a few days in chains under the implied threat of hurting her father. Jafar notices Iago and praises him for allying himself with the heroes only to betray them for him, calling him predicable and a "villain through and through". Dawn has arrived, and Jafar disguises himself as Jasmine once more for the execution. Jafar taunts Jasmine by saying he will tell him goodbye for her. The sultan threatens Jafar, to which Jafar sarcastically states he is worried then leaves for the site of the execution. As Jafar meets Aladinn, he tells him goodbye, then reveals his true face and calls him a street rat. Jafar leaves to let Aladinn be killed. Luckily, Iago frees Genie who is able to save Aladinn.

Back at the palace, Jafar - now satisfied in his revenge towards Aladinn - demands that Abis Mal release him. Abis Mal refuses since he wants treasure. Jafar grants him the ship full of treasure for free, but Abis Mal uses it to exploit Jafar into giving him free treasure. Jafar gets frustrated and requests Abis Mal to free him. Abis Mal shows skepticism since he is worried the treasure would disappear if he frees Jafar, but Jafar angrily demeans he release him under the threat of getting hurt. Jafar notices Abu and Aladinn trying to steal the lamp, so he blasts them outside the palace, damaging it as a result. Jasmine tries to retrive the lamp, but Jafar - in his giant genie form - fires a missed blast at her in a bid to stop her. Aladinn taunts Jafar but saying he can't handle them, so Jafar picks him up to kill him. Aladinn is revealed to be Genie in disguise. Aladinn uses carpet to get to the lamp, but Jafar fires a fire attack at him, shattering the carpet. Jafar then raises the ground Aladinn is on, then splits the ground throughout the area, forming lava underneath. Aladinn is stranded on a floating rock as a result, and Jafar taunts Aladinn to give up while firing laser eyes at his rock. Jafar states that no one can save Aladinn, but Iago flies in, grabs the lamp, and nearly gives to to Aladinn. Jafar fires a blast that separates them and crashes Iago into a wall as a result. Iago is heavily injured by this crash, and Jafar taunts Iago that "good help is hard to find these days!". Luckily, Iago still has enough strength in him to push to lamp into the lava, killing Jafar and restoring the ground.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

For the first film, Jafar does meet most of the marks. He's a delightfully evil magician who always manages to serve as a blast with how cartoonishly wicked he is be it his awesome evil laugh or his villainous mannerisms in general all provided by courtesy of Jonathan Freeman's maniacal performance. Other factors to add to his charm involve how suave he can be, particularly when manipulating those who he plans to backstab eventually and passing himself off as a trustworthy individual through that when he's really anything but, his evil is cool powers that come with being an awesome magician like his magical staff in its hypnosis powers, the extra abilities he gets in the climax that he utilizes for the final battle like trapping his opponents in sandglass or turning them into other objects (turning Abu into a cymbal-banging monkey toy, turning the Magic Carpet into a pile of thread) or merely summoning objects or other things like swords or fire all the whilst making awesome bad puns over them ("Ah-ah-ah, princess, your time is up!", "Don't toy with me!", "Things are unraveling fast now, boy! Get the point?", "I'm just getting warmed up!") before transforming himself into a giant snake in response to Aladdin calling him a cowardly snake whilst making a bad pun over that ("A snake, am I? Perhaps, you'd like to see how snake-like I can be?") which contributes to make this one hell of a final battle where he strikes at Aladdin and tries to get him in his coils as Aladdin tries to stab him (and succeed several times). Jafar also provides an air of menace in how intimidating he can be through his menacingly deep voice when getting the upper hand or the aforementioned stuff in the final battle, notably turning into a giant snake which also includes his voice changing to a more demonically menacing snake-like as he put it nicely himself tone.

In regards to feats of intelligence, well, after having a thief working for him bring him half a piece of a golden beetle (Jafar having the other half), he pieces it together to create to bring the golden beetle to life and fly to the location of the Cave of Wonders to find it, manipulates the Sultan and Jasmine into thinking he's a trustworthy grand vizier while scheming behind their backs to overthrow them which is a guise he wears well for a good while, discovers Aladdin is the diamond in the rough through a mechanism he had, manipulates Aladdin while well-disguised as an old man into going into the Cave of Wonders to retrieve the lamp for him and gets it as Aladdin is at the entrance of the Cave of Wonders as it collapses and nearly kills him if not for Abu biting him and foiling the attempt and taking the lamp back, sets up an ambush for Aladdin while he's under the guise as Prince Ali Ababwa to be captured by the guards, bound and gagged, and thrown into the ocean to drown to death which allows him to nearly succeed in hypnotizing the Sultan to arrange a marriage between him and Jasmine (granted, an idea concocted by Iago but still one Jafar takes steps to achieve), discovers Prince Ali is really Aladdin upon seeing him have the lamp, has Iago retrieve the lamp to which he uses to rise to power by wishing to become Sultan and overthrow the previous one, sees Aladdin in the mere reflection of Jasmine's crown and blasts him away to keep him from the lamp and throughout the final battle, keeps his opponents on their toes whilst keeping them away from the lamp like trapping Jasmine in a sandglass, turning Abu into a cymbal-banging monkey toy, unraveling the Magic Carpet into a pile of thread, causing a bunch of swords to appear in front of Aladdin and summoning fire to keep him away from the lamp, turning himself into a giant snake and even getting Aladdin in his coils while preparing to finish him off. Yeah, these marks I'd say he meets alright.

Now, if we were talking the first movie alone, Jafar would be a near-miss that ultimately doesn't make it in the end. He's got the charm, he's got the feats, but the problem lies in him being too much of a Smug Snake, the issue namely being what with him boasting about getting the upper hand over Aladdin before being tricked by him playing on his pride into making a wish to be the most powerful genie... which leads to him getting himself trapped in a lamp, exclaiming upon realizing he's been had and shouting "NO!" as he gets dragged into the lamp and taking Iago with him, and ending off with him getting into a heated argument with Iago that involves him yelling "Shut up!" That too, some people did take issue with his lustful tendencies towards Jasmine in the first film (particularly with him being far older than her) that I honestly could very much see being an issue myself. Granted, an argument could be made that him trying to make her his is simply part of his plan to become sultan, but the thing is that even after Jafar overthrows the sultan and becomes ruler of Agrabah with reluctant and forced help of the Genie, he still persists with this even trying to make Genie grant a wish to make her fall desperately in love with him.

Come Return of Jafar and we'd say these issues vanish.

Jafar bounces back from his defeat and is no longer the smug snake he was in the first film and was grown into the MB mold. Nowhere in the sequel does he let his ego get the better of him and let himself get outplayed. He does lose his temper a few times when Abis Mal tries to extort him for wealth, but these moments are very brief and he immediately recomposes himself. Plus their quarrels usually end with Jafar showing Abis Mal who is boss. Jafar's defeat is also far less undignified then it was in the first film, but I could still see some concern for three reasons which I can explain:

  1. Genie does bait Jafar into trying to kill while him while disguised as Aladinn, distracting him from the real deal trying to steal the lamp. But In all fairness, Genie's disguise was completely identical to the real Aladinn and Jafar had no way to tell. In addition, Jafar was already going to kill Aladinn in the first place plus he does bounce back by stopping Aladinn from getting the lamp.
  2. He does take a moment to taunt Iago, resulting in Iago playing dead and pushing the lamp into the lava. But I can let this slide since Iago was completely injured, so it's complete understandable that Jafar thought Iago was too weak to do anything in that moment. Plus it's not like Jafar gave a huge monologue about how Iago failed, he just gives a very brief taunt and when Jafar notices Iago pushing the lamp into the lava, he couldn't really do anything to stomp him.
  3. He does have a villainous breakdown when he is dying where he screams, but I can excuse that since he is dying and is in clear pain, and he does come close to winning too.

For what Jafar does in terms of intelligence in the sequel, he gets Abis Mal to take him to Abragah by pulling an exact words gambit of giving him the lost ship of Kordumiar by literally taking him to the ocean where it is sunken at when he wishes for it, then makes him wish to return back to safety, successfully wasting his two wishes and making him save his third wish to free him from the lamp, uses Iago's predicable nature to get the sultan in a position where he could kidnap him, intercepts Genie and traps him knowing he will be a threat, successfully ambushes and kidnaps the sultan, summons a whirlpool to gain back the sultan when Aladinn recuses him, slashes the Sultan's hat with a dagger and disguises himself as Jasmine and frames Aladinn for his supposed death, fires a blast at Jasmine and Aladinn to stop them from reaching the lamp, splits the ground to further separate Aladinn from the lamp, fires at Iago when he tries to give the lamp to Aladinn, causing him to crash in a wall instead, and nearly succeeds in his goal.

He does also admittedly make a brief misogynistic remark towards Jasmine, commenting on how her utter speechlessness is a fine quality for a woman, but given that this was played for laughs, we'd let it slide.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

As a deliciously evil diabolical sorcerer, Jafar pretty easily meets the baddie marks. He's a power hungry magician who is plotting behind the back of the sultan he is working for, is apathetic over causing the death of a guy by having him try to enter a cave (granted this was unintentional but still), lies to Princess Jasmine about Aladdin being beheaded, tricks Aladdin into getting the lamp for him before trying to kill him once it is in his hands, tries to kill Aladdin while he's posing as Prince Ali Ababwa to get rid of him as a suitor for Princess Jasmine, hypnotizes the Sultan into trying to marry off Jasmine to him despite her reluctance, overthrows the Sultan, exposes Aladdin before cruelly sending him away in a tower, enslaves Jasmine and her father, the latter of whom he allows Iago to forcefeed crackers to in retribution for him having forcefed him crackers, tries to make Jasmine love him, tries to kill Aladdin when seeing him back in the palace trying to take back the lamp and tries to kill Jasmine too via giant sandglass, in the sequel kidnaps Genie, Abu, the Sultan, and Jasmine and frames Aladdin for the Sultan's "murder" to try to get him executed, tries to kill Aladdin and his friends for trying to stop him again, you get the gist.

Too much of one though? Nah. Jafar pretty much hits the textbook definition of a "generic kill the hero" baddie that would fall under bog-standard villainy. His crimes amount to taking over Agrabah and doing nothing with that power, trying to kill Aladdin (and eventually Jasmine for getting in the way) and those assisting him for trying to foil his plans and serving as a threat to him. Granted, he does technically get Gazeem killed via having him try to enter the Cave of Wonders which reveals he's not the diamond in the rough that is permitted to enter and gets him killed, but not only is this just one murder but while he is ultimately apathetic to his demise, this wasn't something Jafar meant to happen in the first place, so one way or another, nothing there worth losing sleep over either. And yeah, Gazeem does offhandedly mention having to slit a few throats to get the lamp, but one, this is pure offscreen villainy, two, the fact that it is a few suggests quite a low kill count and three, it's made clear that it was done to get the lamp and for all we know, they could've been people trying to stop him, so nothing too bad there either by MB standards.

And even then, Jafar still acts as such a large ham with how deliciously cartoonishly evil he is while performing these deeds be it his deliciously evil laugh or making bad puns while trying to take out foes trying to stop you that enough emphasis is put on how awesome he is to showcase how entertaining he is even while being bad, being magnificent while being bastardly in that sense. You could say that he's so entertaining while being bad that you can't help but love the way his foul little mind works as Jafar put nicely himself lol.

Another issue we should address is the scene where he tries to have Genie brainwash Jasmine into loving him - which was the main concerning point. But ultimately, we don't think this prevents him - at least in our opinion. This is still a G-rated kid's film, and cartoon standards downplay the bit a lot. It's treated as a generic villain want the heroine to fall in love with him situation - not uncommon for Disney movies. The scene isn't treating Jafar as a rapist for this action, and he ends up dropping this in the sequel where he doesn't show any interest in her whatsoever, which is notable because the sequel is why he counts in the first place. In the end, while this is a concerning moment, we feel the G-Rated standards downplay this a lot, and he never shows a desire for Jasmine again with the worst he does in the sequel is just one line of liking her spirit and stating that she will be disposed to him in a few days under the threat of her father, but it's still a really brief line without too much focus and isn't treated with any disturbing undertones.

BTW there are misconceptions that Jasmine was 15 at this time, but the line stating that was only in a early concept of the film, and one of the producers specifically removed that because he wasn't comfortable with the idea of a minor marrying. So canonically there is no proof Jasmine was a minor at the time when Jafar lusted for her.


We'd both say he's yet another keeper ourselves.