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Got another character from a short but good indie game, so let’s get straight to it!

Bok-su murder

What’s the Work?[]

Married in Red is a short indie visual novel and point and click game made by RachelDrawsThis under Studio Investigraves, released in 2024. The story follows Bok-su Go, a women visiting the wedding of her former best friend from university, Dajeong Choi and her fiancé, Myeong-hoon. The game quickly turns into a thriller as Bok-su Go enacts a revenge plan against her former friend.

Who is Bok-su Go? What Has She Done?[]

Bok-su go was a former student studying at university to become a doctor. She had no friends and focused soley on her grades until she met Dajeong, who would become her ‘one and only friend’. One night, when the two were assisting a short staffed hospital, Dajeong made a careless mistake while operating, fatally injuring the patient. As Bok-su tried to stop the bleeding, the staff came in and Dajeong told them it was Bok-su who made the mistake, ending her future career and forcing her to drop out early while Dajeong went on to achieve her dream of being a doctor.

In the present, Daejong’s fiancé, Myeong-hoon, invites Bok-su without telling Dajeong as a surprise. Bok-su explores the wedding a bit, petting a dog and having a conversation with Daejong filled with tension. She then picks up the wedding cake knife and asks Myeong-hoon to speak with her privately. Ducking into a private area, she lowers Myeong-hoon’s guard before suddenly stabbing him in the neck, recounting her backstory to him as he bleeds to death. After he dies, she locks the door and changes out of her now blood stained jacket. She stuffs the body into a closet and cleans the blood stains.

Bok-su then climbs out of the window into the backyard garden. She uses the knife to cut the dog’s leash, causing the dog to run over and eat the wedding cake, causing chaos. With the crowd distracted, Bok-su slips into the lounge and uses the fireplace to burn her bloodied clothes. She then heads into the kitchen directly next to it as the groomsmen enter. The thin walls allow her to eavesdrop on them, catching a supposed rumour about Myeong-hoon cheating on Daejong with a girl at a New Year’s Party. After hearing this, Bok-su speaks to Myeong-hoon’s family, telling them that Daejong is extremely passionate and dedicated to Myeong-hoon’s love. She then heads to talk to Daejong’s friends, also former classmates from university. She tells them rumour she heard from the groomsmen.

After talking to the groups, Daejong pulls Bok-su aside and demands to speak to her privately. Bok-su agrees and they head to the bedroom. Daejong confronts her and Bok-su calls her out for her lack of remorse, even questioning how many patients have since died under her care because of her clumsiness. Daejong asks her to leave, but Bok-su simply asks her to put her hand in her pocket. Daejong pulls out the bloodied wedding knife and Bok-su tells her that she will be framed for murdering Myeong-hoon using being cheated on as a motive. Enraged, Daejong rushes at Bok-su with a knife, who dodges and opens the closet, causing Myeong-hoon’s corpse to tumble out. After hearing screams in, Myeong-hoon’s family rushes in and sees Daejong holding a knife and holding Myeong-hoon’s body, with Bok-su blaming her. Daejong’s flees the scene, wailing.

As the police arrive, Daejong stares in despair as Bok-su smiles at her before asking ‘Do you atone now?’. Her smile then dips before the credits roll. I should note there technically three other endings, two where Bok-su makes dumb mistakes and gets herself arrested and one where she fails to dodge and gets stabbed by Daejong. However, the credits don’t roll on these ones and they’re treated more like game over screens than anything else so it’s clear there’s only one canonical ending.

Is She Magnificent?[]

For a short under an hour long game? Absolutely. She lures Myeong-hoon to a private room to kill him, uses a dog to create a distraction long enough for her to dispose of her clothes and then manipulates the wedding goers to establish a motive. All to serve her masterplan of blaming Daejong for the murder as poetic revenge for blaming the death of that patient on her many years ago.

She’s also very entertaining with her dry humour and quick witted remarks while also remaining composed at all times. She does give a demented slasher smile to Daejong at the end, but it’s very justified considering she just successfully hatched a plan of revenge on the person who ruined her life. Her smile slightly dipping afterwards might also imply regret for what she’s done, but it’s pretty ambiguous and doesn’t much to damper her magnificence.

Is She a Baddie? Is She Too Much of One?[]

Yup. She killed Myeong-hoon, an innocent man who’s done absolutely nothing wrong and shown her nothing but kindness and then framed his fiancé and her former friend for the crime. Two things to note. One, the rumours about Myeong-hoon cheating on Daejong aren’t true, and even if they were, Bok-su killed him before she knew. Two, yes Daejong is kind of an Asshole Victim but nothing she did to Bok-su was intentionally malicious and the narrative itself plays what Bok-su is doing as incredibly cruel. That said, one death is pretty tame and Bok-su has to kill him as part of her revenge plan. And, considering Daejong ruined her life, expresses zero remorse over it and is still potentially endangering patients to this day with her amateur skills, it’s far from petty and is treated with a large amount of sympathy.

Final Verdict.[]

An easy yes methinks.