Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

You five and Mirror Master are here because you each have a personal vendetta against a member of the Justice League. You wish to see them dead. While I have no personal enmity towards them, I have a vision for this world and they would stand in my way. Their deaths would serve my goals.
~ Vandal Savage forming the Legion of Doom to take down the Justice League.
Welcome to the dawn of a new world.
~ Savage to the Justice League.

Vandal Savage is the main antagonist of Justice League: Doom.

He is a millennia old immortal who seeks to rule the world, stealing Batman’s contingencies against the Justice League and recruiting a team of super villains to take them down.

He was voiced by Phil Morris.

What Makes Him Magnificent?[]

  • Despite being Pure Evil, his actions are all pragmatic and for the purpose of achieving his goal to rule the world with his charm and intelligence overshadowing his baddie actions and lack of redeeming features that only make him PE by technicality. It also helps that in comparison to other PEs in this continuity, the nihilistic omnicidal maniac, Owlman, and the sex slaver, Superwoman, Savage comes off as far less despicable than all of them. It generally helps he also lacks any of the original comics version's absolutely disgusting and viciously sadistic crimes as well.
  • While it is all fake, he is impeccably polite and quite sophisticated in clothing and tone. He even admits to the Legion that he doesn’t have a personal vendetta towards the Justice League, but their deaths would serve his goals as he knew they would stand in his way.
  • After gaining immortality and intelligence thousands of years ago, he plotted to conquer the Earth and eventually took advantage of a disaster to rally the survivors and rule the world for generations.
  • He figured out Batman’s secret identity.
  • He instigated the Royal Flush Gang’s robbing spree by secretly giving them interdimensional tech to draw out the Justice League so his associate Mirror Master could infiltrate the Batmobile so that when Batman went back to the Batcave, they could steal Batman’s contingencies against the Justice League.
  • He rallied a group of random supervillains to form the Legion of Doom to take down the Justice League, using Batman’s contingencies that he modified to be lethal.
  • His plan nearly succeeded in taking down the whole Justice League had it not been for Batman’s sheer resiliency and the JLA’s consultant Cyborg who happened to be at the right place at the right time.
  • He used his charisma to convince the Legion of Doom to support his goal of conquering the world after revealing to them his backstory and that he completely played them as their $100 million reward would be rendered meaningless once he achieved his goal.
  • His plan for destroying half the world’s population and ruling the rest was pretty original. He obtained a missile, not powerful enough to do the job alone, but instead he would send it into the sun, leaving a magnetic trail behind, in order to trigger a solar flare that would follow the magnetic trail back to Earth and destroy the sun-facing side. This would also eliminate all modern day technology, collapsing world governments so that he could swoop in as a seeming savior.
  • After the Justice League revealed themselves to be alive, he remained undeterred and had the Legion of Doom distract them so he could successfully launch the missile.
  • When Superman tried to stop the missile, it is revealed that he had planned for this as the missile then split apart into smaller projectiles that Superman wasn’t able to stop and the solar flare was triggered.
  • He was only defeated in the end by the last-second improvising of Batman and Cyborg modifying one of his own plans of shielding his base to shield the whole world, which none were confident would actually worked, and miraculously happened to.

What Makes Him a Baddie?[]

  • He enslaved humanity thousands of years ago and ruled the world with an iron fist for generations.
  • He is responsible for the Royal Flush Gang robbing spree and the one casualty shown from it and possibly many more.
  • He stole Batman’s contingencies against the Justice League and nearly destroyed the Justice League, using mostly tortuous and psychologically abusive techniques.
  • He nearly destroyed half of the world’s population and conquered the rest.


  • He is one of two versions of Vandal Savage to qualify as MB, alongside his DCAU version.

External Links[]
