Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

You demand nothing of me Mr. D'Antonio, this kingdom is mine and mine alone.
~ Winston shutting down Santino D'Antonio's attempt to have John Wick's Continental membership revoked.

Winston Scott is the deuteragonist of the John Wick film series. He is the manager of the New York Continental Hotel who is a close friend and ally to John Wick. Due to this, he often helps him out on his quests on revenge.

He is portrayed by Ian McShane.

What makes him Magnificent?[]

  • Ian McShane provides a memorable and charming performance.
  • He is genuinely affable, especially towards John Wick and is even cordial towards a High Table Adjudicator who wants to punish him. He is so affable to the point where it is easy to forget he is a crime boss.
  • Has been running the New York Continental Hotel well for 40 years and has been providing a successful resting ground for assassins
  • Constantly helps John out such as when he told John where Viggo and Iosef Tarasov where located.
  • Lures the smug Ms. Perkins towards Central Park where he has her executed for committing business on Continental grounds.
  • While he tells John that he has to follow trough with Santino D'antonio's marker or else he will get punished by the High Table, he reassures him that he is free to him when the marker has been fulfilled.
  • Has an awesome speech towards Santino where he essentially calls him an idiot for blowing up John Wick’s house days after his wife died and that John will come after him.
  • When John kills Santino which causes him to get declared excommunicado, Winston gives him an hour of time before Continental services are closed to him since he genuinely care about him and doesn't want him to die.
  • Believes John when he says that he would kill every assassin who gets sent his way showing that he believes in his friend's ability to defend himself. The worst case is that the odds are “50/50” showing he still would believe John will put up a strong fight if he loses.
  • Convinces John not to kill him by pointing out how doing so would cause him to be remembered as the Baba Yaga instead of a man who loved his wife.
  • When the Adjudicator tries to send High Table henchmen after the Continental, he has the lights turned off to make it harder for them.
  • When he has a meeting with the Adjudicator, he shot John Wick off the roof of the Continental which saves face with the High Table. It's also implied he never actually intended for John to die.
  • Mourned his right-hand and friend, Charon, when he died by labeling his tombstone as friend.
  • Gets John to challenge a duel with the Marquis de Gramont in order to be free from the High Table for good
  • Takes the Bowery King to Paris who gifts John a new gun and suit.
  • Mourned John's death by respecting what he wanted to be put on his tombstone and saying "farewell, my son".
  • Ultimately succeeds in his goal of getting the High Table off his back for good as he ends the fourth movie walking off into the city with his position of New York Continental manager reinstated and is no longer in danger from the High Table.

What makes him a Baddie?[]

  • Is a major crime boss in the New York criminal underworld being the manager of the New York Continental Hotel which is a resting ground for assassins.
  • Coldy has Ms. Perkins executed in cold blood for killing Harry on Continental grounds.
  • Shot John Wick off a roof in order to save face with the High Table. While it is implied that Winston was trying to fake John's death, he still severely injured him in the process.

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