Magnificent Baddie Wiki

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Magnificent Baddie Wiki

ZX-07, also known as Arm Primeval is the secondary antagonist of the second season of the anime GaoGaiGar Final.He is the leader of the Seven Magnificent Primevals, and is one of the most powerful members of the Machine Primevals. He can be easily recognized with his giant right arm. He is also shown to have a rivalry with Soldato J due to their unfinished duel on Red Planet.

He was voiced by Chafurin.

What Makes Him Magnficient?[]

  • He is able to escape from being purified by GGG or Kaidou for three times.
    • On one occasion, he used his gravity manipulating ability to blow sand upwards to use them as a cover.
    • He escape from being purified bout of pragmatic reason to the Priemvals' goal of mechanizing the universe rather than cowardness.
  • He brings Eye Primeval with him when attacking the GGG Orbit Base and used her ability to see through the future to help him at fighting Guy Shishioh and Soldato J.
  • Is capable of using backup plans as when the raid of GGG Orbit Base failed they changed their plan to convert its engine to Zonder Metal Plant.
  • When this failed as well and Liver Primeval falls, Arm Primeval, together with other Primevals fused to become the Fused Primeval, which has been proven to be a tough enemy for GGG and Soldato J.
  • Fires Pyramids to the GaoGaiGar and King J-Der when they are going to fight each other and lures them to destroy the pyramids, which released sand that incapacitates them.
  • Created Zonder Robo EI-74 to disrupt the sensors to cover the Primevals’ escape to Jupiter, managing to success before the GGG found it out.

What Makes Him A Baddie?[]

  • He tries to mechanize the universe.
  • He catches innocent people to trap them in Zonder Metal Plant so if he finished building the Zonder Metal Plant he could turns them into Zonder.
  • Played a hand in the destruction of Red Planet.
  • Fires Zonder Spores to Earth, which would have mechanize it if Z-Master isn't destroyed.

External Links[]
